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Monday, March 29, 2010

Vanilla Prune Cup Cakes & Vanilla Buttercream

During the last school holidays, my daughter's classmates came over to my house as to do a school project together. I baked their favourite's pizza and cup cakes.



-I add prune (ready pack from Sunsweet brand) in this cup cake, I learnt from Sulianmama here. This cup cake is a bit sweet for my taste, but kids enjoy this very much especially the buttercream..


Vanilla Prunes Cup Cakes & Vanilla Buttercream
*makes 12 cup cakes

(printable recipe)

125g Butter
90g sugar
2 large eggs
150g cake flour
4tbsp milk
2tbsp heavy cream
1/4tsp vanilla essence
1/2tsp Baking powder
1/8tsp Baking soda
12pcs Lemon essence pitted prunes

1. Sift baking powder, baking soda and cake flour together, set aside.
2. Beat butter with the sugar until fluffy.
3. Add in egg one at a time, then add in vanilla essence, mixing well.
4. Fold in the flour, milk and heavy cream, combine well.
5. Pour ¼ mixture into a paper cup, place a piece of prune. Then pour the remaining 2/4 mixture.
6. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180C for 20mins.

Vanilla Buttercream

50g Butter
100g Icing sugar
1/2tsp vanilla essence
1tbsp heavy cream

1. Cream the butter in a hand mixer till smooth
2. Add in sugar and vanilla, beat till fluffy.
3. Add in heavy cream, combine well.


HApPy BaKinG !!


Bo said...

I bet the prunes really made these over the top.

Quinn said...

Nice shot Sonia. Love the piping of the buttercream on the cupcake. I sometimes just whipped plain unsweetened cream and pipe it on the cupcakes. It looks as good as butter cream, light in texture and helps take away some of the sweetness.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

I will be helping my SIL for a coming bake sale at her daughter's school next week. Will definitely consider using your cupcake and buttercream, it looks good. ;)

Noob Cook said...

your cupcakes look really pretty with the frosting and the colourful bits.

tigerfish said...

Not a fan of cream but the cake, just give it to me anytime.

cherry potato said...


My Little Things Corner said...

Your are a lovely mum! Looks very yummy yummy yo...

Pete said...

Wow, looks very nice. I want mine with lots of vanilla butter cream.....pleasssse! LOL!

Ju (The Little Teochew) said...

Very pretty cupcakes! Does the buttercream melt?

Colin Woon said...

Good looking cup cakes!!! I like! Great photos too! #1 is definitely my favorite!

The Sudden Cook said...

Very pretty! Personally I would not like mine with a prune inside but the buttercream looks delish!

苏联妈妈 said...

ur cup cake look reali good ! i love the way u deco ur buttercream . btw, what is heavy cream ?

ai wei said...

aw, sooo nice! i must learn how to swirl the cream d XD

Anonymous said...

butter cream looks good!!

Jobless Girl said...

Hmmm.. Look so easy to bake.

MaryMoh said...

Looks moist and delicious. I love the prunes hiding there.

Kitchen Corner said...

Oh.. this one come at the right time. I'm looking for a nice butter cream recipe and butter cake recipe for my mum kindergarten. I must learn this butter cream recipe. Thanks you so much! Beside, can I bake the butter cake in a big tray instead of in the individual cups? Thanks!

3 hungry tummies said...

They are such pretty cupcakes! I especially love the hidden prune filling.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

It was so nice, i was so attracted to it... hehe...

Kathoo said...

So lovely, btw, how do you prevent the cup liners from separating? Could it be the recipe?

温馨小屋 said...


Love2cook Malaysia said...

Hi Sonia, hru doing??? Sorry for not visiting U! ;)

I'm speechless right now! I'm nowhere near baking...but I'm so attracted to ur CC!!! Errr...pass me some pls..:)

Hey, thanks for trying the AGB Serai...waiting to see ur version! :D

Also, thanks for wishing me on our new home...take care dear!

ReeseKitchen said...

I like this vanilla cupcakes. Will bake this for my parents when I go back next weekend..:) But think I'll juz leave out the cream...hee hee..;p

Federica Simoni said...

complimenti con applauso!! sono splendidi e golosi!

Tina said...

Sooooo soft and yummy with tempting icing and clicks dear...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Bo, yes, that prune make this cup cake special.

Quinn, then you must teach me how to unsweetend cream, so I also can enjoy the cream on the cup cake, hehehe..

Bee Bee, ya, this is defintely a good idea to use this cup cake, not that difficult to do.

Noobcook, Thanks.

tigerfish, please take one if you can, hehehe..

cherry, take one please..

Sze Sze, Thanks dear.

Ju, no, the buttercream wouldn't melt at room temp.

Pete, bake some for yourself next time.

Colin, Thanks dear, 1st one also my favourite, hehehe..

The sudden cook, you can just omit the prune..

Sulianmama, is dairy whipping cream.

Ai wei, I just simply hamtan only, hahaha..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ann, Thanks for stopping by.

Jobless girl, ya, this is easy

Mary, Thanks.

Grace, yes, you can bake in big baking pan, but increase the baking time maybe to 30mins.

3 hungry tummies, look like you like prune too.

somewhere in SG, learn this !

Kathoo, I'm not sure..

Felvinc, ya, you are right.

Love2cook, you take care too, dear.

Reese, ya, I dont really like that buttercream too.

Federica, Thanks.

Tina, Thanks.

Vrinda said...

Beautiful n healthy cup cakes...

ann low said...

The cupcakes look pretty and your daughter's classmates must be delighted.

Bakeling said...

Children usually like cupcakes because they have the feeling of owning the whole cake !

Pedhakka said...

They look so tempting !!!

Sarah Naveen said...

wow!!! Awesome!!! nice click too..yummy yumm!!

My Little Space said...

Do you mind sending them over? hehe....

WendyinKK said...

The cakes look very well baked, I like the look of the texture. Fine crumbed.
I prefer swiss meringue buttercream over traditional buttercream ,much lighter feel, less sweet and I'd say more stable in our weather.

Unsweetened cream is dairy whipping cream, but that is not suitable for our over 30C weather. It will sweat and melt when it's out of the fridge for long. And these buttercupcakes do not taste nice when referigerated, cos they will turn hard. So, when u leave the hardened cupcakes to room temperature to soften, the whipped cream will... melt.......melt ....
Our Malaysia weather is not very friendly to a lot of things....

Mary Bergfeld said...

You are an artist with both the camera and a pastry bag. They are gorgeous and they sound delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

WOW... they look so good. And prunes is a genius touch!

Namitha said...

awesome is the word :D

Preety said...

looks absolutely delicious

gaga said...

Prunes, huh? Very interesting. I'd be willing to give this a try.

hjn said...

I want these NOW!!!! Vanilla Butter Cream alone would do it for me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish my mum baked too! But oh well, I guess I can bake them myself. :) Love the extra touch of prunes.

Simplyfood said...

These cup cakes look so sweet, cute and yummy.Nice click.My 1st fisit here you have agood collection of posts.

Jane Chew said...

very nice cup cake. You are a good mummy :)

chow and chatter said...

wow awesome cupcakes love the filling

petite nyonya said...

the cupcakes are so pretty!

Reeni said...

What sweet little treats you made! I like the prune surprise in the middle!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dear all, Thanks for your lovely words..

Wendy, this buttercream still not melted even I kept till the next day in normal room temp...

taste traveller said...

These look beautiful - I bet the girls loved them. How was the pizza?

Yummy Bakes said...

These cup cakes are very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

so tempting! Can I subsitute heavy cream with others? and what is the quantity? thanks


Kitchen Corner said...

Hi Sonia,
I like to try out the butter cream recipe, may I know if the butter can be kept in the refrigerator?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

AW, maybe you can just omit the heavy cream, but not sure it will have the same kind of texture or not, as I never try this way.

Grace, did you mean keep buttercream in the fridge? No, you don't need to keep in fridge, just in the normal room temp. If you keep in the fridge, the buttercream will turn hard. I kept this cup cake till the next day, the cream still not melted. Happy trying!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Is heavy cream same with thicken cream? AW

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