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Friday, July 5, 2013

Kuih Talam Ubi (Tri-colours tapioca steamed cake) 三色木薯糕

Today also about tri-colours, but this time is kuih-muih (local cakes). We like this very pure Kuih Talam Ubi, all using natural ingredients, green layer is made with pandan leaves (screwpines leaves), orange layer is made with sweet potatoes and whereas the pale yellow layer is made with tapioca. I feel this is also a perfect kuih to serve during Puasa month ( In few days time, our Muslims friends will be having Puasa).

tt16 copy

tt14 copy

I bought this tapioca at very good price, RM 1.50 for a long tapioca.

A bit tedious as you have to steam it for 3 times, but it is worth for the work spent, very natural and fragrance talam...

tt17 copy

Kuih Talam Ubi (Tapioca talam)
(Recipe source: inspired by a recipe published in Flavours Food magazine, with my own twist)
*makes a 8” round steam tray

Tapioca layer
400g tapioca ,grated (processed in a food processor till fine, squeeze off excess liquid from the grated tapioca and become 300g)
tt16 copy 200g coconut milk
50g sugar
2tbsp plain flour
1/2tsp salt

 Sweet Potato layer
135g sweet potato, steamed till soften
1tbsp rice flour
75g tapioca flour
75g sugar
70g coconut milk
100g water

Pandan layer
3tbsp plain flour
2tbsp corn flour
1tbsp tapioca flour
2 eggs (large)
125g sugar
125g pandan juices (from blending 10 pandan leaves)
180g coconut milk


  1. To prepare tapioca layer. Combined grated tapioca, flour, coconut milk, sugar and salt.
  2. Spread tapioca paste evenly on a greased round tray, steam over high heat for 10mins.
  3. To prepare sweet potato layer .While steaming tapioca layer, mash the sweet potato and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Set aside.
  4. Once tapioca is done, slowly pour in sweet potato batter and steam for 15mins.
  5. To prepare pandan layer. While steaming sweet potato layer, combine all pandan ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well to mix.
  6. Strain mixture into a bowl and place the bowl over a pan of simmering water to cook, stirring continuously, until custard starts to thicken (able to coat the back of a spoon). Remove from heat.
  7. Once sweet potato layer is done. Pour in pandan custard and steam for a further 15mins. Cool completely before cutting.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Muslim blogger friends and readers, "Selamat Berbuka Puasa"


sabrina 莎莎 said...


Baking Diary said...

a lot of work but sure looks delicious enough for me to want to try it!

daphne said...

so much work but it looks perfect! I get turned off with multi layer kueh as so much patience is needed LOL

I miss kueh with real pandan flavour in it- I have to use essence here. :( Well done!

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, your kueh talam look so delicious. Never mind the tedious work, I think worth the effort cos it look so nice and pretty. Love the colour.

Have a nice weekend.

PH said...

Sonia, very nice kuih talam! I love that it has three layers and 3 colors. Very sedap :)

Jozelyn Ng said...

Colours are so attractive! Well done Sonia!

小雨伞 said...

打从心里在喜欢。。真的喜欢!Sonia, 我要三块!!><

Cat Chee said...


Alice said...

another favourite of mine
very pretty with 3 layers, Sonia :)

Esther Lau said...

Beautiful tri-colour kuih talam! Great for Buka Puasa :)

Chef and Sommelier said...

Sis! You should serve this with your tri-colour salmon rice! Everything will look very consistent! :D

Mel said...

Looks beautiful with tri colour. Infact colourful kuih or cakes makes it more appetizing.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

这个真的想吃, 想做木薯糕很久了, 就是找不到木薯。。下回要叫妈妈带些木薯给我!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves tapioca kueh, but never try tri-colour before...

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , if you didn't post the photo of tapioca plant , I wouldn't really know it is the same ones we have back home ! Your tri-color kuihs are so pretty and since most ingredients in that kiuhs are almost homemade , I bet it taste sensational ;D

Unknown said...

yummy kueh. the colour is so nice. love it.

Li Shuan said...

Kuih talam 再夹着木薯糕,景上添花。。真的好看又好吃呢!

Artsylicious said...

sonia, very nice kuih!!! you are very creative!

Unknown said...

Oh Sonia, where you find so much time to bake, cook, travels, taking care of the kids and family. Even to blog also need to spare some time thinking and writing about it. Not an easy task. How you organized it so well. Pat on your shoulder! Sonia.

Unknown said...

Previously was 3 colors rice and now trio colors of kuih talam. I wonder what coming up next?

Joceline Lor said...

Sonia,这是一道很美的传统糕点。你很pandai ~

Veronica said...

Beautiful colour combination and looks so soft. Must be delicious especially with a cup of Kopi-O

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day! I have only seen these in Malaysia from afar, true!
Looks very labour intensive, but based on your recipe and photos, looks delish and would like to try one now too!
Cheers! Joanne

Gloria Baker said...

Beautiful Sonia!!

Unknown said...


Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I've never seen tapioca. So fun to see how you made this gorgeous dessert!

Faeez said...

I love any kuih made with tapioca..... & this kuih is great for buka puasa. Thanks for your well wish. :)

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Bakeling said...

This is not an easy job ! Salute !

Lite Home Bake said...

This is a lovely kuih. I know i would love it but don't know for sure if i can manage it :))

Dewi said...

I am loving this cake very much. Never made 3 colors, so, I will have to borrow your recipe. Thank you :)

Dewi said...

one quick question. Is it necessary to squeeze the tapioca to get 300 g? Thank you.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great! Love steamed tapioca and kuih-kuih.

My Little Space said...

Oooo...wuch pretty colour combo. I wanna a bite too.
Hope you're going to have a great week ahead dear.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dewi, yes to squeeze the juice as we need to coconut milk .

Dewi said...

Thanks Sonia! Will let you know my result.

soh said...

Hi, I made this kuih, encounter a problem, the pandan layer turned out oil smell, is it over cook the mixture or the fire too high? When steaming the pandan layer is it law fire? For the other 2 layer is so nice. Thank you for sharing.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Soh, I suspected you have used too thick of coconut milk, just follow the timing I stated in the recipe, and steam over medium to high heat.

Unknown said...

I wish to ask whether we should use concentrated coconut milk or diluted version

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Leong, use diluted version but not too watery also. If I could remember I use 2 cups water + 1 grated old coconut to make the coconut milk.

mui mui said...

This looks great!
Three natural and beautiful colors.
I bet it taste super yum!!

Zuno said...

YEs!!! 太好了 my 3 layer cake 好看又好吃 我成功了thank you .

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