If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

I feel so good when I having back my camera just now, hehehe. I quickly download old photos in the camera as I wanted to share with you this Roti paun. Roti paun is a small little buns that inside wrap with butter and this is one of the specialty in Kuala Terengganu.

This is the roti paun that I first tasted. It was given by my SIL who came all the way from Kuantan (she bought this during her trip to Kuala Terengganu).
Since I kept this bread in the fridge for few days, the bread turned out a bit dry and not that fresh. Since then I have been thinking to bake my own roti paun.

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

I was adapted the basic sweet dough recipe from Alex Goh which using Gelatinised method (with little changes).

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

When the bread hot came out from oven, it was so soft, fresh and good.

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Try to wrap the butter filling nicely at the center of dough ball otherwise you will see melted butter came out from bottom of bread. But it is ok if this happened as that one bought by my SIL also have same problem, hehehe..Or you can even omit the butter filling, but I prefer with butter filling as it taste buttery and nice.

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)
recipe souce: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover
*makes 18pcs of roti paun and extra with few buns

Gelatinised dough
100g bread flour
70ml hot boiling water

1. Place flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Add hot boiling water and mix with wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
3. Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour, and up to 48 hours.

To prepare Basic sweet bread dough

300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
1 tbsp instant yeast
½ tsp salt
175ml cold milk
1 cold grade A egg
60g cold butter, cubed

1. Combine flours, sugar, yeast and salt together in a mixing bowl.
2. Tear the gelatinized dough into pieces and add to the bowl along with the eggs
3. Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, adding cold milk gradually.
4. Mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
6. Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.

Butter filling
100g butter, room temperature
80g coarse sugar

1. Mix butter and sugar in a small bowl, stir to combine.
2. Place in the fridge (to harden) before use.

To assemble roti paun
1. Divide and shape bread dough into a small ball weighted 30g each.
2. Spoon 1tsp of butter filling and wrap inside the small dough ball.
3. Place dough ball in a greased 9” round cake tin (removable base).
4. Once completed, set aside to rest for 15mins.
5. Apply egg wash on top of the dough balls.
6. Bake at preheated oven at 180c for 20-25 mins.

Roti Paun (Little butter buns)

Happy Baking !!

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #8 for June 2011-Bread Seduction, and you have a chance to win a cookbook if you submit a bake.


j3ss kitch3n said...

this is my favorite as well!!! really very yummy and fragrant!

Anonymous said...

Nice and soft little buns!

Jes's Deli Corner said...

wow! so fluffy..must try this..thks for sharing

HL H said...

Look so cute,I like this bread, will try to do it next week.

Amelia said...

This looks good, buttery taste. Yum yum, makes me hungry.

eileen @ hundred eighty degrees said...

Hi Sonia,
Tempting! Can't wait to try this! How much milk powder is to be used? Thanks.

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

so cute wor...

WendyinKK said...

Although the butter filling version was the most popular, I prefered the coconut filling version bought from Kampung Tiong in Kuala Terengganu. I was totally addicted to it and it's a must have for me whenever I visit KT.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

eileen, sorry, i have omitted the milk powder and replaced with cold milk. I just changed the recipe.

Zurin said...

mmmmm..im so making this! i love the butter filling :)))

hanushi said...

The texture looks real good and soft!!! :)

Unknown said...

it's a cute and yummy little butter buns!i like it....
thanks for sharing

Bakeling said...


Wen said...

I want to try this out. Looks so yummy and soft!

KIMMY said...

Hi Sonia,

It's me, the question-asker again... I'm practicing making buns, and your buns are very attractive. I just want to ask if I can use jam as filling, or store-bought raspberry filling (for example)? If I can, should I put the filling in the fridge so it's chilled before use? I'm sorry for so many questions, because I'm really just a beginner in making breads and buns.

Thank you very much.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I like butter buns!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

RPVN, yes, you can replace with any kind of filling, but chill in the fridge before use, easy for wrapping.

kitchen flavours said...

Your roti paun looks so soft and moist! I could have a few of these buns for tea! I like Alex Goh's sweet bread dough, really soft and delicious!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia...you know how to make this fluffy yet moist bread. I'm crazy about bread and I really love this. Keeping the recipe (but will try it after I start baking...I really want to make this in the future).

Three-Cookies said...

Interesting, an inside out version where the icing is inside:)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


苏联妈妈 said...

i like tis kind mini bun..aiyoh behtahan the melted butter inside the bun~~

Diane said...

They look fantastic. Diane

Anonymous said...

This bun also in my to-bake-list ^_^

My Little Space said...

Sonia, I am actually craving for some buns right now. These look really tempting. Yumm..yumm..yumm... Have a lovely evening.
p/s how's your trip?

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Welcome back Sonia! Love the mini butter buns! I did tried this Alex Goh's preferment dough but some how it doesn't stay that soft the following day. Will make this butter buns with Tang Zhong method next time. Tks!:)

Unknown said...

Your mini buns are cute n soft! I'm sure my kids will like it especially with sweet butter filling. Will bake one day.

ahteekitchen said...

This is always my b'fast when having my company's trip in KT. Simple yet sooo delicious, eating dis wif half boil egg would be a great match!

Jeannie said...

Looks delicious, I like the small-ish shapes of these buns, great for taking to office for lunch or tea breaks:)

J.O said...


Min said...

I don't know its name is Roti Paun till I read your writing. I love this little buns, of course with butter filling inside. Want to try baking this again very soon. Yours look very soft :)

daphne said...

I can only imagine the soft bun with the buttery filling..ahh what if there is custard inside? even better!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks so good that I want to give it a bite!

Yee Er said...

Hi, I'm back. Nice Texture...making me itchy to start my bread journey

ann low said...

Sonia, this must be very good to eat when piping hot! I would love to try this :)

The Sweetylicious said...

WOW! those little ones are soooo CUTE and NICE! (: the bread look really soft and fluffy too! (:

bernice's kitchen said...


tigerfish said...

The smell of butter....ALLURING!

A Taste of Memories-- Echo's Kitchen said...

this is a very dangerous stuff!! I could eat whole lot of them at one time!

Pushpa said...

Delicious soft buns,I would love to have them with some hot milk.

ICook4Fun said...

They look so cute!!I like this type of soft buns especially the one with coconut and tau sar.

divya said...

The texture looks real good and soft!!! :)

Little Inbox said...

Gelatinised dough is so popular now. It's time for me to try it out. :)
Nice roti bun!

My Asian Kitchen said...

I like this cute pau or roti!! I wana to tried your recipe!!! thanks for sharing!

sean said...


Vardhini said...

I have posted something similar in my blog. Buns look so divine .. love the color. Nice clicks too.

Event: Dish it Out - Spinach and Garlic
Event: Healthy Lunchbox Ideas - Broccoli

Jane Chew said...

i only tried Agnes Chang's recipe before. Should try Alex Goh's recipe next time. Thanks for sharing this. I love this bun too :)

chow and chatter said...

wow fun to serve family style and pull apart

lena said...

hi sonia, i can imagine how buttery and yummy those little buns are! can never get enough of these!!

Flower said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flower said...

It's been more than 6 years since I had one. My aunty in Terengganu used to send this to us in KL. But now living in Perth, nobody send us. I've been looking for this recipe for a long time. Might give this one a try.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

I love the texture of your roti paun. I have not tried the gelatinised dough method. Maybe I should try it soon. I normally use my bread machine as it is so much easier. I just measure and dump all the ingredients in the pan and the machine does the work.

Cheah said...

These buns look so soft and fluffy. Must admit that the gelatinization method of bread making sure gives good results.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Like I just told Alan of travelingfoodies, I will eat any kind of bread, pound of oz! hehe Sonia, give me your roti paun, I will eat them all even if I were to put on many pounds because it look so soft and fluffy. No way I can resist it. Now, I will be going to bed thinking about your roti paun, haiyah!

aipi said...

So soft n fluffy ~ perfect bake!
US Masala

Bo said...

This looks just like the dinner rolls my mom makes...I bet they were delicious!

Angie's Recipes said...

Beautiful pull-apart dinner buns!

An Unreachable Dream said...

Your buns look really soft and fluffy, I'll try this. Thanks for sharing.

Noob Cook said...

so cute and fluffy!

jiajia said...

Hey, i dun know u still remember me, this is jiajia, i asked u for the seeds in the nasi lemak i ate before.

i knew the name of seeds already, it's called biji halba.
below is the link i found the information, i will find a time to try this nasi lemak recipe!


Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

I baked this 3 hours ago and very nice! Everyone loves it. I will post it in my blog soon. Thank you for the recipe.

Joyti said...

There are so many varieties of rotis in Malaysia! These little buttery buns look gorgeous, and sound really delicious too...

Stephanie said...

Can I use a rectangular pan instead of a round one?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jiajia, Thanks for the info, will check later,

Stephanie, no problem to use any other type of pan but thought round look cute and nice

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I didn't make bread for very long time liao...

温馨小屋 said...


Anonymous said...

These buns look so lovely. I am sure I'd gobble them all up in one sitting! Beautiful job daaaahling!
*kisses* HH

Stephanie said...

Thanks so much Sonia! :D

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) said...

Looks absolutely wonderful ... lovely texture of buns, soft and fluffy!

Alice said...

looks cute, yummy and soft! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I wonder how u use mixer to mix as I used it last night, the dough roll up to the mixer blade and stuck on it..at the end i use hand to knead it..

Janine said...

I like the fact that they are so tiny and I can eat a few of them at a time, and savour their buttery insides! Reminds me of those roti mom/boy kinda buns!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone actually bake this buns using this recipe? I baked or rather, tried to bake it and followed the instructions thoroughly. I ended up buns as hard as rocks and sinfully, had to throw it out. I love these buttered filled buns and it's a reminence of my school days where I had it for recess almost daily! Never been able to get the buns since moving to west Malaysia -until I discovered Rotiboy's buttermilk...would love it in a bun texture.

Joycelyn said...

Hi Sonia - I tried baking this bead this evening and I actually make it a family event, everyone in the family actually helped. The bread turn out veyr soft. I missed out readings your instruction properly hence I did not put enough off the butter filling. Will wait till tomorrow to see if this breadis still as soft as this evening. Joycelyn, S'pore

joli said...

Hi Sonia,
I havent tried baking bread before but your recipe looks so awesome I need to try it! An enquiry though, when you tear the dough into the yeast mixture u tear them and mix the eggs together? Also, for the stand mixture you use the bread hook or the normal beater? THanks!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Joli, yes, tear the gelatined dough and add eggs at the same time. I was using break hook from KA mixer.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I made the dough and put it in the fridge before going to work this morning. I will pop 'em in the oven later when I come home. I'm excited. I hope it turns out well. Thnx

Unknown said...

Oh my God! Your recipe is the bomb. My Roti Paun came out perfect. So soft, buttery and delish. This is now my fave butter roll recipe. Thank you for sharing your recipe and technique.

Anonymous said...

Hi this is the first time for me making bread. Im not into it eventho im dying to make my own. just that me and yeast, we don't have great connection :-) hehe, i am now in a midst of waiting for the dough to rise and it looks perfectly great, just one question how long can i keep the dough? can i make it the night before and bake it in the morning?

Brenda said...

Hi Sonia, thank you for this great sharing. This is the roti recipe that I am seeking. I miss the original roti paun taste from K.Terengganu. Your post give me a nice chance to try made at home...:D

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I have just started baking bread and I am very interested in this particular recipe. I would like to check with you if it is ok to use a hand held mixer with paddle attachment to work on the dough? Thanks for your help!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I have just started baking bread and I am interested in this recipe. May I check with you if I can use a hand held mixer with beater attachment to work on the dough? I don't have a stand mixer. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for sharing this recipe. I tried it out it turned out ok but I only needed to bake for 10-15 mins. The taste and the texture truly bring me back to my home town, my childhood...thanks again

Unknown said...

dish is owesome...
Chowringhee Kamla Nagar

Unknown said...

One of our family's favorite! <3

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