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Friday, August 24, 2012

Decorated Polka Dot Swiss Roll 圆点蛋糕卷

I did swiss roll before but have never try with decorated pattern on swiss roll. Since i bought a decorated swiss roll cookbook ( 彩绘蛋糕卷 ) from the Book Fair recently .So i quickly try my 1st decorated swiss roll with the most basic pattern, polka dot.

IMG_6333 copy

But i did not follow to the sponge cake recipe in this book or followed to the earlier 孟老师 recipe, instead i follow a recipe from my favourite cookbook that i bought from Shanghai. I am very pleased with this sponge cake recipe, easy to make (making chiffon method) and yet resulted a spongy and flexible swiss roll cake. I will use this basic swiss roll recipe from now onwards..



While i went out to fetch my son who having tuition in school, i let my daughter to pipe the patterns for me. So this was how she made the polka dot, not same size and you can noticed she pipe a heart shape also, hehehe..



Decorated Polka Dot Swiss Roll
*35.5cm x 28cm square pan

Decoration batter
(recipe source: adapted from 彩绘蛋糕卷 )

50g unsalted butter
1tsp corn oil
40g icing sugar
30g egg white
50g cake flour, add more flour if batter too runny, adjust accordingly

Food coloring, Wilton rose

1. Melted butter and corn oil over a double boiler.
2. Sift in sugar, stir well.
3. Add in egg white, combine well.
4. Add in cake flour, mix well.
5. Put in the color.
6. Pipe the patterns onto the swiss roll pan that line with paper.
7. Chill in the fridge for 20mins.

Swiss roll sponge
(recipe source: adapted from 妙手烘培)

5 egg yolks (medium)
IMG_6327 50g corn oil
50g milk
20g caster sugar
85g cake flour

5 egg white (medium)
1/4tsp lemon juices, optional
60g caster sugar

1. Lightly whisk egg yolk with sugar.
2. Add in corn oil, stir to combine.
3. Add in milk, combine well.
4. Fold in cake flour, mix well, set aside.
5. Add lemon juices into egg white, beat till foamy.
6. Gradually add in sugar, beat till stiff peaks (十分发 / 硬性发泡)
7. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till light.
8. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.
9. Pour batter into the pan that line with parchment paper.
10. Bake at 160C (at middle rack) for 25mins.

To assemble Swiss roll
1. Carefully turn the baked sponge cake onto a piece of baking/parchment paper.
2. Slowly peel off the attached baking/parchment paper from the cake.
3. Place a new piece of baking/parchment paper over the sponge. Invert the sponge again.
4. Slice out a small piece of sponge on a 45-degree angle at another end, so the end of sponge will neatly attached to the sponge at the end of rolling.
5. Make few slits on the whole cake. Spread evenly a layer of strawberry jam or cream.
6. With the shorter side/breadth facing you, roll the cake up tightly to form a swiss roll. Wrap with cling wrap and chill in the fridge (if using whipping cream) to allow the swiss roll to set. Slice to serve.

There will be more patterns coming up, stay tuned..



sabrina 莎莎 said...

i wish i could b the 1st to comment here... wish~~
its really cute~~ even 1st time to do but u do it well....
its easy job to u~~ haha!!!

ping said...

You never cease to amaze me, Sonia! This is so amazingly pretty and adorable with the polka dots.

Anonymous said...

lovely polka dots! very ladylike cake

Cosy Bake said...

Very sweet looking dotty dots!!

0620 said...

good job nice try
keep it on :)

ibundo said...

Gebunya swiss roll you. And the polkadot makes it so sweet..

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

someone say this 彩绘swiss roll can make ppl feel addicted, so waiting for your next project ya, haha!

Simple Person said...

your swiss roll looks very good...
my wife tried to make swiss roll last weekend..

Jane Chew said...


Little blue said...

Wow~I like this pinky polka dots roll, look very sweet and nice!

Ana Regalado said...

Another gorgeous bakes , Sonia ! Love the polka dots design ! Your mini-me piped that pattern beautifully ! :D

Diane said...

That is so unusual and I bet it tastes fantastic. Diane

Li Shuan said...

sweetie pink polka dot Swiss roll. The Swiss roll looks very spongy n light. Eileen bought me this book too, but I am too lazy to do pattern on Swiss roll la.... Since u will be making more.... I'm looking fwd for more beautiful rolls from u.

Mel said...

It sure does looks beautiful having the swiss roll decorated, isn't it? Make it more delicious too, ha...! I loves swiss roll but yet to post mine on blog. What am I waiting for? hee...

ann low said...

WOW! This looks pretty cute!! 赞!

Debs @ The Spanish Wok said...

It looks too pretty to eat.

shan said...



Fern @ To Food With Love said...

That's really cute! Hey, just wondering, after you put the cake in the fridge, is the cake still soft or is it a bit harder?

Artsylicious said...

Nice cake! Guess my girl will love this pattern too!

Alice said...

such a sweet and pretty swissroll, Sonia
i never make swissroll with pattern, perhaps should give this a try
the sponge cake looks spongy and soft indeed :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Love the pink polka dots, so sweet looking. Looking forward to more pattern from you too.

Tracy said...

Hi I have tried the same recipe before and it state as to combine the oil and butter together till creamy stage( which is quite impossible hehe). The resulting batter is quite watery. may I know if you have the same prob as me? Thanks for sharing it with us =)


chow and chatter said...

your an amazing baker

irene myme said...

又经典又简约漂亮的粉红Polka Dot蛋糕卷。。。给你多多个赞赞赞赞哦!嘻嘻~~

Bakericious said...

Sonia this is very Sui leh, I love anything with polka dots.

Veronica said...

I love the sweet pink polka dots! Amazing swiss roll. Well done again, Sonia. Waiting for more ...

yvonne said...

What a lovely swiss roll~ I always wonder how the pattern is done on swiss roll in the bakery, now I know :)

Looking forward for me, Sonia~

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Fern, I just keep outside because I just spread jam, so still soft. Ya, if keep inside fridge, it might turned slightly dry but not hard.

Tracy, ya, I faced the same problem too, so I actually add more flour to thicken the batter and also stated in my recipe.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Tracy said...

Hi Sonia

Thanks for your tips I will try again :) thanks for sharing


The Experimental Cook said...

Congratulations! You have produced an amazing cake. I'm very inspired to try :)

PH said...

The polka dots on the cake are so cute! I am scared to try Swiss roll because I have phobia that when I roll the cake, it will break!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Your little girl is so creative, I notice there's a little butterfly too hehe!! This swiss roll recipe seems like a good, yummy and reliable one, look forward to more of your decorated creations too ( joint effort with your daughter perhaps ;p)

Yummy Bakes said...

Wow so pretty and the polka dots are so uniform. Well done.

Min said...

I love polka dots, they are in my favourite pink colour some more. It looks very elegant and tempting, will try out if I have time for swiss roll, hehe.

Yee's Corner said...

Really"sweet" roll ! I love it!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Pretty and lovely swiss roll :)

mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
Lovely polka dot swiss roll.
Too pretty to eat..lol..
Will stay tune to view your next creation..^^

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, 1 important tip that I've learned from this posting is that you actually made slits on the whole cake, not just 3-4 slits at one end. I'll keep this in mind! Joceline bought me this book & I've bookmarked to do the polka dots swiss rolls in the future & will definitely use your method. I have a smaller pan here & won't consider of buying a new pan, may be I won't use all the cake batter. Your swiss roll is not only looking cute & you also did a good job in rolling it. I also notice that your cake base is very clean, no trace of the "brown layer" at all. I didn't manage to peel off the "brown layer" completely & hopefully this wont happen again in my 2nd swiss roll!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia,thanks for your reply in my blog earlier. I know what you meant. I also did it that way but somehow, the cake base still formed a "brown" layer at the bottom. I didn't like the cake recipe that I used last time. The cake wasn't as soft & moist as the chiffon but since this recipe came from the famous Taiwanese cook, "孟老师" & also I watched the whole clip in youtube, I thought I gave it a go. Who knows that it didn't turn out nice but nevermind, that was just my 1st roll, there will be more to come.

lena said...

very pretty and your polda dots are so nicely imprinted on the swiss roll. I'm not sure if i remember correctly that i see the patterns are usually baked in oven first but today i'm learning that it can be chilled instead of baking it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

oh yay! Another swiss roll recipe! This looks really nice Sonia!! I love it! It's perfect! No cracks at all! :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Will stay tune for more patterns...

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, you never stop impressing me! I love your polka dot swill roll! SUPER cute! You are so good at baking. Is there any dishes that you can't cook? Your children are so lucky!!

Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Hi Sonia, this is so sweet and lovely. Awaiting for more from you: )

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Such a sweet Swiss roll with PINK polka dots too. I love everything pink so this is my kind of cute roll! Gorgeous!

Elajr said...

Hi! It's my first time to visit your blog. You are very talented, beautiful photo too. I was reading the instructions on the Swiss Roll Cake and you lost me when you said to slice a small piece of sponge on a 45 degree angle...what exactly do you mean by it, sorry I didn't get it quite well, maybe you can explain it further. Thank you.

Jade said...

Hi there!

I came accross your blog and was amazed by that swiss roll could actually have patterns on it. But when I tried to do it,
1. the pattern actually sticks on the baking paper rather than on the swiss roll when I peel the baking paper out.. Could you help to advise?
2. Also, my roll was so soft that when i roll and lift it up it breaks..
3. And, one last question, do you wait for the roll to cool before peeling or overturn the swiss roll and then putting the cream?

Hope to hear from you! greatly appreciated!


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Elajr, sorry for my poor explanation, you can see the 4th picture in this post-http://nasilemaklover.blogspot.com/2011/07/green-tea-swiss-roll-with-red-bean-and.html

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

1. I was not too sure how your pattern stick to the baking paper, maybe next time you can try with non-stick paper.
2. Maybe you have underbake the cake..
3. yes, wait till the sponge cake slightly cool but not completely cool..

JADE said...

Thanks Sonia for the reply! I'm trying again this weekend and hopefully it will be a success! :)

Mary said...

Hi!!! Love your cake roll? Is the recipe from the book by Junko (cannot read japanese/chinese hehehe). I bought the book myself, but I cannot read the recipes, so if this recipe is similar I will try this! Thanks!!!

HI WORLD said...
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Pui Mun said...

Dear Sonia,

Can I make this swiss roll with green tea flavour? How much green tea powder should I add in? or do i need to do any modifications to the recipe?

Wish you could help.

Pui Mun

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Pui Mun, maybe you can try this recipe which is using green tea powder-http://nasilemaklover.blogspot.com/2011/07/green-tea-swiss-roll-with-red-bean-and.html

Pui Mun said...

Thanks :) I'll try both of the recipes by this weekend. Your cake looks so good, im so tempted to try them out :)

Thanks for sharing !

Pui Mun

Anonymous said...

I tried to bake. Everything was fine until i started rolling. Cracks start to form. Anyway to prevent the cracks? Thanks !!

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