If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast Australia

Dear all, How are you? I'm back for blogging.
After helping my sister settled the funeral matters, I brought my kids and mother to Gold Coast Australia which I have planned this vacation for several months ago. Life still have to go on..

We stayed at the Surfers Paradise, here are few photos to share with you.

1) These photos taken during evening time (after sunset), my kids was so exicited and happily jumped and said "Gold Coast, here i come"..
Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia
kids not able to swim as the wave here is very strong....and weather was a bit chilly
Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

2) these photos taken during afternoon time with very hot sun, temp was about 19C. Feel so good when walking on this long stretch of beach, clean and sand here is so soft and fine..

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

Desmond made his own jump, not that high..

Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia
But Lucas did a good jump, so high and beautiful..
Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Australia

I will post more photos for this trip, keep stay tuned..

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Muslim readers “Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri” Hope you all have a joyous celebration with your family and friends back home.


Ohbin said...

glad to see you again Sonia :)

Hearty Bakes said...

Glad to see you back Sonia!
Looking forward for your updates! Keep your posting coming up.

TINTIN said...

Welcome back !!! Yeah, life still have to go on...Gambateh!

Bakeling said...

I like the way how your daughter jumped !

Also ,the whole series of photos here !

ahteekitchen said...

Welcome back Sonia!!

Colin Woon said...

Glad to see you back, Sonia! I'm glad to see that you all had fun at Gold Coast - nice beach!

Love those photos of your kids jumping, looks fun!

Min said...

Welcome back! Hope to see more photos for this truo :)

MaryMoh said...

Welcome back, Sonia. Thanks very much for sharing the beautiful photos. Can see the kids have so much fun :) Love their jumps.

Unknown said...

fantastic holiday...

ann low said...

Welome back, Sonai!Can't wait to see more pics :)

Diane said...

Good to see you back as you say life has to go on....

Wondeful photographs, memories for me at the Gold Coast many years ago. Diane

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Glad that you are back! My family & I went to Goldcoast too last year this time! It's beautiful, and I too blogged about it. Looking forward to seeing more photos.

Jane Chew said...

Welcome back! Did u fall in love in Australia? hehe... I just cant wait to see ur photos. Kids must be enjoy very much with the cool weather :)

Beau Lotus 涟 said...

All I was there when I was...a Teenager. So you can imagine that that was a really long time ago.

Makes me want to visit the Gold Coast again...

My Little Space said...

Sonia, glad that you're back on track again. Yes, life goes on as it does! And glad that you went for the trip. The kids are so happy and I'm sure you too! Great pics! Have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings, Kristy

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Glad that you are back. You need this holiday!

busygran said...

Good place to chill out! Welcome back!

Ju (The Little Teochew) said...

I'm glad to hear the optimism in your writing. Good to see that your family had a chance to get away and take some time off. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Sonia

Glad that you are back. Nice place nice shots. Looking forward for more posting.

Cheah said...

Welcome back Sonia! Looking forward to more pics re your holiday!

Wendy said...

glad to see you back! Life is a long run, we will find our way to move on..

cikmanggis said...

Thank you sonia...wow bestnya..cantik btol pantainya:)seronok tengok gambar Lucas:)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Good to see u back...

Bakericious said...

Hi Sonia, great to see you back finally, miss you a lot! Thanks for bringing me back the memories of surfers' paradise, this is the place that I will definitely go back again, this time will bring my daughter along :). Your kids enjoyed a lot, hope you are too. Take care ya.

~Rachel Hei~ said...

Hi Sonia, I'm back too.. haha..
But need some times to get back to blogging life coz i haven got all my kitchen gadget back for the moments..
Looking forward for more Gold Cost pics..^^

Jeannie said...

Glad to see you back to blogging, looking forward to your posts...great snapshots of you kids and the beach!

Unknown said...

Good to see you back. Great pics of the kids - all having fun.

Angie's Recipes said...

Great pictures! Your gal is really tall!
Nice to see you back...

温馨小屋 said...


Little Corner of Mine said...

Welcome back to blogging Sonia! That place looks beautiful, what a relaxing vacation spot.

Little Inbox said...

Welcome back! I miss your home cooked dish and home made cake. I try your cotton cake recipe, and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

Desmond is soooooooooooo cute...

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Glad to hear from you again. Welcome back!

Miss your home-cooked food very much.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Malaysia! How is your holiday there? Judged from the pictures, I think you must had enjoyed the trip very much with ur family =]

Delphine said...

Hi Sonia,
Happy to see you back, very nice shot.

Noob Cook said...

good to see your post, welcome back! Your kids are adorable :)

mysimplefood said...

Glad that you are back!! Post more recipes soon!

Jen Cheung said...

happy to see your post again :)

glad you are back!! Sometimes God arranged everything in his own hands. & We just gotta live with it. Hope you and your sister's family is feeling better soon.

Your kids look so happy on vacation :) Cute kids you have!!

have a wonderful day!!
jen @ www.passion4food.ca

月亮 said...

welcome back

Biren said...

Glad to see you back. Looks like your kids had a fun time.

Anonymous said...

Gold Coast is a heaven for kids!! I can feel the joy on their faces :)

tigerfish said...

So good to have you back. Miss you lots :)

chow and chatter said...

beautiful place and amazing snaps of your kids

Reeni said...

These are gorgeous pictures! And your kids look so happy!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

dear all, Thanks for stopping by and your encouragements. Ya, my kids was the one who enjoyed a lot in this trip.

Pete said...

Welcome back Sonia!

kirk said...

Great shots it look likes pictures i've seen in property sunshine coast.

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