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Monday, July 16, 2012

My easy Maki Sushi

Lucas was requesting me to make sushi for him since i have quite long did not make his favourite sushi at home. Today i make this easy maki sushi for his bento lunch.
Ya, this Japanese serving bowl and the knife use to slice these sushi, both were brought back from Osaka. I just realized i bought quite a number of things from the Japan trip, hehehe.

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No expensive ingredients like salmon, this time i just use simple items i.e crabsticks and cucumbers..




My Easy Maki Sushi
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 cups of uncooked sushi rice
3 cups of water (I use the same rice cup to measure)

4tbsp Japanese vinegar
2tbsp fine granulated sugar
1/2tsp salt

Nori seaweed
Crabsticks ( cook in microwave oven on high for 1min or steam it)
Japanese cucumbers
Japanese mayonnaise

To make sushi rice
1. Wash the rice and rinse thoroughly.
2. Place rice and water in a rice cooker and set until cooked.
3. Meanwhile, mix together the rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a small mixing bowl, stir to mix well
4. Put the cooked rice into a large mixing bowl or use the same rice cooker, pour the vinegar sauce over the hot rice and fold it well (do not stir but just gently fold) . Allow to cool slightly before start making sushi roll.

To assemble sushi
1. Cover the bamboo rolling mat with cling film.
2. Prepare a bowl of drinking water as to wet your hands so the rice won’t stick to your hands.
3. Place one sheet of nori seaweed on a bamboo rolling mat - make sure the shiny side is facing down. Cover the seaweed with prepared sushi rice (don't stuff too much on, time to time wet your hands with water) - leave 1/2 inch of the seaweed bare at the bottom.
4. Place crabsticks, cucumber and spread mayonnaise length-ways on the rice and place closest to you.
5. Using the bamboo rolling mat, begin to tightly roll the sushi into log style. Start at the side nearest to you, and roll away from you. When the sushi is completely rolled, use the rolling mat to squeeze the sushi so it does not unroll when you are trying to cut it.
6. Using a very sharp knife, wet the knife with water, slice according to the thickness you like your sushi.


Bento lunch for kids





Yee Ling said...

It is my fav too!!

Sobss...both my girls still not accepting any Japanese food. How to make sushi at home..LOL!!

Unknown said...



Purabi Naha said...

Oh, I am going to make this! I love sushi and I have access to all these ingredients here in Hong Kong. Loved the recipe...so easy and tempting!

spdong said...


Diane said...

We both love sushi but I have never seen the seaweed to roll up in here. Think I will have to look on the internet and see if I can get some from elsewhere. This looks delicious. Diane

Mel said...

I loves Sushi! Yum..yum... You have made yours look so professional! Very well roll up. Looking at the photos, feel like having a few pieces now but unfortunately just only can look cannot taste... :-)

珊珊 said...



Unknown said...

Yours sushi looks very neat and pretty. Sure enjoy having them as meals anytime:)

Mandy said...

give me 2pcs of sushi with wasabi pls...

sabrina 莎莎 said...

wao~~ simple n nice to eat~~
roll roll roll~~~^^
i want dip with wasabi~~

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Had sushi for lunch yesterday! Good thinking of wrapping the bamboo sheet with cling wrap. Love sushi but never make b4. Would like to find 1 day, make appointment with my Jap friend & learn from her, hahaha! My fav is california rolls & avocado+chicken teriyaki rolls.

Yannie said...

Your sushi looks very good, but I know the effort in doing this isn't simple. Your Japanese rice is perfectly cooked. I failed once in cooking the rice, until dare not try again.

Veronica's Kitchen said...

Oh it is my favourite too. Your sushi looks good and neatly rolled like done by the pro. Can I have some?lol
Have a nice day.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...

Your sushi looks so nice and neat, my girls love it very much. Will try to make this one day.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

lucas so lucky to have a 有求必应great mum,
better not let my son to view your post, later he also request from his lazy mum, i sure die, hahaha

Yee's Corner said...

Very Japanese! Thumb up! Sugoiiiiiiiiii! The bento box I love it!

Tracy Low said...


Honey Bee Sweets said...

My kids love maki too! They would request mainly for tamago with cucumber instead. :)) lovely rolls u made there!

Hankerie said...

Oh nice! What a lovely mum!

My Little Space said...

Sonia, I like your rice texture... looks just nice. And the rolls look very neat after slicing too. Kudos!

Simple Person said...

love it..
simple and easy...

Little blue said...

Is my fav too~quite a long time I didn't made this...

Li Shuan said...

I have been eating lots of meat lately, need some light and refreshing sushi now. Can I have two pls.

Baby Sumo said...

It's so good that your son likes to eat healthy food. And never ask u to make cakes and other sweet stuff.

Unknown said...

very nice sushi. yummy yummy.

Julie said...

wow..super cutee,yummy!!

Ongoing Events of Erivum Puliyum @ Palakkad Chamayal-Fenugreek Leaves OR Green Chillies

Shu Han said...

I also made my own maki sushi last week. So bored of the usual lunchbox sandwich I bring, so decided to make sushi! ALso using cooked ingredients isntead of raw fish (: I don't have a sushi mat, so I use a damp towel instead and it works just as well!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

i loves sushi, but never make myself before...

Elaine said...

Good morning,
YOur sushi rolls looks so neat and professional! Had done this long time ago together with my daughter and she has just been asking when are we going to make again! Thanks for the recipe.

Unknown said...

I can't let my son see this. He'll ask me to do for him!

Casey said...

My girl loves to eat tuna sushi, but I so lazy to make for her, just bring her to sushi king, haha....I am really bad!

Karen said...

sonia, your sushi look so tempting and nice.. love to eat sushi, can i have two pls..:)

Sem said...

my kids love these, but i cant make a good roll like yours, mine will be too loose. Would love to make these and hope i have more time for cooking and baking.

Baking Diary said...

Your sushi is so neat and compact...very good rolling skill:D

茵茵 said...

Wow, this is very healthy sushi. They are so beautifully made.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You know how muh I love when you post Japanese recipes! :-). Great looking maki sushi Sonia!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I love this simple sushi, yummy :)

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Your maki-sushi are so neat and professional looking, perfect for kids even adults like me! I've never put mayonnaise in the sushi, but what a good idea that is :)

Ana Regalado said...

Mmmmmmmm ! That sushi looks gorgeously made , Sonia ! And it looks really delish ! I bought some nori last time planning to make some Spam musubi but haven't made it yet ! :P Love that chopstick in the first photo ! lol

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks good and I know it is not easy to slice a perfect sushi.

Mary said...

These rolls look delicious and perfectly simple too! I am adding Nori and sushi rice to my shopping list now. Thanks!

daphne said...

it looks perfectly rolled!!! Simple lunches are often the best.

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

Oh.. I am also quite into Japanese cuisine nowdays too!! And really hope to do sushi one of these days too.

Unknown said...

Its been some time I last did sushi... after seeing your yummy sushi I probably should do some soon... :)

Little Ghost said...


eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

Both of these are my kids' favourite! My son likes the one with crabmeat and my daughter likes cucumber! Luckily their taste are not expensive: )

Lori said...

How pretty! I still need to try to make my own sushi. I think it will take me a while to learn how to roll it well. Yours looks so great!

lena said...

i will need to practise more rolling sushi, sometimes they are neat and sometimes the ends dont seem to seal well, yours are very neat!

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
These maki Sushi of yours looks so yummy.
My boys love this crab meat n cucumber maki and also the tuna maki too. Like your Japanese sushi serve bowl, it's lovely.

Lily said...

Hi Sonia! Looks good! Can I check if cups refer to rice cups or baking cups?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lily, I use rice cup.

Julie kelly said...

I have been searching for sushi's recipe and now I found your blog. I loved your recipe so easy and tempting.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jag said...

Hi Sonia,
I've tried your recipe last night, is good. Thanks.

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