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Friday, June 3, 2011

English white bread


One of the main purpose i bought a KA mixer is to bake fresh white bread to serve for breakfast. I have own this mixer for almost a year, if i can recall, i only made white bread not more than 2 times, hehehe.. Recently i just inspired by this good white bread recipe and making me to bake white bread again..

English white bread

And now we even can enjoy this fresh homemade white bread with a cup of nice coffee (behind is my brand new Nespresso coffee machine)

English white bread

We even make this into French toast with ham and cheese, YUM!

English white bread

The dough is quite difficulat to handle, very soft and sticky, and it also required very long hour of waiting time. So I dont know when i will make this again..check the below recipe and you will know..

English white bread
(recipe source: adapted from ccm2poco)

Starter dough
300g High protein flour/bread flour
3/4tsp active dry yeast
200g milk

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine and knead till a rough dough. Cover with cling film and keep aside to rise for 3hours in room temperature.

Main dough
1 and 3/4tsp sugar
1/2tsp salt
2tbsp milk powder
15ml water
10g butter, melted

1. Tear the starter dough into pieces and mix with all ingredient except melted butter.
2. Using a stand mixer, knead till dough is well combined (about 3mins).
3. Add in melted butter, continue to knead about 10mins till dough is smooth.
4. Cover with cling film and keep aside to rise for 30mins.
5. Divide the dough into 3 portions, knead till a smooth ball and keep in baking pan to rest for 20mins.
6. Knead again and rest for 15mins, repeat this step for two times.
7. Pat each piece out to an oblong, then fold one end into the centre and the other in on top. Put into a buttered tin, rest for another 40mins.
8. Apply egg wash, bake at a pre-heated oven at 180c for 25mins.
9. Remove bread from tin once cooled.

The texture of this white bread still maintain soft after keep it overnight.

English white bread

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #8 for June 2011-Bread Seduction, and you have a chance to win a cookbook if you submit a bake.

Happy Baking !!



ann low said...

Sonia, you are so fast to make the nice white bread for Aspiring Bakers! Don't know when I'll make bread.. :DD
I love your coffee machine, will see my hubby want to buy this for me or not :))

daphne said...

u r so patient! that's the thing about bread.. it takes time. Oooh look at that cheesy ham and bread.. yum!

hani said...

i'm loving it...n espresso double shots for me plsss...

茄子 said...



Anonymous said...

you owe a KA mixer? So jealous. How much did you bought the KA mixer? Your bread look so good and soft.

CaThY said...

lovely loaf of bread :)

Cuisine Paradise said...

Wow Sonia, your white bread look super FLUFFY! How i wish i can make something like yours :)

yummylittlecooks said...

Baked perfectly in golden color,so beautiful and fluffy too!!Admiring your baking skill..

Radhika said...

I could imagine the smell all over your home when this bread had been baking. So soft and fluffy.

Min said...

I love baking bread, and currently I'm planning to buy a KA mixer, still surveying the models and price. Love your white bread, looks very soft and fluffy.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Nice soft fluffy bread! Great job Sonia! :) BTW, I am planning to get that coffee machine for my lou kong for Father's Day gift! How much did you pay for it? You got it at Takashimaya?

Somewhere in Singapore said...

If i make bread, i got to forfeit going out during weekend...

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I also made this but mine is not as nice as urs, long story lah haha shall post it up soon.

The French toast with cheese and ham looks so good. Envy u have a coffee machine.

kitchen flavours said...

Your bread looks so soft and good. Definitely good with a cup of coffee from your coffee maker! Yum!

cikmanggis said...

Roti ni nampak sungguh lembut.Tak sabar nak mencuba..sedang menunggu ketibaan KA mixer hehe.

The Sweetylicious said...

the bread look so tall, lovely and delicious! (: (: GREAT JOB!

bernice's kitchen said...


Food Glorious Food! said...

WOW! you are tempting me to get a KA mixer too! Great looking loaf!

lena said...

looks like a lot of resting time needed. Proofing is not so bad at least i can still go out from the house to do the things i needed to do but sometimes multiple resting for 10 and 20 minutes can get me impatient. But your bread looks absolutely gorgeous and so tempted looking at your french toast!!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


ChrisAu said...

You have fine culinary skills! The bread looks so good and moreover Im a bread lover. Luckily just had some good healthy bread just now.
Good luck!

Joyti said...

Ooo, that looks so delicious. Very light and fluffy...

chow and chatter said...

oh wow awesome bread love the name too he he

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Making bread does take a long time but it is worth it because it taste so good. Your white bread looks very nice and soft.

divya said...

Love it....looks extremely yum....

Christine's Pantry said...

Love bread! Your bread looks great!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

WOW Sonia, you made me speechless! Such a beautiful and fluffy bread over there! Envy you!!! :D

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia! First I want to say thank you for mentioning my name to Anncoo. She visited my site and told me about it. I was very happy to hear that you even thought of me. :-) Thanks!!!! And about this bread.... this looks like a soft Japanese toast. I miss this kind of bread so much. I'm so used to American sandwich bread which is not like this. I guess until I start baking my own bread I won't be able to enjoy something like this. Soft and moist and sigh... I miss it. Yay for Nespresso coffee machine! I'd love a cup of coffee with this bread. Yum!

hanushi said...

The bread looks so soft!!! :) Well done!

Vardhini said...

Bread looks so soft and perfect .. I dont bake much, but seeing this I might start baking often :)


Angie's Recipes said...

The loaf looks so soft!

Diane said...

I am not a fan of white bread but this looks pretty good. Diane

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

looks so appetizing n delectable ..

Tasty Appetite
Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

looks so appetizing n delectable ..

Tasty Appetite
Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks soft and I like!

Gloria Baker said...

what nice and amazing bread! look fantastic, gloria

pigpigscorner said...

Looks so soft! and the French toast looks amazing! I have to try making bread with me KA too.

Anonymous said...

wow... your bread looks so soft! Shall try this recipe.

Yummy Bakes said...

Sonia, your white bread looks really soft and fluffly. Good combination to go with a cup of coffee.

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

Oh yum.. u bought the Nespresso machine! so now we can go your house and have coffee :P

Jeannie said...

If the dough is sticky then the bread would be really soft and moist! I like!

sean said...

還有coffee maker呢!


Janine said...

The bread does look really fluffy - just wondering if you've the same concern as me - when I use my KA mixer for kneading, I always have this fear that it'll explode on me cos the mixer gets so warm where the motor is!

aipi said...

PERFECT bake ~ The aroma n taste of homemade bread is unbeatable!
US Masala

Anonymous said...

Can I make this bread using bread maker? if yes how? Tx

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Good combination to go with a cup of coffee.

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