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Monday, June 27, 2011

A fun day in Academy of Pastry Arts, Malaysia (Quiches and Choux)- Day 1


Last weekend, I was invited to attend 2 days “Tarts” class at Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia, along with Quay Po Cooks and The Sweet spot. Academy of Pasty Arts Malaysia is a premier institute offering you a unique opportunity to learn the Art of Bakery and Pastry making in a professional setting. Their team are consists of award winning Pastry chefs and every pastry Instructor has been selected with unique qualifications which match their aim to provide the best possible hands on training with highest standards.

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

We were taught on how to make Quiches and Choux on the 1st day. This was a full day class which start from 9am to 5pm, at first I was worried whether I can stand this long hour after I have retired from work for few years, hehehe. I was wrong!  Instead I was so enjoyed in this class and learnt a lot tips from Guillaume Lejeune (Director of Pastry Arts Malaysia).

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia



I feel comfortable attended class here as I found their class rooms are all very spaces and also complete with baking tools, equipments and ingredients. They are also provide a comfortable and big resting room with drinks and beverages.

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

Picnik collage

No wonder they call their institute name as Academy of Pastry Arts, see how they made these gorgeous cakes and it look like a piece of Art!

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

I am sure you also want to learn on how to make these yummy Quiches and Choux (I just learnt how to pronoun these as "Kissh" and “shoe” !!) . I will make these at home and will share the recipes soon. Let see some of the photos of making the Quiches and Choux.

Tart making

Academy Pastry

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

Quay Po and Swee San are so hardworking making their pastry...


Picnik collage

After the “hard work”, we were offered to bring home our own bakes, see so many Choux and Quichess that I brought home! YUM YUM !


For those who would like to enhance your baking and pastry skills, you might want to check out the courses they offer. Part of the July courses are:

July 2nd -Sat- Junior Chef Taste adventure for age 7-11 years (10am-12.30pm)

July 2 & 3 -Sat & Sun -Chocolate & Pralines (Level 1) Tempering & moulding of chocolate, different ganaches, cutting & dipping of ganache, truffles(hand rolled & piped), 6 types of chocolates

July 2 & 3- Sat & Sun- Mini Cake with Chef Hong Bake and decorate

7,8 & 9 July- Thu, Fri & Sat- Chocolate & Pralines (level 2) Tempering, different flavoured ganaches, work with textured sheets and transfer sheets, paste de fruit, soft ganache pralines, soft nougat, hard caramel filling, pralines based on marzipan, moulded chocolate with cocoa spray, 10-12 types

9 & 10 July -Sat & Sun -Cookies Sweet pastry, sebastopol, amaretti, diamond cookies, sables viennois, chocolate financier, biscottie, Florentine

or Check out the class schedules and pictures here-http://www.academyofpastryartsmalaysia.com/web/

Academy Of Pastry Arts Malaysia

Lot 2-A, 2nd Floor, WISMA THRIFTY,No. 19, JALAN BARAT,
H/P: +60173252395
Tel: +603 7960 3846 / +603 7960 3848

Email: info@academyofpastryartsmalaysia.com
Website:  http://www.academyofpastryartsmalaysia.com/web/


Many Thanks to Jade ( Mustart Tree Communications) for the invite and Lejeune (Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia) for the wonderful class. Also, I would like to thank my friend Quay Po Cooks of recommended me to Jade, and The Sweet Spot of driving me to the institute. It was truly a fun learning day and it is a delight to get to know new friends too.

In my next post, I will share with you what I have learnt on the 2nd day at Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia, stay tuned! Check out more photos in Quay Po Cooks.


chow and chatter said...

wow what a fun opportunity so happy for you all

Torviewtoronto said...

looks like lots of fun wonderful experience

Anonymous said...

Wow!! It's a great blessing to be so happy baking together with your good friends. Theresa

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Interesting course ya...

My Little Space said...

Sorry Sonia, I am unable to turn up! Whoa, you ladies are having so much fun there. I like the quiche pastry crust. Looks very crispy!
So, what do you do on the 1st day & the 2nd day?
Hope you're having a great week ahead.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

I received invitation from Jade twice but couldn't make it both times. What a learning!!! Sure you've enjoyed it na.

Thanks for sharing on the lessons and pics speak the most...wow! ;)

Little Inbox said...

That's a precious experience.
Learn up new skills. :P

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow! wonderful sharing session, how nice if can held it at penang too

shaz said...

Looks like lotsa fun!

Jeannie said...

Looked like you were having loads of fun! Great looking quiches and choux too, I especially like the choux...have yet to discover how they managed to remain crunchy when cooled.

Anonymous said...

Check out the new website of Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia. Shows all the class schedules and pics:

Anonymous said...

What a great experience you hv had. Swee San and Quay Po both look really serious.... haha

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


The Sudden Cook said...

Wow! So lucky. I love quiche - pretty easy to make and tasty too.

sean said...


WendyinKK said...

I'm sure you gals had lots of fun!

Cosy Bake said...

wow, how I wish I have a chance to attend this professional class!! you must have lots of fun!!

ann low said...

WOW! That must be so fun and it's a great opportunity to learn from a great Chef :)

jade said...

hey sonia =)

so awesome u post up so fast =) we're so glad u enjoyed yourself. did u save some for your kids ah? =) hehehe.
thank you =)


Three-Cookies said...

Sounds like a very interesting event. And you get rewarded with good food, plus you get to take it home also:)

Quay Po Cooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, No need to thank me lah, friends share and I am so glad you can make it this time and enjoyed yourself. It was fun catching up with you and Swee San. I have mentioned Kak Love of "Love to Eat" and Kristy of "My little space" to Jade but unfortunately they cannot make it. I am so looking forward to meet them in person. Hopefully they can make it for future events if Jade invites again:D. Hey, thanks again for the premium fish sauce from Vietnam. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hope the daun gadok my mum potted for you will grow happily in your garden and also when you finally get use the rhubarb to bake a pie, you will enjoy it as much as my family and I do. I am having lunch with Pei-Lin tomorrow and I am going to make a Portugal cuisine called "Xarem" to greet her and she will be treating me and my Quay Lo her pumpkin pie! If my "Xarem taste good, I will definitely share the recipe with you all. Have a wonderful week my friend. HUGS!

Quay Po Cooks said...

Oh Sonia, I see that you are starting to use Piknik for the photo collage.. hehe.. good job! if you need any help, do not hesitate to sms or email me ok? You can do a lot more than that!

ICook4Fun said...

Lucky you get to attended all this classes with Swee Sun and Quay Po. I read a lot about this new culinary school in Malaysia. I hope I get to attend a few of their classes when I go back early this year.

Min said...

Wow, full of fun I think! I love to attend baking classes also because certain knowledge you just can't get to learn from book. Waiting for your second post on this ya.

Jane Chew said...

WOW! jealous lah! How nice if i can follow :(
Must be a fun day and great experience to learn & work with a great chef.

Food Glorious Food! said...

Lucky Lucky girl! I love the quiche especially. I wish I was there cooking along with the pros!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wah... Envy! Wish I can join in the fun too! So happy for you that you get to learn so much in this classes. Can't wait to see more wonderful post from your baking classes! 

aipi said...

That sounds like such a fun day! Loved all the delish goodies ~ thanks for sharing!
US Masala

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Ohhh Sonia! Thanks for sharing this! I love peaking inside those institute. It doesn't look as intimidating as I thought! LOL. Although...classes don't seem like they are for total beginner tho. It's great that your foodie friends joined you. It's nice to have someone's support. I need my kids around when I bake too. Heehee. Now are you ready to make more pastry stuff? By the way that chanel bag cake is crazy!

Mary said...

Your pastries look amazing! What a great opportunity. Sounds like you all had a wonderful day.

daphne said...

That's awesome! to have this experience must be amazing. And look at all the food- it looks really professional! I see you are having fun with Quay po too! LOL

Gloria Baker said...

Souns wonderful Sonia, and fun and beauty pictures I love this post, gloria

kitchen flavours said...

Looks like you had a fun and enjoyable class. This is a wonderful experience! Look forward to your next post on this!

Dmarie said...

thanks so much for taking us along for the day, so to speak. how wonderful to get to learn how to bake those delicacies. look forward to seeing more of your blog!

lena said...

you just taught me how to pronounce that 'kiish' and 'shoe'! and that 'shoe 'really caught my eye! ...that" black and white fondant shoe!"

Angie's Recipes said...

Those pastries look so good, esp. the choux pastry, just perfect. Love their uneven top, just like the topping of Mexican buns.

Deepthi KR said...

wow this looks yummy!! beautiful click!!
Hello dear!
First time to your space, I'm loving it. No doubt i'm following your blog.
I will be very Delighited to find you in my followers list of my blog.

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Deepthi KR said...

wow this looks yummy!! beautiful click!!
Hello dear!
First time to your space, I'm loving it. No doubt i'm following your blog.
I will be very Delighited to find you in my followers list of my blog.

Happy Blogging!!!!
Food Blog News Daily
Good Food Recipes

Miss Tam Chiak said...

Your cream puff looooks good!

PapaCheong's 拿手好菜 said...

How i wish i can attend the class.

You are very lucky!

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

so fast la u all... i shy now @_@

Colin Woon said...

Seems like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Can you share the recipe for the crust of the quiche please? it looks really yummy! thanks! CL

Unknown said...

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