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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Barley and Apple Chicken soup, and awards

I cook Chinese barley sweet soup at least 1-2 times in a week, as I know barley water is good for our kidney and bladder cleanse. If one has urine acid problem, barley water can be used as a therapeutic water. This time instead of sweet version, I cooked salted version and I added some fresh apples into it.


-Ingredients-chicken, fresh apples, Chinese barley, red dates and honey dates


Barley and Apple Chicken soup
(printable recipe)

½ bird of free range chicken (kampung chicken)
2 whole of apples, cut into fairy big pieces
100g Chinese Barley
10pcs red dates
2pcs honey dates
1500ml water
Salt to taste

1. Boil water in a pot, add in chicken, Barley and dates and cook over low flame for 30mins.
2. Add in apple and cook for another 30mins.
3. Add salt to taste.
4. Serve hot.


Happy Cooking !!

Beside, Thanks to Jane's corner, Reesekitchen, Rachel and Anncoo's hobby given me these lovely awards.

And I would like to take this opportunities to award to all my blogger friends, you are deserved to these awards.
Please feel free to drop by and collect your award.

Happy Easter and Have a nice weekend !!


Quinn said...

Sonia, congratulations on your first submission to Tastespotting. Saw the vanilla prune cupcake and absolutely love it!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Quinn, really !! yeah, Thanks for informing, I go and see now. Have a nice weekend.

PranisKitchen said...

very new to me..soup look delicious..ya u r right barley water is a good for UTI

Jane Chew said...

i also like apple chicken soup. Used to add honey dates in soup too. But dint addin barley before. Will try out soon.

Jane Chew said...

saw ur vanilla prune cupcake at Tastespotting. Congratulation!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Pranis, ya, barley water is good.

Jane, Thanks dear, they are very strict on selection of the post, glad mine finally got posted.

Colin Woon said...

Interesting soup, I don't think I have try this before but I bet it's tasty and healthy! Congratulation in being accepted at Tastespotting!

Bakeling said...

I like everything cook with apple , this soup suits my appetite !

I will try to make it in sweet soup ( omitt the chicken and salt ).

Thanks for the sharing .

Angie's Recipes said...

A very nutritious and healthy soup!

ai wei said...

congratez on ur award :)

Stella said...

Wow, this is quite simple, and I love sweet and savory dishes. Oh, and congrats on your awards...

ICook4Fun said...

I've made barley with sweet winter melon before but not this one. Very interesting. I have to try this one day. Thanks for sharing Sonia.

Cheryl said...

Never thought of adding apples to my soups before. I do like the sound of this. Congrats on your Tastespotting entry!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved awards and the publication of your picture on Tastespotting. This soup looks wonderful. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Cocina Savant said...

I am a huge fan of pearl barley but have never used Chinese barley. I will have to give it a shot. Nice use of apples as well.

WendyinKK said...

Nice soup it must be

MaryMoh said...

Congrats on your awards! Beautiful soup. Barley is often used to make savoury soup here in Scotland.

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

that is a wonderful look to that soup!

Dinners and Dreams said...

Quite unusual and lovely. Happy Easter!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Esther!!!

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

This soup must be very delicious. Will teach my my mum to cook this soup so when I back to mother house for dinner can have this soup. ha ha (so lazy daughter).Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

ooOoO apple chicken soup!~!!!!! that sounds pretty good!! its getting cool and i sure want one of those now

i got the same award for you too! lol

have a good day!

gaga said...

There's just something about the texture of barley that I adore. Looks great!

FC88 said...

I needed new idea making soup. I am glad to see this post. I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing!

Padhu Sankar said...

COngrats on your well deserved awards .Pics look fantastic!

Noob Cook said...

Your soup is totally nourishing, just what I need now. Love the ingredients of barley and apple.

Jo said...

Sonia, congrats on your award and posting as well. Well done. BTW this soup looks really good. I bet it was sweet as well and would have loved to have a bowl.

Big Boys Oven said...

definitely a very healthy soup! :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

I can certainly try this soup as I have all the ingredients at home now, even the Chinese barley! I don't really like the Chinese barley for sweet drink, more suitable for soup I think.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dear all, Thanks for stopping by and your lovely words.

tigerfish said...

I have been wanting to try a barley chicken stew for the longest time now! But I have not even bought my barley...:(

minibaker said...

i have a bag of normal barley that i use to make barley drink. can i use this instead of Chinese barley? Thanks for giving me one new recipe for soups!

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