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Friday, July 27, 2012

Teriyaki chicken meat balls

The other day i told you that my son Desmond refused to take my bento lunch as he is prefered to the foods from canteen..But now no more, he is keeps asking me to bring bento lunch for him, you know why, because his classmates always praise on his bento lunch. So now he is very proud to have bento lunch, little boy is little boy, hehehe..
Today i made this Teriyaki chicken meat balls for bento lunch. I like to use those tough part of chicken e.g chicken breast or meat attached to chicken wings to make into meat balls..

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After i have learned on how to make Teriyaki sauce from the scratch from Nami (Just One cookbook), no more buying store-bought Teriyaki sauce because this sauce is very good (I increased the sugar amount because we prefer slightly sweet sauce).. Thanks to Nami for her kind sharing.

 Teriyaki chicken meat balls
(recipe source: Teriyaki sauce adapted from Just One Cookbook with minor changes)
Chicken meat balls ingredients
400g minced chicken (better with little fat)
1 onion (small size), chopped
1 sprig spring onion, chopped
1 egg white (small)
1tbsp light soy sauce or to taste
3/4tsp salt or to taste
1/2tsp chicken stock powder
1tbsp tapioca flour or corn starch
1tbsp water

Teriyaki Sauce
3 Tbsp. soy sauce
4 Tbsp. water
1 and ½ Tbsp. sake
1 and ½ Tbsp. mirin
2 tbsp sugar
1 inch onion, grated, including juice
1 inch ginger, grated, including juice

1. Mix minced chicken, onion, spring onion, egg white and all seasonings in a mixing bowl, stir to mix well. Set aside for 1 hour.
2. Shape minced chicken mixture into small ball, place on a frying pan or HappyCall pan, sprinkle little oil, fry till both sides golden brown (took about 5mins).
3. In another saucepan, add in Teriyaki sauce, cook the sauce till sugar dissolved over low flame.
4. Pour Teriyaki sauce into frying pan with chicken balls, cook until the sauce is reduced a bit. Use spoon to pour on top of chicken balls a couple of times while you are cooking.
5. Serve warm with steamed white rice.

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I use this grater that i bought from Osaka, can grate very fine ginger and onion or etc..

Also use the new HappyCall Pan (HCP) to pan fry the chicken meat ball, very good pan, no oil spill while cooking..



Actually i brought quite a lot of kitchenware from Osaka, this aluminium saucepan was one of them. I bought at very good price (about RM 12) and the aluminium is thick. 



I bet my kids will enjoy this bento lunch..
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Happy Weekend ahead to all...


Baking Diary said...

I was intending to leave a comment at your pumpkin buns post but got this instead lol! Lovely buns by the way, like the way you shape them into pumpkins. I just got this Happy Call Pan too and have yet to use it. I got tempted by the video in the online shopping deal! Going to bookmark this for cooking!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Your bento sets look sooooooo good...

Small Kucing said...

cute :)

he is sure one lucky boy.

mm..i wonder if possible the meat ball press using those cute fruit cutter into teddy and shapes

kym said...

wowowo... delicious look..
HappyCall Pan (HCP) nice to using bo..

Yee Ling said...

Yummy...another good recipe to try out using HCP

Yee Ling said...

btw mirin comes in bottled like sake too?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yee Ling, see this link for Mirin-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirin

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...
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Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

kym, "beh pai wor", hehehe..

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

hehe..your son is very cute ar :)
I like this teriyaki chicken balls and i always bought it when i go shopping!

Catherine Lee said...

Hi, you are surely a very loving mother. Your children are so blessed ! By the way, where do u buy mirin & sake & which brands ? Thanks !

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Catherine, you can buy it from Jusco or Isetan..I did not buy the cooking sake but instead i bought real sake from their wine section.

Yannie said...

Wow, first recipe in HCP, Sonia. You are good. You sure will utilize HCP for more creative recipes.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Such a good idea and great recipe for making delicious and nutritious food for kids, must try to make them for the young visitors staying with me at the moment :)

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

Nice bento lunch! I'll have to show it to my kids and maybe they'll want the same :) Looks so yummy!

Casey said...

wow....yummy teriyaki chicken meat balls, really make me drooling, haha!

Mel said...

Teriyaki Chicken is a well known dish to everyone and you....oh, make it into meatballs. What a wonderful idea for children. I'm sure they love this very much. Children always loves unique & different things and Desmond can have healthy lunch now.

Unknown said...

sooo cute! I made bento box for myself too during undergraduate, and my friends even bought me a cute Japanese bento box for my birthday present. This really reminds me of the good old days during college :)

irene myme said...

Wow.... Your teriyaki meatballs look so delicious. Can courier some over to spore.....hahaha!!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...

Bookmarked. I have another great recipe for chicken breast meat :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Look so yummy! No wonder your son wants this everyday, I would too, haha! HappyCall nice right? I love mine too haha! Will try this recipe too, thanks ya!

Ana Regalado said...

Another yummy recipe , Sonia ! It looks really delectable !

Unknown said...


Simple Person said...

looks good..
my wife just got the hcp

茵茵 said...

Yummy! I like teriyaki chicken. I am going to try this sauce one day. Thanks for the recipe!

Anonymous said...

I always love yr blog....anyway, what time yr kid leave for school? We can prepare ahead at night n reheat the next morning? My kids leave for school at 6.30am.... How to pack lunch for them in such early hour?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, Sorry, I always forgot to mention in my post, actually the school just 5mins away from my house, I sent bento lunch box during their lunch break. I think is quite hard for you to prepare lunch box early as 6.30am.

Alice said...

Sonia, thks for sharing the recipe
This is one of the most loved dish by my fussy boy!
He'll be delighted if I cook this for him :)
Looks seriously delicious :)

Li Shuan said...

huh..u send lunch box everyday ah? Aiyo..good mum. Very capable mum. Your bento looks delicious, no wonder Desmond is so proud of his lunch box.

Baby Sumo said...

Your son's school friends must be very envious... all will ask their mums to read your blog and learn to make bento lunch too. Hehe.

Little blue said...

Yummy yummy~want to try!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Wah Sonia u have many new toys.

Desmond must be very proud of you, I wonder if he tell all his friends about ur blog, haha.

I used to buy this teriyaki chicken ball from Jap "satay stall" in the shopping mall few years back,, one stick was SGD1+ that time, not sure how much now coz long time never buy. I can make at home now.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Delicious! My girls would love this and it makes a great picnic food too.

Nadji said...

Ces boulettes de poulet doivent être délicieuses.
J'aime beaucoup.
A bientôt

Anonymous said...

Oh Sonia this looks really delicious! I can't believe your son would prefer canteen food over yours! If my mum could cook like you I'd consider myself lucky!! Anyway, these teriyaki balls look really good. I just bought a bottle of mirin. Can't wait to start making Japanese food!

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Oh my! These looks so delicious! Definitely must try next week. BTW I've tried your Soba noodles recipe & it was supper yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipes! Have a lovely day! :)

zila norazila said...

sonia..hahaha clever son ..ur bento seem relly special..make for me boleh?..he hhe

blu4sky said...

hi sonia,
your bento lunch idea is really wonderful.. really give me some fresh ideas for my kids lunch pack.. i have ran out of ideas..i hv been packing the same lunch pack for them almost every day :p

Bakericious said...

Sonia, teriyaki chicken is my favourite, I am drooling over her lol.

rostina76 said...

hi sonia...i always lack of ideas on how & what to prepare for my kids lunch pack. ur recipe give me some ideas on how to variety my list. hehe, beg have to skip sake & mirin of course. tq for sharing....opps almost forgot, what actually the one u sprinkle ontop of the rice? if u don't mind sharing ;)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

rostina, ya, that one i sprinkle on top of rice is Furikake, dry Japanese condiment, refer to here for more detail-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furikake

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I haven't seen a recipe that I want to try immediately but this is one! I have copied down the recipe! Homemade teriyaki sauce is a new recipe to me, sounds very interesting!

Your son is so cute, you should bribe his friends if you want to make him eat something that he won't eat, hehehe!

I saw the grater in Daiso Sydney. I bought one but not sure whether is the same size with you, mine is a mini size, may be about 5-6cm wide only but works efficiently!

Anonymous said...

These are the perfect treat

shirley@køkken said...

I have been trying to find a recipe for a good Teriyaki sauce. Thanks for sharing this, Sonia!

lena said...

so you bought hcp too? after seeing so many HCP cooked dishes on the blog, i dont know will i be another 'victim' of the HCP! victim! hahaha!

mycookinghut said...

Looks absolutely drool worthy!

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia I love these balls!!! amazing!

Su-Lin said...

These look fantastic! And how lovely that your son now wants your bentos!

Elisabeth said...

Hi Sonia, I love your creativity to serve the Teriyaki chicken meatballs, on bamboo sticks...in fact, for sure I will be serving it this way next time!

I made almost the exact recipe a couple days ago...(no photos)...it was late.

I made my Teriyaki meatballs with beef, and added a tablespoon of my mango chutney to the sauce, which really added a nice 'zip' to it!
Love your take on this yummy dish!
I pinned it on Pinterest...so photo worthy pretty:D

Suhaina said...

WOW...This looks terrific..I love the Bento Idea..Ur son is lucky to have a mom like you. God bless.
I had done terriyaki sauce but without mirin and sake, a long time back..
Loved ur grater, Happy call pan and the aluminium pan u have used here. Wish to be a happy call pan owner someday.
THE Veggies have u just boiled them in water and salt??
You could steam them to prevent loosing their nutrutious value and sprinkle some salt after its cooked..

Mary said...

These look awesome, Sonia. I've made that teriyaki sauce and it is delicious!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Thanks Sonia for the kind mention again! I was so busy I couldn't even check your email update till now and surprised with two posts with my name in them. :D I'm so happy you liked this teriyaki sauce. We actually love flavor on sweet side, but that usually happens when I don't measure and cook. ;-) Isn't the Japanese grater amazing? I can't live without it. I grind onions (when I make dressing etc and I need only a bit), ginger, daikon... pretty much everything and it's so convenient to wash and etc. I'm making these meat balls for my son's lunch this year! I shared both posts on my facebook fan page and I hope you didn't mind. Let me know if you want me to take it down. :-)

Unknown said...
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Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nami, I don't mind you share it in your facebook fan page, I am more than happy you did this, hehehe..

Sem said...

I love this teriyaki chicken meatball very much. So glad to know you have the HCP, as i have bought one too but couldnt figure out what am I suppose to do with the rubber thingy, which came along with the pan, as the instructions in Korean.
Can i check it out with you if i still couldnt figure out later?

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
Love your chicken meat balls. Look so yummy with the vegetables.This HCP that you use looks really good. Does your kedai run it sell this HCP?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mui Mui , my kedai runcit don't sell this pan, I got mine from SG. If I happen to see this pan selling here, will let you know.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, I don't know what did you mean by rubber thingy. I have only one rubber ring ( the red rubber ring installed on the pan) which come along with the pan, it is a spare unit to replace when the existing rubber ring get loose.

Sem said...

Oh,I see,I'm a bit blur,thought I need to instal the rubber ring again before I can use,thank you so much, hope to see some HCP dishes from you.

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
Thanks so much dear friend..:)

Chinese restaurant Brisbane said...

Wonderful food on photos and recipe well explained. Well done!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love a tight and flavourful meatball this looks just great for me. i love it, thanks so much:D

Anonymous said...

Very yummy chicken meatballs! Recipe definitely for keeps! I used store-bought teriyaki sauce though. A bit too salty for us so I will cut down on the salt/chicken stock powder portion. Thanks for sharing, Sonia!
Jancy ❤️

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