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Monday, June 6, 2011

Chayote and Sweet corn soup

Chayote and Sweet corn soup

Yesterday my sister told me that her friend who also love baking has improved her baking skill a lot if compare to last time. I asked her how she managed to improve, she said her friend recently following recipes in the blogs (she doesn't know i own a blog too) and she said that some recipes from some blogs are more accurate than certain cookbooks. I am pleased to hear that we bloggers' effort and harwork is paid off, as we are sharing our true experiences and tested recipes.
Back to today's post. As what I know from Nami (Just one cookbook) who does Japanese's home cooking that usually comprise of rice, main dish and side dishes. But for a Chinese like me, our home cook usually comprise of rice, 2-3 main dishes (can be meat, fish, tofu and vegetables) and soup. Today I would like to share with you this simple Chayote and sweet corn soup that I cook quite often..

Chayote and Sweet corn soup

Chayote and Sweet corn soup
(reciep source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1 chayote, peeled and cut into chunks
2 sweet corns, cut into chunks
2 potatoes, cut into chunks
1 carrot, cut into chunks
10 dried oysters, wash and rinse

600g pork ribs, blanch in hot water and rinse
1.5L water
Salt to taste

1. Put water into a pot and bring to boil.
2. When water has come to boil, put everything (except salt) and bring back to boil again.
3. Reduce heat to simmer for 1hour or more.
4. Season with salt and serve hot.

Chayote and Sweet corn soup

Happy Cooking !!


WendyinKK said...

Chayote soup is very sweet, especially with sweetcorn.
I learnt making this soup from Blessed Homemaker. Yeah, it's very true that blogs are good sources of knowledge as it is true experience.

Unknown said...

my kids love sweet corn soup very much, will cook once a week....

Food Glorious Food! said...

One of my favorite home cook soup! I always finished all the corns!

ICook4Fun said...

You know I have yet to try chayote before. Lots of them here but never thought of buying it. I've tried some recipes from local cook books but it didn't turn out well. I will normally turn to fellow bloggers recipes as they are more relaiable.

Jo said...

I first tried chayote when I was working in Hong Kong. I remember it being absolutely delicious and sweet. A beautiful clear soup that's for sure.

kitchen flavours said...

Your soup looks delicious! We love sweet corn soup!
Regarding the bake-along, I would indicate our next recipe at each bake-along post, so if it is from Rose's Heavenly Cakes or from the same books that you happened to own too, then please do join in, it will be fun! You can always try the Gateau Breton while waiting for your book, it is really good!

ChrisAu said...

aWWWW...these are my favourites!

Min said...

I love sweet corn soup, but never tried Chayote before. My dad will boil soup everyday and I think it a must for every meal, hehe.

Jeannie said...

I love sweet corn soup so this should be delicious too!

Pete said...

Really nice soup. My little toddler and daughter would love this soup!

Anonymous said...

Looking at your list of ingredients, I'm sure this soup is very sweet and tasty! I love soups absolutely, my all time favorite.

Alice said...

such a heartwarming soup! chayote and sweet corn - another great pairing! thks for sharing, Sonia :)

tigerfish said...

I enjoy chayote a lot! love them in soups too.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

super fab...I love this recipe..

Tasty Appetite
Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Hi Sonia! Thank you for mentioning my blog! After I married to my Taiwanese husband, I started to attend more Chinese wedding and full course dinner. I remember in the beginning I asked my husband, "when does main course end??" It's like main course on parade. I didn't know how much appetite I was supposed to keep for continuous food that was coming. Now we've been married for 6 years, and my dinner consists of rice, miso soup, and meat AND fish as well as some small side dishes. I'm becoming more Chinese Sonia! Haha.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

This clear soup sounds so tasty with all the different ingredients and is perfect for summer. I have never tried chayote though I see it often at the stores. I will have to check it out soon :)

daphne said...

Sonia, i think soups like this is perfect for the asian weather. It convey so much warmth and love for a family in a bowl!

divya said...

Slurp !! Awesome recipe.

Madhura Manoj said...

Wow...Soup Looks so inviting.

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

easy easy!! May skip the dried oyster and make it vegetarian :)

ann low said...

I love chayote too! Will get chayote in the market to make this delicious soup that I'm sure everyone in my family will love it . Thanks for sharing :))

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves this, but i never cook this b4, but my friend cook b4, so i get to eat this from my friend place... hehe...

busygran said...

I like clear soup like yours which is yummy and healthy.

Amelia said...

delicious healthy soup.

A humble and handsomeTaiping boy. said...

yeah. healthy and refreshing.

Spoon and Chopsticks said...

That's a terrific soup, Sonia. It's cold here in Sydney and I was thinking soup. Great for a cold weather.

Hwa Ling said...

long time haven't drank this soup!!! homesick homesick :(
will try it someday!

Apex Maize said...

Sweet corn soup brings back memories of those rare restaurant outings as a child. I absolutely love this soup. I'll try to make a vegetarian version of it. Thanks for the recipe. http://www.apexmatch.com/maize.php

sharkhind said...

wow... this recipe look yummy..i will try it. thanks

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