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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homemade Yeast starts from an Apple

During the recent Japan trip, i visited a bookstore even i don't know Japanese, and also bought a book title with "Homemade apple yeast" . I have been thinking to making my own yeast, so this is my 1st homemade yeast from an apple..

I thought with the step by step photo shown in the book and i know Chinese letters, i should draftly know how to make this apple yeast..After went through the book, I still have few points that not so clear on how to do it. Luckily i found Yee's corner who know Japanese language, so she helped me to translate all these recipes. Thank you very much to Yee!!

Very simple ingredients to start making Apple yeast extract..

Day 1 - Day 2



Day 5 - so happy to see so much of bubbles


Apple yeast is ready..


Start making Yeast using apple yeast extract, need to feed this baby with flour and water everyday...




Tomorrow i will share with you the 1st bread that i made using this apple yeast

Making Apple Yeast Extract
(recipe source: adapted from a Japanese cookbook, translation done by Yee's corner)

Apple half (whichever type of apple is ok)
Fine Sugar 10g ( i use organic sugar)
Water an amount that can fill up the container ( I use mineral water)
a container about 500ml

How to make:-

1. Wash the apple, remove the core, retain the apple skin, then slice and cut into cube size.
2. To sterilize the container -to fully soak & sterilize all the container and its lid & other parts (if any )into the boiling water for about 3 mins; after sterilised don't wipe it to dry but leave it dry naturally .
3. Put all ingredients and cover with the lid, shake the container and let them mix well, put in a shady place where temperature around 20C to 30C for a week to 10days. To prevent the apple be dry up, shake the container once a day.
4. During 5 to 7days, bubble will be formed. Once a day open the lid and let the gas released (go off) from the container.
5. Other 2 days somehow the white and muddy water becomes thicker, there will more gas released out, open the lid and when you hear “bond” sound and it means the fermentation is done.

**to have a good standard of extract is you have smelt that kind of fruity and yogurt “stink” at the end of the fermentation.

IMG_4620 Making Yeast

Next we are going to use apple extract to make yeast. Once a day we use bread flour and water as a base to continue feeding/ growing the yeast. Let’s enjoy the joy of feeding and growing the yeast.

1st Day

Bread flour 100g
Apple Yeast extract 60g
Airtight container about 1.6L

1. Weigh a 60g apple yeast extract.

* the remaining apple yeast extract can be stored in fridge for use in case failure.

2. In a bowl, pour bread floor and apple yeast extract, mix it well with rubble spatula or hand.

*Kneading is not necessary here.

3. After forming into a soft ball, transfer it to the prepared container, cover with the lid and leave the container in a place where the temperature about 30C for 2 hours to half day .

4. Let the yeast relax, when it rise to a double size, cover back the lid and store it the fridge.

2nd Day

Bread flour 80g
Water 48g

1. Take the yeast from the fridge, pour the yeast into a bowl and add in all bread flour and water, mix well with a rubble spatula or hand.

• kneading is not necessary, only mix till the flour incorporated well.

2. Put the yeast back to the container (the container to be washed) and cover with the lid and leave the container in a place where the temperature about 30C for 2 hours to half day .

3. Let the yeast relax, when it rise to a double size, cover back the lid and store it the fridge.

Day 3 to Day 5
Repeat the same procedure as day 2.

Day 6

The fermentation is completed, the degree of fermentation is getting strong as you keep mixing the yeast, in 6th day the container will be full of yeast and the fermentation process is done and completed. You can use it to make bread.

About Storing and Keeping the yeast-keep it in the fridge

This is the Japanese book that I bought..fyi..


Zoe said...

This is interesting and brilliant! I'm looking forward to see the bread you make with this natural yeast!

sabrina 莎莎 said...

ur apple yeast extract so many bubbles~~ but my raisin extract no any bubbles... >< so worry...... dont know its work or not.....

My Little Space said...

Hey Sonia, hope you'll enjoy the process. Looking forward to the upcoming baking.

Yee's Corner said...

Wow wow ...... You did it ! M so looking forward to the bread you make from apple extract yeast £ how the texture will be !!!

Unknown said...


irene myme said...


Casey said...

This is wonderful!
Thanks for the detailed steps, I wish to try it out one day!
Looking forward for your next posting!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

You know I did once with raisins and it failed. I was contemplating whether I should try it again. Looking at your apple yeast sure makes me want to try again....:)

Little blue said...

I try raisins yeast but ... failed, after third day I saw fungus on top.

Simple Person said...

this is interesting..

Faeez said...

Oooo.... this is interesting... Can't wait to read abt your bread using this home-made yeast:)

Sem said...

You are so lucky to hit it right the first time. I have bought the natural yeast recipe book from Taiwan, and had tried three times making the raisin yeast but failed miserably, wasted my precious raisins >.<
I also recalled seeing yeast made from yoghurt, maybe it is better idea to try apple, must be red apple?

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


PH said...

Very interesting! Something new for everyone to learn.

Mel said...

Wow, this is something new to me and so interesting to learn it from you! Thanks Sonia! You are so wonderful!!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

making your own yeast sound like taking advance study in baking, not ngam me la, i prefer intensive course, hahaha, so i go for instant yeast.

蚊子 said...

wooo~~ can't wait to see what are you going to do with this~ :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, in the book said any type of apple is ok..but i think don't use green apple which is sour.

Anonymous said...

oh these look absolutely divine. PERFECT actually.

Joceline Lor said...


Passionate About Baking said...

Wow! This is very interesting Sonia! I can't wait for you to bake bread and show the result. Thanks for sharing this! A step towards healthier baking and living!

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

This is interesting! Can't wait to see your first bread make with homemade yeast:)

Ana Regalado said...

Very interesting indeed ! And such a brilliant idea ! Can't wait for that bread that you'll make from that apple yeast :D

Unknown said...

Must be a lot of patient to nurture the 'baby'. Sure like to see your bread recipes with them.

shan said...


Li Shuan said...

Thanks for sharing this info. I am too lazy to make the natural yeast...but its really good to know the knowledge. It is definitely more healthier than the chemical one. Good one Sonia

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Haiz....i also, very lazy to make this. Come here look look see see lor!

petite nyonya said...

very interesting and look forward to your bread!

Julie said...

Interesting yeast extract..Bookmarked!!

Ongoing Events of Erivum Puliyum @ Palakkad Chamayal-Fenugreek Leaves OR Green Chillies

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Look forward to see the bread u make...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Look forward to see the bread u make...

Lori said...

Oh wow, I had no idea you could do this. How interesting!

ccm said...


Unknown said...

Ya I've heard of making yeast from Apple.

Anonymous said...

Never knew this was even possible!! Super excited to see how your bread turns out!! :D

Anonymous said...


I've tried apple and raisins with success.. If you are lazy to go all the way ( feeding the apple extracts with flour and water), you can just use the apple/raisins extract in place of water in any of your recipe. Especially those raisin bread recipe. And use instant yeast as per normal. The result is a very fragrant loaf of bread.

Good job Sonia... Can't wait to see your bread.


mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
I also have tried to homemade my own natural yeast. I use dried longan, the result is good, I can say. Yesterday, I have baked my first batch of wholemeal bacon buns.
I get to learn this from Carol Hu's book.
Your homemade apple yeast looks great..looking forward to see your homemade yeast bread..: )

WendyinKK said...

Interesting .... Wah, u keep us suspense over the bread. Can't wait can't wait!

Sally said...


Janetan said...

hi sonia,
the yeast making process just like the sourdough making too..
i wonder if your coming bread will be sour or not.. hope to see your bread soon..(i use this method to make bread too. and the result of the taste is quite sour but my son love it)

Angelic Heart~ said...

This is very interesting! I have had made once before with different method, the outcome is not nice. maybe i should try your method. THX Sonia!:)

busygran said...

Looking forward to your first bread with your first yeast!

Karen said...

Wow.. you are great sonia, but i still prefer instant yeast, more easy leh.. haha.. thx for sharing.. :)

Baking Diary said...

Very interesting, similar to making wine!

Anya said...

Wow! That is the first time I see that it´s possible to make yeast at home. I would love to try it! Just one little question (maybe it appears in the book). If I don´t want to use the extract in the same bread, how do I store it?
Love your blog! You are doing an amazing job there!

lena said...

interesting, not sure if i hv the patience like you to make this...hehe..

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

How interesting!!! I've heard about apple yeast from my friends, but never read about it or seen making it. It was fun observing how yeast is made, Sonia! I wish I can eat your bread... :-)

Caca said...

this is eye-opening! I shall call you xi-fu.

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia, just wonder how long can u store the yeast extract in the fridge? Or how do u know it is gone off? Thanks

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia, just wonder how long can u store the yeast extract in the fridge? Or how do u know it is gone off? Thanks

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia, just wonder how long can u store the yeast extract in the fridge? Or how do u know it is gone off? Thanks

Elina said...

Thank you for this article. I have my apple in the jar and I think it's ready for the next step. Tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

hi, can you please me who wrote the book homemade apple yeast?? thank you very much, can you reply here please? adri.ana05@yahoo.com

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

adri, I have posted the book picture in this post, check it out!

Anonymous said...

Glad I found your blog! I have a question, though... I bake gluten-free bread. Do you know if I can feed the yeast gluten-free flour (i.e. Brown rice flour or sorghum flour), or does yeast need to feed on glutinous flour? Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia thank you for your sharing, I had done and my yeast is ready to use by today. Just like to check after the 6th day of feeding,do we continous to feed it or just keep in fridge till complete. Hope you can reply and drop me a email at lyndapsc@yahoo.com. Awaiting your reply :) Many thanks. Lynda

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lynda, yes continue to feed it

Rita C said...

Hi Sonia, where can I buy Apple yeast extract?

Rita C said...

Noted with thanks, Sonia!

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