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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Simple Home-style tofu, and how to remove tofu from the box

Earlier I have problem to remove a perfect tofu from the box. After I learnt a new way, I am glad to see the tofu perfectly removed from the box for every attempted.

How to remove tofu perfectly from the box?
1. use a pair of scissor to trim off the edges of the tofu box, remove the plastic paper.
2. open the wall of the box and let tap water running through the gap, repeat the same step for each side, until you feel the tofu is floating on the water.

3. Place the tofu with a plate, then flip it over.

4. remove the box, and you see a perfect tofu..
Thanks to food4tots for sharing this useful tip !!

Now the tofu is ready to cook, here is the simple steamed tofu that I like to cook..

Simple steamed tofu with dried shrimps and onion
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1 silken tofu
3 sprig of spring onion, take green part only, chopped
tofu5 copy 20g dried shrimps, washed
4 shallots, sliced
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp oyster sauce
3tbsp cooking oil


  1. Remove the tofu from the packaging, put it in a steam proof dish and drain the excess liquid. Steam the tofu in a rice cooker (while cooking rice ) or in a steamer for 5mins, pour excess liquid.
  2. Heat oil in a wok, fry shallots till golden brown and crispy, dish out and set aside.
  3. In the same wok, deep fry dried shrimps till aroma.
  4. Pour oyster sauce and light soy sauce on the steamed tofu, add in the fried dried shrimps together with cooking oil and sprinkle fried shallots.
  5. Serve with steamed rice.
This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake at this post.


Mel said...

Aah....a homey dish. I bet this dish is almost everyone favourite.

Top Cuisine avec Lavi said...

Great recipe!

Victoria bakes said...

That's a very useful tip! Tks Sonia

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I love to eat this tofu dish when I was young. I could just have this with boiled rice. Having this with deep fried shallot & dried shrimp are so yummy! I thought you would have also put some red chillies there too, haha. This without the chilli suits my taste perfectly!

Faeez said...

That's a great tip!

Joceline Lor said...

Sonia , this is simple and nice . Like !

Unknown said...

Useful tip! Thanks!

Baby Sumo said...

Simple and delicious.

Anonymous said...

i usually did the same method with chopping board help..hehehe
you madee a restaurant style tofu serving actually....
beautiful presentation!

Sem said...

Your post came just in time, as I had cut deeply into my finger when I used a knife trying to open up the box of tofu last week.Now I should give your method a try definitely. :)

Anonymous said...

very useful tip and that tofu looks so yummy. thank you!

Jasline @ Foodie Baker said...

Thanks Sonia, for the very useful tip!

Esther Lau said...

Very nice and comfort dish for family. Love the useful tip as well :)

Unknown said...

That's a great tip, thanks Sonia!

Baking Diary said...

I guess this must be the easiest way to cook tofu, yet I have been too lazy to cook sigh! Maybe because my sons don't like tofu so not so inspired:P Yours looks fresh and delicious!

PH said...

Sonia, thanks for the tip! I always disaster when taking the tofu out. This dish I like very much, I like to hijack the topping hee..hee...

Small Kucing said...

Tq tq tq...me too alway the taufu broke when I attempt to take out from box

Zoe said...

Many thumbs up for sharing this great tip! I'm pretty hopeless handling soft tofu... but now, I know :D

shaz said...

that looks really delicious and healthy. thanks for sharing yet another great home-cooking recipe.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I do remove tofu from the package that way ! Your tofu sure looks wonderful and absolutely delicious ! Just love the toppings :D

Anonymous said...

Great tip for removing tofu without breaking it! I shall try it next time. I also love bonito flakes on my tofu.

mui mui said...

Such a simple and homey tofu dish.
like, like, like!!
Thanks ah Chi for sharing this :D

mayyee said...

Sonia, I have another secret tip from my colleague's Mum that I want to share with u in removing tofu from box. Try this:-

1) Place the unopened tofu upside down on a flat surface, preferably on chopping board, etc. (ie. the plastic box is facing u)

2) Use a chopping knife (big chinese type), use the side surface of the knife, slam it hard on the tofu (the down part with the container) about 1-2 times. (Make sure the whole tofu surface is cover when u slam on it.

3) Done. Remove the plastic cover. U will be surprised, the tofu come out nice n easily.

Jessie said...

Hi Sonia,

I just discovered your blog recently. I have tried this dish and it was very, very delicious. I have cooked it twice in 2 weeks! Thanks for sharing. A new follower!


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