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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cola Chicken Wings 可乐鸡翅

I have bookmarked this recipe long time ago, just tried it yesterday since I have some chicken wings left in the fridge but run out of idea what to cook.

Coca-cola Chicken Wings

Coca-cola Chicken Wings

This recipe very similar to braised soy sauce pork ingredients but instead of adding water but this time replace it with Coca-cola drink, the taste is a bit sweet, something like honey glaze chicken wings. I feel this Cola chicken wing is not suitable to eat with steamed rice but having it with a glass of beer, I think it will more suitable. Ya, I also add in 3 hard-boiled eggs, the taste was quite good.

Recipe was adapted from Nancymummy

Cola Chicken Wings 可乐鸡翅

10 Chicken wings
5 cloves of garlic, smashed
4 slices of ginger
400ml Coca-cola
1tbsp Chinese wine
5tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce (optional, to darken the color only)
1/2tsp salt or to taste

1pc Star anise
4pcs Cloves

1. Slightly brown chicken wings in a wok (add 2tbsp cooking oil).
2. Add in garlic, ginger, five star and cloves, sprinkle wine at the side of the wok.
3. Add in Coca-cola and light soy sauce, cover and simmer 25 to 30 minutes. Season to taste. Add dark soy sauce if you like the wings darker.
4. Cook until the sauce is thick and almost all gone.

Coca-cola Chicken Wings

Happy Cooking !!


Jane Chew said...

i take one first :)

My Asian Kitchen said...

I like cola braised with meat too!! hmmm...now feel hungry by looking at your chi wing! haha!

Bakericious said...

I love the color the chicken wing, looks so yummy, hope I can have one now!

chow and chatter said...

its a fun recipe for sure

choi yen said...

I've cook this before, barely can taste the coca cola taste :)

Elin said...

Sonia, glad that shared this recipe with us. I have always wanted to try this with coca cola . I have tried cooking chicken with beer and stout but have yet to try cola. Thanks :)

Yummy Bakes said...

I have this receipe with me for a long time but never get to do it. Can I ask is this nice? Thanks

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Interesting... I once had a chicken wing marinated with pineapple juice...

Haddock said...

Looks yummy.
If there is Coca Cola, then like you said, it will go well with a drink.
So cheers !!!!

Unknown said...


Here for thr first time...yummy chicken wings..my all time favorite...



Love2cook Malaysia said...

Hi Sonia, hru doing?

I've heard about chickens cooked using Coke...but never tried them b4. This is so inviting! But I shall take the wings alone...not the beer...hehehe! :D

tigerfish said...

We used to marinate chicken wings with cola and BBQ them!

My Little Space said...

Sonia, I know this is a very very tempting recipe and your pictures look even better. I have yet to try this recipe but SOON. Thanks for sharing & have a wonderful.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I cooked this once with chicken chunk 2 years ago. The chicken meat was very tender, I think it's due to the soda in the soft drink. It is a bit to the sweet side I remembered.

I shall try your recipe one of these days.

busygran said...

Tasty-looking chicken wings. May I have one?

My Little Things Corner said...

I also wanna try this long long time ago, but until now still not doing.
Your chicken wing looks soooooo yummy.

Noob Cook said...

This looks finger licking good! This has been on my to-do list for too long!

WendyinKK said...

Chicken wings with beer???
Now that's indulgence for me!!

ann low said...

Oh dear, I am the last one...anymore?

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy... ^_^

Barbara said...

Those look sticky and delicious, Sonia! I've made a chocolate cake with cola, but never thought to add it to the pan with my chicken. Trying this soon!

Diane said...

Intersting recipe and looks delicious. Diane

Smoky Wok (formerly Tastes of Home) said...

I love chicken wings and yours look so yummy.. I've heard of this method of cooking for the longest time but have yet to try! Thanks for the recipe :)

Jeannie said...

Yummy! Love this chicken wings, looks so delicious!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Sonia! I have been wanting this recipe too! However someone drank my only can of cola the other time and it just got forgotten...haiz! Thanks for the reminder, will try this out especially since I have a sweet tooth, heehee. ;)

the lacquer spoon said...

The glossy look is so tempting... yum!!

Little Inbox said...

So, this is a good snack to go with beer. :)
Would love to try this recipe too.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I've never done this with wings though I have with ham. Your recipe sounds delicious and your photos are gorgeous. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks fingers licking good!

mysimplefood said...

Wow! Never tried it with cola but yours looks perfectly coated. Good one!! You should sent your recipe to Coca Cola. :)

Bo said...

I know this is delicious...ham with coca cola glaze is popular here. My mom makes chicken with Dr. Pepper, not sure if you can get that soda there or if it's just a USA thing.

Namitha said...

Cool recipe..the wings are popping out from my screen..:-)

Jen Cheung said...

this sure does look really good. I'm chinese but cant read chinese. so shameful hor? Maybe you can translate to me in chinglish :) hehehe.

have a lovely tuesday love.
jen @ www.passion4food.ca

Victoria said...

Lookin' good!! I don't drink soda, but I can see adding that sweetness to chicken wings, mmmm

Cool Lassi(e) said...

Looks so good that I am feeling hunger pangs in the pit of my stomach. Yum!

Nina said...

Sonia, thank you so much for visit and wishes!
yummm...delicious looking wings!
(hope everything is well with your sister and family...)

Hearty Bakes said...

Love the glossy juicy chicken wing!

Sonia, 祝妳和家人过个快乐温馨的中秋节!

3 hungry tummies said...

I have been tempted to cook with cola for a while now. I can imagine this being quite tasty!

Shandy said...

Oh no! Do you know how many of your recipes I have printed out now? More then I want to count because they are ALL calling me. Your pictures are always so beautiful and the recipes always have fresh ingredients and look cooked or baked to perfection. Your family is so lucky to have such a wonderful wife and mother as you!

Colin Woon said...


I have heard of Cola Chicken but I have never tasted it. Your photos make me want to have some right now!

Awesome food photos Sonia! Love it!

pigpigscorner said...

I plan to cook this tonight too! I like to add some basil, yum yum!

Anonymous said...

see under "1 star anise" it says "4 cloves".... i want to know 4 cloves of what?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, is 4pcs Cloves, see the detail-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clove

Anonymous said...

Hi Nasi Lemak Lover!! Would like to try this recipe. However, you've mentioned five star & cloves in the method, you did not specify the quantity under the ingredients' column... Thank U!!

Louisianafriedchicken said...

Mouthwatering dish, preparation method seems easy. Definitely going to try!
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