My kids not only like to eat Spaghetti with meat sauce, they also like to top up with a lot of mozzarella cheese and bake the spaghetti. So this is the baked spaghetti with meat sauce that i usually prepare for them for a quick and simple lunch.
Spaghetti ready to bake with cheese..
Mommy more cheese please...
Baked Spaghetti with meat sauce
(recipe souce: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*serves 4-5
250g ground meat (beef or chicken)
350g Spaghetti
1 onion, chopped
4 garlics, chopped
1 and ½ cup pasta sauce
1 Bay leaf
3tbsp olive oil
1/2 green pepper, sliced
100g canned button mushroom, sliced
2tbsp parmesan cheese powder
Some parsley flakes
1tsp salt or to taste
1 and ½ sugar or to taste
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1. Cook spaghetti according to package directions.
2. Meanwhile, sauté onion and garlic with olive oil till brown.
3. Add in ground meat, stir fry for a while.
4. Add in pasta sauce, bay leaf, mushroom, green pepper and water, continue to cook for 10-15mins.
5. Add in seasonings, put cooked spaghetti into meat sauce, mix well (if sauce is dry, add some spaghetti water).
6. Turn off fire, sprinkle parmesan cheese powder and parsley flakes on top.
7. In a casserole dish, add in spaghetti with meat sauce, top with cheese. Bake 7-10mins at 200c pre-heated oven(set to grill function).
8. Serve hot, enjoy!
Happy Cooking and Happy Weekend ahead ....
Wow! That's really a lot of cheese! My sons are no different, they just love cheese, all kinds! Well, except maybe not the blue cheese lol!
I just posted spaghetti with vegetables in my blog :) Thanks for visiting me. Baked spaghetti looks yummy and delicious.
My kids' favorite... ^^
Just finish my lunch, and i'm drooling seeing the spaghetti, hehe...
That looks superb, I also love cheese ;-) Diane
Wow mouthwatering recipe...Superb clicks..
yumm yumm yumm, should try this
looks absolutely mouthwatering! simple and delicious!
Sonia, thks for the recipe
another good one to try for my family :)
Your spaghetti looks really delicious! My kids love spaghetti too, and with lots of cheese! They would even asked for leftovers the next day, would be disappointed if there are none left!
I also like to eat spaghetti but dont know how to cook. Now that you have shared, I shall try - this looks very good.
Drool!!!!! Oh gosh! look at those cheese!!!!! I will bookmark this for our next week lunch :P Have a great weekend pal :)
YUMMY ! YUMMY ! the cheese !!!
woow.. that is too much.. i cannot resist any more.... i want some now.. the 2nd click is tooo much..
GOod treat for kids.Looks fab...
easy and tasty!!! I love this idea. plus it will be a quick week night dinner.
Kids (and adults) do like their gooey cheese, right? :p
Wow! flooded with cheese!! Tempting la!
Sonia, will the spaghetti too dried after baking?
Wow, loaded with cheese. Looks absolutely delicious ... you are making me hungry with this. I've shared few awards with you. Please accept these :)
havent try this, must try it soon, thanks for sharing..muacks2....
wow, this will be my girls favourite, they love cheese very much.
oh my god......i love cheese so so much.when i went to pizza hut,i must order extra cheese one..haha
That looks awesome. 8:35 a.m. for me now and I would love to have some of that for breakfast!
I may be an adult, but I love just as much cheese. Looks like I know what I'm cooking this weekend.
Whoo ~ so cheesy n gooey ~ a great pasta dish!
US Masala
This is my favorite!!!! And your pictures looked so great that I'm totally craving for this comfort food. When we go to Asian cafe, people order some Chinese dish, but I'm ALWAYS 100% order this dish. :-D I cook it at home too but I can't eat enough. Yours look delicious! I have to ask you one thing... I signed up for email subscription, but I "think" I accidentally delete the last step (that I have to click to confirm). Now when I try to subscribe they say I'm already subscribing... Is there any way you can undo my submission? Thanks in advance!
Looks delicious and tempting....Mouthwatering recipe
Look at that generous pile of cheese! I like! My kids loved spaghetti too and we tried eating it with Parmasan cheese but not baked with mozzarella before. Will try it next round, thanks!
This cheesy and gooey pasta looks delicious and comforting! Have a great weekend!
I don't know we can bake the spaghetti, you give me a brand new idea to cook it for my kids, sure they will love it, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sonia! I re-subscribe it and now it should be working! Thanks!
My father used to look at a casserole I made and said: is there any food under all that cheese?" So you know how much I'd love this dish! I posted my mother's baked spaghetti recipe quite a while back, but she used cheddar, oddly enough.
Your dish looks perfect!
Yummy! I love the cheese on top, just like eating pizza. Wanna try this one day :)
looks really yummy!
i'm drooling here looking at the 2nd picture! this is really so cheesy!
Baked pasta with cheese is the best!
I love the idea of baked pasta, and the more cheese the better!
Love your pictures, Sonia! My children will love these too!
Absolutely fantastic!
But I still prefer nasi lemak.........
Looks so cheesy and delicious! My girls would love this.
Sonia, my boy love spaghetti alot too! He'll do anything for it. haha... And of coz, with lots of cheese. Enjoy!
Blessings, Kristy
Hi I tried out your baked pasta using my own favorite bolognese sauce and I love it tremendously! Thanks for sharing! (:
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