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Friday, December 30, 2011

Homemade salted eggs 鹹蛋

Today we enjoyed our lunch with the salted eggs that i made for the first time. Before i share with you this recipe, first let me introduce you the owner of this recipe, she is Yan with her blog "Simple Menu". She is one of my blogger friend that i keep in touch almost daily (we chat thru MSN). I encouraged her to create this blog as she always preparing simple dishes since she is staying alone. She has another blog called "Bakeling" which she is sharing maily on photography...i also learnt photography tips from her too.

Picnik collage

I getting the "kampung" type of duck eggs from this type of stall that only selling all kind of eggs..fresh eggs, preserved eggs & etc..

Homemade Salted eggs

The owner of the shop told me to use those duck eggs with slightly green shell as it has better aroma..

Homemade salted eggs

Very simple to make, just need patience to wait!

Homemade salted eggs

fill eggs in the jar till full, do not leave empty space in the jar, otherwise eggs will be floating on the top..
Homemade salted eggs

My son Lucas helped me to mark the date and put a cute duck sticker ^_^ ! So today is the best day to enjoy this homemade salted eggs which need 14days to get the right saltiness..

Homemade salted eggs

Next time i will try to reduce the salt amount as I found not all salt could be dissolved.

Homemade salted eggs

Homemade Salted eggs

This is our yummy lunch today...salted egg is best to serve with a bowl of plain porridge/congee..

Homemade Salted eggs

Please visit to "Simple Menu" and give your support to Yan to encourage her to share more simple dishes with us, Thank you..

Homemade Salted eggs
(recipe source : adapted from Yan of Simple Menu)

Homemade salted eggs15 duck eggs
400g coarse salt
1litre water

1. Wash and clean duck eggs under running water by rubbing with a piece of cloth and immediately rub it dry (Do not soak the eggs in water).
2. Cook salt and water till boiled, stir from time to time, cook till salt dissolved as much as possible, set aside to cool. Take out the salt water.
3. Place duck eggs in a clean glass jar, add in salt water. Close the lid and mark the date.
4. Store in room temperature for 14 days.
5. Boil salted eggs for 10mins before serving.


choi yen said...

It's unbelievable easy!

Shoutforfood said...

i love to have that especially during the weekend.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Three-Cookies said...

Perfect timing, few days ago I was wondering what salted egg yolks were. Looks simple.
I hope you had a good Xmas and all the best to you and your family for 2012

spdong said...


Sem said...

I have made the duck eggs too based on the Flavour magazine -Catherine's recipe. It is already two weeks, so it is time to reap the rewards.
By the way, i have added a splash of Shio Heng Wine, instead of brandy, they said it will more flavour to the duck egg.

Ana Regalado said...

I didn't know 'twas that easy ! It looks good , too ;)

Mel said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe. The wet market selling 1 pc salted egg is 80 cents. And now we can make it our own. How much you the shop selling the duck eggs (1 egg is...)?

Hody Loh said...
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Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mel, hahaha, actually homemade salted egg is not cheap, I bought duck egg for 70 cents one. Anyway, homemade always the best.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I have not make myself before...

Happy New Year 2012 to you and your family...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sem, Thanks for sharing the tip, thinking to use the same salt water to make another batch, so this time i will add wine!

Hody Loh said...

my mum also try to make this salted eggs.yesterday we already try the egg yesterday.taste very good.i love the homemade 1.taste better.

Anisha said...

Salted eggs is very new to me... sounds interesting and seems very easy too... will try this. My husband loves eggs...

ping said...

This is so cool! I've been wanting to do this forever but never really bothered since I thought the process was tedious. Never thought it's this easy! Thanks for sharing this, Sonia! Now to go look for green eggs :D Where is this egg shop anyway?

Bakeling said...

Your salted eggs photos looks great !

I like the one with a sticker that Lucas paste on the bottle , quack , quack !

My Little Space said...

Whoa Sonia, good on you.lol! Making your own salted eggs. It's not easy to find good & fresh duck eggs here but it's easier in KL. Some ppl also making salted eggs with kampung chicken eggs. hehe.... Thanks for sharing and hope you're having a lovely evening.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

ping, you need to get it from pasar besar (big wet market)..

WendyinKK said...

Truly agreed that it's not any cheaper than buying, but at least we know what goes in it.
The yolk looks really nice la! Good job to Sonia for preparing them so nicely and to the ducks that laid such nice eggs.

kitchen flavours said...

We love salted eggs! Have not made this in ages! Yours looks perfect!
Happy New Year!!

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

The salted eggs looks so yummy Sonia:)

ICook4Fun said...

I love the color of the egg yolks. Nice and bright. I tried making it a couple of times with organic chicken eggs but the yolk is not as nice and I soaked it in salt water for a month. I have to try out your methodIt is difficult to find duck eggs here though.

ICook4Fun said...

By the way, wishing you a Happy and Blessed 2012.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, Welcome back!! My mum used to make salted eggs too but she has not made any for a long time. Your salted eggs looks so lovely. Happy New Year to you and your family. HUGS

Unknown said...

We seldom have salted eggs. Due to health concern. Not sure what goes inside during the preserve process. With this simple recipe can't wait to try out. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend!

Shu Han said...

wow you made your own salted eggs?? that's amazing! May have to try this with chicken eggs though, it's difficult to find duck eggs, or rather, even if I find them, they are bound to cost a lot! ):

sean said...



busygran said...

Love the lovely colour of the salted egg. Can't buy such lovely eggs from the market. Been wanting to make this for some time but find it hard to get duck eggs from my market. Will probably try using chicken eggs!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy New Year to you and family!

Victor said...

Every year my mom makes salted duck eggs to use it for rice dumplings (forgot the proper English name). Duck eggs in Canada is very cheap, we usually make like 50 salted duck eggs every year.

Happy New Year Sonia!

Sherleen.T said...

i can't eat salted eggs, yours look really great. I'm sure who like to eat salted eggs, now is salivating over there...haha

Alice said...

wow Sonia, it's really easy...thks for sharing..I agree, salted egg and porridge is best friend :)
Happy New Year :)

The Experimental Cook said...

I Love salted eggs. Very much.

But I never knew salted eggs can be home made. This is a very good lead. I am going to try it.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Do you know you can make it with chicken eggs too? We made it with chicken eggs here. ;)

Angie's Recipes said...

;-) oh yes...salted eggs....really appetizing and tasty!
Happy New Year, Sonia!

Simplyfood said...

Interesting recipe and nice clicks too.

Torviewtoronto said...

this looks wonderful lovely eggs

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi Sonia, coarse salt is like normal cooking salt, right? In Sydney, we can get duck eggs from the chinese butcher shops & of course the asian grocery shops but the question is whether they are good quality of eggs or not. My 2 children don't like eating congee but my parents-in-law love them very much. They always eat congee with sweet potatoes.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find duck eggs here. :-(
I love salted egg with porridge.


Lrong Lim said...

Looks like a healthy meal... the yolk of the egg is so pretty...

Lori said...

Those bright yellow yolks are beautiful in the photo. I've never made salted eggs, but you have me so curious. A farmer near me can get me duck eggs in the spring. I may just try it!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. Really thanks for sharing this. I did not know the process can be so simple, cos those salted eggs sold outside are covered with dark ash.

One storage question: After 14 days, if you are not eating all the duck eggs, I presume you do not boil them straight away right? Should I store the uncooked eggs at room temperature or in the fridge? Do you know how long does the uncooked salted eggs last? Thanks.

ahteekitchen said...

Easy n of course, much healthier as cleanliness is guaranteed!! thanks for sharing!! I'll do this when the fresh duck egg is available in Market!! ^^

Kalyan said...

Just mouthwatering...looks so easy to prepare & delicious!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Fong, I storing the leftover eggs in the fridge. This was my 1st time so I am not sure how long it can be kept.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Yes, I remember my mom making salted duck eggs this way as well. I think it taste so much better than store bought ones. I should make some but not sure if I can get duck eggs here. Yours turned out beautifully!

Anonymous said...

I love love love 鹹蛋! i have to make these sometime soon!

Sharon @ Feats of Feasts said...

What a superb idea!! I recently purchased those black salted eggs and my they were waaay too salty for my taste. It's good to know we can homemake this.

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia I love this and the picture is amazing:)

coconino said...

love this! Thanks for sharing!!

The Experimental Cook said...

Unbelievable something so delicious can be so easily made !

Jade said...

May i know after 14 days, when the egg is ready, we just want to have one or two. How do we keep others then, just leave it in the same bottle with salt water or how? Thanks. :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jade, after 14 days you have to remove the eggs into other container and store in the fridge.

绮绮的幸福国度 said...

Hi, i just new in blog and start o hang arround in food blogs. I like your photos. Thiis must try, look simple because i like salted eggs.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Azie said...

I used to make my own salted eggs. Bought the duck eggs from my hometown which is cheaper

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've made it from scratch my friend,,,,
i salute you for being that patient to wait the salted egg

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

I love salted egg with porridge.

Sarah's Essential Oil Journey said...

May I know does supermarket in Kl sell duck eggs? I go up often, thus I like to try your recipe using duck eggs. Down here in JB, it is not available.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Geraldine, sometime I saw Tesco do sell duck eggs, please check .

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