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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oreo Pudding a.k.a Sawdust Pudding

When i need to use dairy cream, usually i will buy one big litre instead of small packet since the price is much cheaper if compare to just buy a small packet. But i need to start to figure out what to make when there is some leftover..this time, I replaced Oreo biscuit with Marie biscuit to make this Sawdust Pudding..

Oreo Pudding aka Sawdust Pudding

Frankly, i did not eat a single cup of this pudding, because this is too fat for me.hehehe. All were finished by my kids..
Oreo Pudding aka Sawdust Pudding

Oreo Pudding a.k.a Sawdust Pudding
(recipe source: Inspired by Min’s blog)

Oreo Pudding aka Sawdust Pudding300ml dairy Whipping cream
85g Oreo biscuits
80g Condensed milk ( you may adjust accordingly)
1tsp vanilla extract ( I use homemade vanilla extract)

1. Crush Oreo biscuits (remove the filling first) finely in a food processor (you can bash-it-in-a-Ziploc-with-rolling-pin method if you don’t own a food processor).
2. Whip whipping cream to soft peaks over a larger bowl filled with ice cubes and water. Add vanilla extract and condensed milk (Suggests you add 2/3 first, taste, then add more if it needs sweetening). Continue whipping until stiff peaks.
3. Transfer the cream into a piping bag. (fitted with a plain 1 or 2 cm nozzle)
4. Place a layer of biscuit into your vessel (individual moulds, mousse rings or cups) and pipe a layer of cream on top. Repeat until vessel is filled.
5. Chill in the freezer for two hours. When serving, leave it out for a bit (around 10 minutes) for it to soften.

Oreo Pudding aka Sawdust Pudding


Unknown said...

number one...yes !!

Unknown said...

very "rich & fat" Pudding...
can see but can't eat..
will be come fat woman ,hahahaha :)

Small Kucing said...

am not really keen on pudding but yours looks good. I think it wont be too sweet like those bought outside

Rose world said...

Oh, look super delicious.

daphne said...

This looks so delicious- the layers especially. I can't take too much dairy, so I can only look at this and drool!

Sherleen.T said...

i just bought a litre of whipping cream, might find a time to do this...^0^

Ana Regalado said...

Yummmmm !!! I will take 1 er make it 2 servings pretty please hahahaha

Noob Cook said...

look like a great treat with minimal ingredients.

Shoutforfood said...

i love oreo.. but never tried that before. yummy!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves oreos... hehe...

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, eat also die, dont eat also die...haha! We better enjoy eating while our body still can allow us to eat:P

ping said...

Looks yummy! The "sawdust" part reminds me of eating Milo by the spoonfuls when I was a kid. I'm thinking that would work as well :D

ice pandora said...

Darn I am so going to try this out!
Looks easy to do :)


Anonymous said...

I also like to buy a litre instead of buying the 200 ml box as the price is cheaper.. after that, need to crack head to think of the ways to finish up the whole box of whipping cream.

巧思媽咪 said...

Dear Sonia,

I just posted Fruit Pastry Cake on 巧思空间. Thank you for sharing the recipe, I love the way you arrange the fruits.

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Yum! this looks fabulous - like a little trifle. I would add some berries or cherries to make me feel healthier :)

Min said...

Last time I managed to eat half cup only, really fattening! Usually I will buy the 200ml lo, the 1L really a lot, every time I can't finish it, wasted only.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

So divine. This will help my youngest to put on more weight.

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) said...

Looks absolutely divine, fantastic!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you are so good in controlling yourself for not eating something that you've made. For me, I'll eat at least few tablespoons & that's why I found my leggings are getting more tight than b4 now, hahaha. Sawdust pudding, what a special name for a lovely dessert.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Little blue said...

Look yummy, creamy and rich! I will made this when I reduce my weight first! Haha~~~

lena said...

oh, you never eat them?? pass one to me then!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Looks like all yummies are fattening...haha

Cuisine Paradise said...

Gosh!!! Look so rich and yummy! Great for Christmas party!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Haha..i have to get rid-off at least 10kg flesh before try it!

ann low said...

I also like to make desserts for family and friend but only take half of it for myself.... will make this beautiful dessert for coming holidays.

Shu Han said...

what a cute name haha! when making desserts or cake, it's always a good idea to share with friends. haha you not only share the love, you also get to share the guilt ;)

VineelaSiva said...

The dish looks very inviting and easy.All love to eat and try this.

Unknown said...

I like the contrast colour you have got. Simply liking it.

divya said...

very tempting and delicious recipe.. looks yummy !!

Julie said...

Simple yet very tempting one..yummy!!
you can link this to my eventOngoing Event -Christmas Delicacy (15 Nov-31 Dec 2011)
Erivum Puliyum

Little Corner of Mine said...

This is definitely a great way to use up the heavy cream! Oh yeah, cream scone is also nice!

pigpigscorner said...

Rich and fat is always good :P

Zoe said...

This is a great non-bake dessert idea. Very nice!

Roses_Leo09 aka Hanim said...

look nice ..... must be delicious arr ........

Yummy Bakes said...

Rich and 'sinfully' delicious ...

Angie's Recipes said...

I want one too! They look tempting with black and white layers.

Jade said...

I don't understand this, "Whip whipping cream to soft peaks over a larger bowl filled with ice cubes and water." Is this mean the whipping cream in a bowl then the ice water in another bowl? :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jade, yes, you are right.

Bo said...

So simple and sweet!

Lady G said...

Very interesting, and it looks very nice too. Hope I'll get to try this soon.

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