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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mango pudding

Last weekend, I went to a Chinese Book Fair in KL in order to meet up with bloggers 鲸鱼老师 and Spdong. This mango pudding recipe is adapted from a dessert cookbook that i bought from this book fair.

IMG_6142 copy

Mango pudding
(adapted from 孟老师的甜点杯)

3 gelatine sheets (23x7cm), soak in ice cold water till soften
200g mango puree
IMG_6144 copy 250g milk
100g whipping cream
35g sugar
10g lemon juices

Diced mango

1. Combine milk, whipping cream and sugar in a saucepan, warm the mixture till sugar dissolved.
2. Add in the gelatin and mix through, cool down the mixture by placing on top of a bowl of cold water.
3. Mix in lemon juices and mango puree, combine well.
4. Strain mixture, pour into serving glasses. Refrigerate till set. Garnish with diced mango.


Two cute mooncakes from spdong and the rest were from 鲸鱼老师. Thank you for these lovely gifts and nice meeting both of you!

2012_blog photos_Aug


Joceline Lor said...

哈哈哈~ 我们也在怡保meet了鲸鱼老师。他还当了我们的’带队老师‘呢!当天吃吃走走开心极了。

Joceline Lor said...

哎呀!我忘了吃mango puding呢!现在到回来拿!

Mel said...

Thank you for sharing this pudding recipe. Can the gelatine sheet be substitute with gelatine powder? Any suggestions?

chow and chatter said...

this looks wonderful love mango

Mandy said...

mango pudding我最喜欢了,我也要一杯~~ :)

Gloria Baker said...

I adore mangos an this look.amazing!

Yummy Bakes said...

The pudding looks very good. The piglets look like Anncoo's (she made this last year).

Bakericious said...

Mango pudding looks yummy, good for today's weather heeheehee...

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wah another meet up?? So nice leh! I wish I get to meet up so many bloggers like you Sonia! But I'm glad at least we've met before hahaha! :)) love the mango pudding...and the cup too! Nice for hot weathers like now. :))

Casey said...


PH said...

Very nice mango pudding. Looks like quite simple to make and good to eat. The piglets are so cute.

Baby Sumo said...

Wow the piggy mooncake from your friend is so cuteeeee!

I love mango pudding, love to order this in Chinese restaurants if I feel like desserts.

Li Shuan said...

silky smooth pudding! Yummy! My sister in Msia asked me whether I want the book because she is going to buy me one. I told her I have enuf book and magazines for the time being. Don't want to make my self too busy la...haha!

I see ur decoupage plate leh....! U still keep it ah? Love the piggy moon cake..too cute to eat.

ann low said...

Very delicious dessert for the hot weather. So pretty too!

WendyinKK said...

Nice mango pudding.
and I love ur heart shaped cups

cherry potato said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mel, if i were refer to this link-http://forums.egullet.org/topic/85599-gelatin-conversion/

3 sheets = 1tbsp gelatine powder.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

哈哈哈! 站着讲话,再站着收礼物和拍照哦!both of them are friendly and nice.

sathya said...

Delicious mango pudding, guess mango can be substituted with any other fruit! Love the cute piglets!

Appetite Treats

Unknown said...

Love the mango pudding. The mooncakes which were gifted are awesome.

FiSh said...

nice pudding u have there :) but im eyeing on that cute mooncakes too..

FiSh @ ohfishiee

Nadji said...

la mangue est un fruit que j'aime beaucoup et ce pudding me semble des plus délicieux.
j'aime beaucoup.
A bientôt

Angie's Recipes said...

Looks delish! I love mango pudding.

Ana Regalado said...

I remember that you made some of that piggie mooncake last year ?! :D Anyway , that mango pudding looks fantastic ! Another great treat for these hot summer days !

Nippon Nin said...

Mango pudding looks delicious! Where did you find the heart shaped cups? Look all the Japanese stuff and the cute pigs! I love to go there someday.

Unknown said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Anonymous said...

I bought this book too at Popular Bookstore. Heart-shaped cups make them even more appealing and tastier!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nin, the heart shape cups is a gift from a blogger friend.

Baking Diary said...

Another delicious and refreshing dessert from you, would love to try some!

spdong said...


Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Lovely mango pudding. Hope to meet up with you one day too.

Elisabeth said...

Your mango pudding caught my attention, yours is much lighter than mine was, but the consistency is the same...so creamy, and yummy!
Love the pretty presentation with the diced mango, and mint leaves!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Kids and I adore mango pudding but I have to admit only time I eat is after dim sum. I should make this at home since it looks so easy to make! How nice that you met blogger friends! It's always fun to meet offline. Hope to see you one day too!! ;-)

sabrina 莎莎 said...

看来要follow Sonia动手做布丁了。。。^^


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you are naughty ah, you have exposed the real look of spdong! But also thank to you, now I know how she looks like, hahaha!

I like mango pudding very much! I made your orange jelly. I took action on the next day after reading your recipe but it has to wait b4 I will post it in my blog! Eh, I thought you couldn't meet up with Whale in KL, so at last, you met up with her at the book expo!

Joyce(Chunky Cooky) said...

Mango is my favourite fruit and mango pudding is definitely my favourite dessert. And I love the way you had them presented in those heart shaped cups!!

Lisa Ho said...

Give me mango anytime...and I'll be in Mango Heaven... :D
I wish I could reach out for one... delicious :D

shan said...


书有了很久,不过刚刚才买到gelatine sheet,所以有时间就打算开工做甜点杯。


lena said...

mango pudding is one cold dessert that i enjoy eating!

Joan said...

Nice heart shape mango pudding =)

Anonymous said...

If i were to gelatin powder in replacement off gelatin sheet, what will the qty of gelatin powder be?

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