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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vegetarian Japanese Unagi

The other day i saw this recipe published in newspaper, sound yummy and healthy. If i want to buy the real unagi, it is very expensive. So i have no doubt immediately try out this cheap version of vegetarian unagi. The taste was nothing close to real unagi but this is a dish that worth to try out, yummy!

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I topped this vegetarian unagi with this Sakura sesame sprinkles i bought from Osaka instead the normal sesame seeds. So cute to see the little sakura flower spinkle..

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There were quite many steps to prepare this vegetarian dish! Ya, try to make the pickle sour cucumber to enjoy with this a bit sweet dish.

vegetarian unagi

Vegetarian Japanese Unagi
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 potatoes, peeled and sliced

Seasonings (A)
1/2tsp salt
4tbsp tapioca flour

3pcs fresh firm tofu

Seasonings for sauce (B)
4tbsp Japanese soy sauce
4tbsp sugar
3tbsp Mirin
1 cup water

Nori seaweeds
Sesame seeds

1. Steam potato slices till soft, mash it with a fork, add in seasonings (A) and combine well.
2. Slice one firm tofu into 6 equal slices and repeat for the rest.
3. Dip tofu into tapioca water (1tsbp tapioca flour + 2tbsp water), spoon mashed potato and spread on top of the tofu, set aside.
4. Heat oil in a non-stick pan, pan fry the tofu (tofu side down first) till golden brown.
5. Cook seasonings for sauce (B) till boiled, put in fried tofu (tofu side down first), cook for few minutes, top a slice of Nori seaweed (cut to the same size of tofu) on top. Upside down the tofu, sprinkle roasted sesame seeds on top. Reserve the gravy after cooked. Pour gravy on the Vegetarian unagi.
6. Serve hot with pickled Japanese cucumbers and rice.

Side dish-pickled Japanese cucumber

Slice 2 cucumbers into thin slices, add 2tbsp sugar, 2tbsp white vinegar and a pinch salt, marinate for several hours. Discard the marinated water before serve.

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Joceline Lor said...


Simple Person said...

very creative...

Sally said...


Mel said...

Oh wow, these must be delicious!! And you fried till brown so beautiful. Hmm....saliva drooling now looking at it.

Mandy said...

看到Japanese Unagi我就流口水了。。嘻嘻!

Yannie said...

Yummy, looks like tofu and also toast bread, hehehehe.

Li Shuan said...

i love unagi a lot and this vegetarian version looks yummy too. The Sakura sesame is so cute ..u really import lots of cute beautiful stuff back from Japan. Actually we planned to go to Japan for the year end holiday, we then changed our mind to go to somewhere else instead. Or else I can go crazy shopping in Japan..haha!

I've done the Sakura cookies. Hmmm.. I'll post soon.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

i also want a bowl of rice, please arrange so that i can sit beside my president, hahaha!

Casey said...

wow...this really looks yummy & make me drooling!

Sem said...

love this dish too.

cikmanggis said...

menariknya:)akan cuba !

yvonne said...

I don't think I'll be able to find unagi here, and I hardly order unagi when we dine at Japanese restaurant. Hence, this is a recipe that I must bookmark because I'm an unagi lover!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

So beautiful, so next will be the real unagi?

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very creative and yummy! I must bookmark this dish, since i start eating a lot toufu now :)

Yee's Corner said...

Wow! So delicious it's to me! I going to try this weekend! Unagi is my favourite too! Tofu as well! Yum yum...

zila norazila said...

creative and special la..relly tempting:)

茵茵 said...

I am bookmarking this recipe as I love toufu! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Anonymous said...

Very appetizing and delicious! The image on the top makes me crave to try.

My Little Space said...

Great recipe sharing, Sonia. I definitely will this out someday.
Have a lovely evening.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia,I think it is the colour of the dish that looks very close to unagi&you've done a great job!These sprinkles are so cute, looks like you had a very fruitful trip to Japan

Anonymous said...

I want to try this dish. Do you fry the potato side?
When you turn the tofu with potato facing down,
how long do you have to cook for?


ICook4Fun said...

What a great looking vegetarian dish. I don't mind eating this instead of unagi. Like you said they are very expensive.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous , please adress yourself next time. Yes,you need to fry the potato side , fry over medium heat till golden brown .

Jane Chew said...

sounds interesting. I like this. thanks for sharing this recipe :)

Julie said...

Very delicious!

Ongoing Events of Erivum Puliyum @ Palakkad Chamayal-Fenugreek Leaves OR Green Chillies

Jeannie said...

You bought so many goodies from Japan huh! This dish looks delicious!

Jeannie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sabrina 莎莎 said...

Sonia, ta's a great dish!!! I think I will like it... sure will try!!
thx dear^^n

Susi said...

Dear Sonia,
I hope my comment will not drown in this flood of comments :D I'm a food-blogger myself, and I was asked to give away an award to my five most favorite blogs on the internet. Actually this is a German thing, but I dared to choose you as the only one written in English, because I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your recipes! I wrote a short English description about that whole thing on my blog (which is bilingual). All the best, and thank you again for your wonderful recipes!
best wishes,

Shu Han said...

woah nice idea! I can imagine doing htis for a vegetarian friend! this is lovely! i think everything grilled in teriyaki sauce is hard to resist though, to be honest ;)

Baby Sumo said...

Mock unagi using tofu... how smart!

Fresh Local and Best said...

This sounds like a really interesting vegetarian dish!

Unknown said...


Edith said...

Beautiful prsentation. Strangely I wonder why they named it unagi.

Little blue said...

Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe, want to try~

Belly Good Cooking said...

This looks GOOD... Very creative indeed, love it!

kitchen flavours said...

Looks delicious! Many steps but I guess it is worth it in the end!

Elaine said...

Good morning,
Thanks for the recipe. Its just look great and I look forward to try this vegetarian dish for my sister. So creative! Your trip to Japan definitely very fruitful!

irene myme said...

er....I don't like unagi, but I loves tofu. Thanks for sharing ^o^

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

I'm afraid I don't know what unagi is, but your vegetarian version of it looks amazing, the colors, textures, and appearance all look so attractive and appetizing, no doubt it must taste delicious!!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You are so creative! Great vegetarian dish and you can still enjoy the similar flavor!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks delicious! It does look like unagi.

daphne said...

nice! I wouldn't have thought of it! Wonder if it taste good iwht tofu.. LOL

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. it looks like tofu with unagi sauce to me! But this is definitely a genius idea and I'm sure a lot more affordable too!! love it Sonia!

WendyinKK said...

I love unagi, and I love tofu too.

Kimmy said...

Sonia, I think I like this more than Unagi. Will prepare this for my vegetarian diet. Thanks for the great idea.

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

I must say that I don't cook Japanese food at all but this looks so good that I've gotta give it a try! Thanks for sharing! :)

Ana Regalado said...

I love unagi and this vegetarian version sure looks very tempting ! Love that sakura sprinkles ! Delicious dish , Sonia !

lena said...

sonia, this is very creative. It sounds and looks delicious to me and also very nice topping with that cute sesame sprinkling!!

Anonymous said...

The other day i saw this recipe published in newspaper, sound yummy and healthy. If i want to buy the real unagi, it is very expensive. So i have no doubt immediately try out this cheap version of vegetarian unagi. The taste was nothing close to real unagi but this is a dish that worth to try out, yummy! Outsourcing To China

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Can I use corn flour instead of tapioca flour? Going to cook this tonight.

Thank you.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

LL, should be ok to replace with corn flour.

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