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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

This is a dish that usually we like to order when take meal at "Tai chow" hawker stall..Actually it is quite simple to cook this dish at home.

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

How to easily slice the belly pork thinly? Just freeze the pork for about 3 hours to semi hard, then you can easily slice to very thin slices...

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

Use this type of salted fish

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

Picnik collage

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲

I am submitting this post to "Muhibbah Malaysia Monday blog event"which hosted by 3 hungry tummies

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork咸鱼花腩煲
(recipe source : by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Fragrant Claypot Salted Fish and Belly Pork 咸鱼花腩煲350g belly pork, slice thinly
50g salted fish, slice thinly
5 dry red chilli, cut into 1” length
1 spring onion, separate the white part and green part, cut into 1” length
6 slices of ginger
2 cloves garlic, chopped
½ onion, cut wedges

1tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark caramel sauce
1/2tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2tsp salt or to taste
2tsp sugar
5tbsp water

1tbsp Shaoxing wine

1. Brown the salted fish in a non-stick pan with little oil, set aside.
2. Mix seasoning in a mixing bowl, set aside.
3. Heat up a claypot, add 3tbsp cooking oil, sauté ginger, garlic, dried chilli, white part of spring onion and onion till aroma.
4. Add in pork slices, fried salted fish and seasoning, stir well for 2-3 mins.
5. Last add in green part of spring onion and Shaoxing wine.
6. Serve immediately with steamed rice.


Yummy Bakes said...

Sonia, this looks so delicious. Wonder if i could replace pork belly with chicken?

Small Kucing said...

I love this. Always ordered this in restaurant. Oo..i thought very hard to cook this. What name is the salted fish?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Yummy bakes, not sure how it would taste if change to chicken...hehehe..you try out and let me know.

Small kuching, actually i also not quite sure the exact name of the fish, as I know it call Kurau fish.you can get this type of salted fish in pasar pagi..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is so tempting!!!

Shoutforfood said...

Looks absolutely delightful - seriously I can't wait to try it! i like salted fish.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


WendyinKK said...

My FIL's fav :)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

wow...my favourite but i never cook it at home.

ping said...

I looove this dish! I love the fact that your dish is a lighter shade from the ones at the shops. Looks a lot more appetizing.

kitchen flavours said...

Looks delicious! Love salted fish! Two bowls of rice please!

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, I haven't cook any dinner since after the Xmas dinner..heehee.. I am feeling lagi hungry after seeing your咸鱼花腩煲. Ok i go to see what i can find in the fridge now.

Tina said...

lovely combo..looks delicious..

Shereen said...

Oh,thank you so much,Sonia for this recipe.I am so going to cook this tomorrow as hubby will be back just in time for dinner after being away for a few days already.Drooling already just by looking at your pictures..lol!

Anonymous said...

Sonia, can replace this type of salted fish to those dried salted fish? Don't think we can find any here :(

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

wow! This dish is nice, love the slice pork with salted fish!

Anonymous said...

Just love tis comba salt fish with pork yum yum yum

Taste of Saras Kitchen

ICook4Fun said...

I remember having this dish a long time ago. I just love the dark sticky gravy with rice. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. I still have a small piece of 'ham yee' in my freezer so I am going to cook this :)

daphne said...

Oh my...I don't think I had this dish in years. We only have the dried type of salted fish- can I use it in this dish?

Little blue said...

Wow~~~I like this!! How can I tahan to looking this, give me some more rice!! Haha~~~

Yan said...

This dish is very sedap and 扯饭 !

Janine said...

i love your savory dishes, because they always seem so delicious and are unique! love the clay pot you have too!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Salted fish is something that I haven't had for a long time.It's a great dish to eat with white rice, please give me a big bowl of rice please, "tau keh so!"

ann low said...

Sonia, looking at this claypot dish makes me hungry. I usually cook it with chicken but will definitely try with pork belly next time.

Julie said...

I never used pork or had before but this looks real tempting!!

Ongoing Event -Christmas Delicacy (15 Nov-31 Dec 2011)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I've been planning to make claypot ( steamed ) rice again but with so much leftover rice everyday no time to use my claypot heh! I just love your recipe , it's so easy and it won't take long to actually cook it ;) Scrumptious photos , too !

Dumpling Love said...

oooo this looks so good! I love salted fish with pork!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks sinfully delicious!

lena said...

if i have this being served at the table, i think i can just forget abt the rest of the dishes..i love this so much!

Christine's Pantry said...

Beautiful dish.

choi yen said...

Love this, can eat lots of rice just with this dish!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I want extra bowl of rice!

sean said...



Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

爱丝特 and Daphne, yes, i guess you can replaced with dried type of salted fish, but taste wise maybe will have slight difference..

Victor said...

I love claypot food, I recently made an oyster with pork belly and tofu. I definitely would love to eat it with lots of rice :). Have a great day Sonia.

Melanie said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for the wonderful recipe. Ive just cooked this dish the taste is good but mine turn out to be too dark. I did not follow your ingredients measurement as I am cooking only for the two of us. Ive missed out to half the seasoning ingredients :( perhaps if i reduce the seasoning into half my dish may not turn out to be too dark.

cherry potato said...


Belly Good Cooking said...

This is my hubby's favorite!! His eyes will open widely when we order this dish in restaurants, hehe. Two bowls of rice for hubby please. :D

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Oh wow this looks delicious! I love pork belly and use sliced ones very often in my cooking (Japanese stores usually sell sliced pork belly as we use it a lot for Japanaese cooking). Love almost everything that is cooked in claypot. What a great main dish!

Gloria Baker said...

Look delicious Sonia:)

shaz said...

Mmm, it sounds delicious. I am a bit scared to use a claypot in case I crack it! But this is very inspiring :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, chance upon your blog find it very interesting dishes but would like to know what is the black caramel sauce added in these dish. Where can I buy and what brand.


柠檬叶 said...

Sonia, i just trying this dish today, come over my blog and see oh~ really thank you for sharing such nice recipe :)

Unknown said...


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