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Monday, April 18, 2011

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew

Today I would like to share with you this hamble home cooked dish, my family members love anything cooked with Tofu Pok especially in curry.

Beside Chicken and Potato stew, this dish is also well received by my family, and it is good to have it with a plate of steamed rice. Also love the glass noodles which full of flavours.

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew

Try to squeeze as much as water and oil possible from tofu Pok

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew
(recipe source: adapted from A Daily Obsession)

500g chicken, cut into bite size
20pcs tofu Pok
3 slices of young ginger
2 stalks spring onions, cut into 1” in length

3-4tbsp light soy sauce
2tsp Chinese cooking wine/ Shaoxin Hua Tiao Wine
1-2tsp rock sugar

A handful of glass noodles, soaked and drained

2-3 cups water/stock ( i just add enough water to cover the chicken)

Salt to taste

1. Add tofu Pok into a pot of boiling water, switch off flame and cover to soak for 10mins. Drain and rinse with tap water. Squeeze out as much of water and oil possible from tofu Pok.
2. Heat oil in a wok, sauté ginger and spring onions, add in chicken and cook till color changed.
3. Add seasonings and water, when the liquid boils, add in tofu Pok, stir well and reduce heat to low and cook until liquid reduced and chicken is tender.
4. Add in glass noodles, mix well. Taste and season with salt or more sugar if necessary.
5. Serve hot with rice.

Tofu Pok and Chicken Stew

Happy Cooking !!


Lyndsey ~The Tiny Skillet~ said...

What a wonderful dish this is! I would love it too.

Unknown said...

dear,Tofu Pok is my 老大's 生命。。。哈哈哈,i will try it SOON too....thanks for sharing, cheers!!:)

Anonymous said...

Tempting dish which I would love to try. As for the seasoning, is it (3-4 light soy sauce)teaspoon or Tablespoon? Thanks for sharing. lyn

Anonymous said...

wow that looks better what i cooked tonight :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...

我也喜欢OTFU POK,爱它吸满满汤汁的时候^^

cikmanggis said...

sedapnya sonia:) anak anak Cm pasti sukakan menu yang begini.mesti cuba ni.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lyn, sorry, i have amended.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Delicious! I too have a chicken and dao pok dish, but haven't post up. It's good to have another recipe to try out, tks!

icafe said...

WOW!!! Yummy!
I must learn this dish.

Three-Cookies said...

Sounds light and delicious. Its the first time I am hearing of tofu pok - I need to visit the Asian shop soon

ReeseKitchen said...

Yum Yum!! This is a good recipe! Thanks for sharing...:)

sean said...



Little Inbox said...

So far I just try to add tau pok in vegetarian curry and vegetarian noodle. Thanks for your good idea to have it in chicken stew.

Shaz (feedingmykidsbetter) said...

It looks like a really heart-warming comfort food. Thanks for the inspiration. Gonna buy tao pok tomorrow 

Jane Chew said...

must be very nice. Phil keep saying "wow..." when i show him ur pics. We also love toufu pok very very much. My son loves it especially with laksa :) I will try this as it looks new to me especially adding in the glass noodles. Thanks for sharing.

divya said...

delicious and yummy...

Cuisine Paradise said...

Great and simple dish. Thanks for sharing your ideas on using "Tao Pok" for this stewed chicken dish. I am sure it adds extra flav to it

daphne said...

ooo..tofu pok plus chicken plus glass noodles! what a great idea Sonia. I love how homely it is!

susanyee said...

yo...i love tou fu po also ....

Coraine said...

HAHA! I'm imagining biting onto these tao poks..they must have absorbed lots of rich gravy and every bite burst in your mouth!?

Anonymous said...

I love tau pok too, esp when they absorbed all the flavours!

Cool Lassi(e) said...

This dish looks sooo good. I am just feeling hungry looking at it. Yum!

Quay Po Cooks said...
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Quay Po Cooks said...

I am sure this is a flavorful dish. It looks like it. Not too difficult to make either and that is what I like about it.

Min {Honest Vanilla} said...

I just had dinner but I still feel like taking a bite of this dish right now~ This looks too yummy or maybe I just can't wait to go home! ;)

My Little Space said...

I bet your kids will wallop them all. Sounds really inviting. Have a lovely evening.
Good night,

Pushpa said...

Super duper delicious chicken n tofu.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Wow, I actually bookmarked this recipe yesterday with the intention of cooking it. You beat me to it, now make me want to try it more.

苏联妈妈 said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Come to grab some for my lunch later, lol

hanushi said...

Ahh, I am drooling non-stop at the dish!!!

J.O said...


Yummy Bakes said...

Looks good with a bowl of white rice.

Little blue said...

Yummy yummy....

tigerfish said...

The magic about tofu pok in curry is that the tofu pok absorbs the gravy so well. Same effect for the stew too!

Anonymous said...

Cooked this dish today and it is really delicious. Thanks again. lyn

Bakeling said...

I love this taufu pok chicken ,especially the taufu pok,绍兴花雕酒 really enhance the taste of the dish !

Colin Woon said...

Wow! These amazing photos are making me really hungry now!

Agnes Sim said...

i dint take lunch 2day, ur foods make me hungry..

Unknown said...

Hi, which part of chicken did you use?

Unknown said...

made this a few times, it's delicious! I used drumsticks because that's what we like, added bamboo shoots and some blanched bok choy and it's a complete meal for us! Thanks for this yummy recipe!

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