If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wacky cheese cupcakes 巧克力芝士小蛋糕

Frankly, after updating my blog for so many years, I started to feel lazy to keep up the same pace like last time. And seeing many of my blogger friends slowly quit the blogging world, I feel a bit lonely here....maybe I need to take a break from blogging one day..
Back to this post, I bought a 500g of cream cheese the other day due to better price if buy more. After use half to make a Japanese cotton cheesecake for my mother's Birthday. I have to search for a nice recipe to use the leftover, and found this old recipe.

I filled up the batter too much (over explored after baked), next time have to fill about 60% full.. 

Chocolate and Cream cheese, they go well very together, thumbs up!

Wacky cheese cupcakes 巧克力芝士小蛋糕
*makes 9 muffin cases (55mm diameter) 

Chocolate Cupcakes
100g all purpose flour
70g granulated white sugar
15g unsweetened cocoa powder ( I use Valrhona cocoa powder)
1/2tsp baking soda

1/4tsp fine salt
120g water
40g corn oil
1tsp white vinegar 

Cream Cheese Filling
125g cream cheese at room temperature
30g granulated white sugar
1tbsp lemon juice 


1. For cream cheese filling, with a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth.

2. Add the sugar n lemon juice and beat until creamy and smooth. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl sift together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.

4. in a separate bowl mix in water, oil, vinegar.

5. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and stir in the wet ingredients until nice and smooth.

6. Divide the batter evenly among the 9 muffin cups. Then spoon a few tablespoons of the cream cheese filling into the center of each cupcake.

7. Bake in the preheated oven 170C for about 25 minutes, or when a toothpick inserted into the chocolate part of the cupcake will come out clean. 

Recipe adapted from Jane’s corner, with minor changes



Mel said...

Oooo....sinful cupcakes....chocolates and cheese....so fulfilling!!

Fion said...

Please don't stop blogging, I will feel lonely too..
You cupcakes really yummy,exchange my moon cake with urs,ok?hahaha

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


PH said...

What a cute name! Ya lah, some of our friends have quit and I feel sad too.

Anonymous said...

hi sonia

i enjoy reading your blogs, pls dont quit :-)


Joceline Lor said...


这个cheese cake 好吸引人。赞

Ling yuen chin said...


Victoria Bakes said...

i cannot withstand the thought of you leaving the baking blogosphere.., pls dont even have that wacky thought... but a break to take you on a further journey sounds refreshing

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Just don't over stress, blog when you have the time...

Copycake kitchen said...

Hi Sonia Sifu, you're a good blogger! We all love your blog very much. Please don't leave us alone ya! 加油!Your cupcake look so sedap :)

daphne said...

It does get tiring but you are doing an amazing job. Sometimes, we get caught up creating new recipes and become jaded! Cheese in chocolate? Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,
I love your blog. I learn a lot of good eat from your blog too. My little boy always remind me "Never give up" when I try to stop to do something. I hope you "Never Give Up" your blog. You do a very good job!!! Please keep it up! ^_^


Anonymous said...


Actually I just started to read your blog recently. I do come across food blogs that has been abandoned. Well you can always do something different with the direction of your blog so that you don't end up burnt out like those who quit. Publish your own cookbook perhaps? Or start taking orders on the popular recipes?


mai has said...

don't stop blogging please...your recipes are all so inspirational.love it!

向日葵葵 ~ Sunflower Grace said...

Chocolate and cream cheese are good combination..look very yummy to me.
Sonia, please don't quit. I enjoy reading your blog and love to try your recipes.

Small Kucing said...

see the cupcakes i am drooling already though dont eat cheese. LOl.

Little blue said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Nasi Lemak Lover

I love reading your blog. Please don't quit.Perhaps you might want to take a short break. You recipes and photos are so good and beautiful. Each day, I will go to your blog a few times just to look at the photos.
Thank you very much for your inspiring blog.
With Best Wishes and To Good Health!

Anonymous said...

No No.. pls don't stop blogging, your blog is so inspiring and truly appreciate your effort and time contributed.
Perhaps a short break helps.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Please dun stop blogging..ur recipes inspire me in cooking..tried your few recipes n my family love it.


Keep Your Memories said...

Please don't quit blogging as I really enjoy seeing your creations.

Ana Regalado said...

Awww Sonia , don't quit , we need you lol There are days when I'm just too lazy to blog as you can see from my erratic posting but I also miss interacting with blogging friends if I'm gone for so long :P Just post whenever you want to , no pressure :D

Keep Your Memories said...

Hi Sonia,
May I know why need to add vinegar? Can I use lemon juice instead?


mui mui said...

Hi Chi,
Guess what? I found a ah chi through blogging and I cherish it very much. You are a great mentor to me. Just blog whenever you feel like it. No pressure cause it your hobby and it's your blog. Please don't quit! I will be very sad to see another wonderful blogger quit.

Oh!! I love chocolate and cheese. This wacky cheese cupcakes looks yum! Minta satu please :p

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Please don't quit blogging.
Yours is the first food blog I started reading years ago and till today it is still the first blog I turn to whenever I need inspirations.

Take a break if you need to, but don't quit please.


婉婉午茶 said...


Angie's Recipes said...

Love your recipes and blog, Sonia. Don't give up, but update it whenever you can..not because you have to. These eggless chocolate cheese cupcakes are so beautiful!

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Elaine said...

Good afternoon Ms Sonia,
Please do not quit... you are the best teacher and so willing to share your recipes with us!
Have a happy mooncake festival and weekend.

lena said...

hey sonia, you hv so many friends and readers here, you are definately not going to be lonely! taking a break will be a good idea..or just blog as and when you like :))

bungatelang said...

Hi Sonia,

you are one of the most popular blogger around. it'll be a great loss to the blogsphere community if we lose you too.

You have a lot of fans that love you greatly, so hopefully our love for you could also act as an encouragement to you to keep going.

Jag said...

Hi Sonia,
I have just baked the Cheese cupcakes. However, the cheese sank in the middle of the case. Would appreciate if you could advise what has got wrong. Thanks.

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