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Friday, June 22, 2012

Pan fried eggplant with sweet soy sauce

While i still figure out how to write my Japan trip post and sorting out the photos, let me share this super easy eggplant recipe for you. Eventhough it is simple recipe but yet it was delicious even my kid who doesn't like eggplant also fought for the last piece..

IMG_2190 copy

This is the sweet soy sauce that i use..feel free to use other brands..


I saw this recipe while i flipping through a cookbook in a bookstore the other day, could not recall the book name. The important sauce of this dish is Sweet soy sauce..Ya, my husband also suggested me to add some fried dried shrimps next time..
Latest update on 23 June- one reader informed she tried out this recipe and she also add few drop of vinegar, taste good too.

Pan fried eggplant with sweet soy sauce
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 medium eggplants, halved, soaked in salt water
IMG_2179 copy Chopped spring onions
Chopped red chili
Fried shallots

1-2 tbsp sweet soy sauce or to taste
Cooking oil

1. Heat little cooking oil on a non-stick pan.
2. Place eggplant in a single layer over low heat, pan fry till brown and cooked for both sides.
3. Drizzle sweet soy sauce over fried eggplants, garnish with chopped spring onions, red chili and fried shallots. Enjoy


Small Kucing said...

Mmm...I can imagine the taste. yes should be delicious even without the shallot and spring onion.

ping said...

So simple? I love eggplant so I know I'll love this!
Looking forward to read about your trip.

Little blue said...

Is nice~want to try this and enjoy your KL trip with pretty ladies.

蚊子 said...

So easy!!! must learn it!! i love aubergine so much..but i only know to deep fry...now i have one more thing to learn! thank you^^

Yannie said...

Look colourful and attractive.

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Same idea of having eggplant.. I m having pea eggplant today spicy version...

very colourful eggplant dish u posted..

Unknown said...

Never think of pan fry version. Easy to prepare compare to deep fry:) thanks for sharing.

PH said...

So simple and good!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


zila norazila said...

nice pic and so yummy..:)

Nadji said...

C'est beau et c'est bon. J'aime.
A bientôt

Diane said...

I know the feeling, I am still trying to sort out photos from May and I have masses for June!!! Love the recipe. Diane

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This is simple and yummy!

FiSh said...

oh pan fry is so much healthier! :) with chillies, yummy

Latest: BBQ with Wine

Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Memang nampak sedap ni Sonia.

Mel said...

With just a few ingredients for this dish, but you make it looks so delicious and tempting!

Shu Han said...

so simple yet so delicious! eggplants are in season here in the uk now, I will have to try this! What does the soaking in salt water do? I've heard of people sprinkling with salt too, is it necessary?

Angela said...

That looks crazy delicious! love eggplant.

ICook4Fun said...

I love eggplant cook in any style. I like this very simple version of yours. Can'ts wait to try it out.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

wow..i like this, so simple to prepare :)

kitchen flavours said...

I love eggplants and this looks delicious!

Julie said...

wow..yummy yummy!!

Ongoing Events at(Erivum Puliyum)-
1. The Kerala Kitchen(June'12)

2.EP Series-Basil OR Cardamom

Simple Person said...

very nice n colourful...
I don't know that brinjal could be so delicious like that..

Azie said...

Love eggplant. Looks so delicious...

Unknown said...

wa. so simple. i like eggplant very much. will try it soon.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

This is such a beautiful looking yet easy to do dish, very good for summer dinning :)~~

tinyskillet said...

Sonia, it's been awhile that I got a chance to spend reading my favorite blogs. I was getting caught up on many of your posts. Love the visit to Melborne. Can't wait for Japan!

This dish is perfect, so simple, and I love sweet soy sauce. I used it last night for my husband's dinner when he got home late from work. A quick stir fry, and he likes the flavor of the sweet soy sauce too.

Dumpling Love said...

Oh so simple yet looks so delicious. I love how it's pan-fried with little oil! I like to bake eggplant then add a gochujang-based glaze over it near the end and turn it to grill =) Have a nice weekend! and Happy Duan Wu Jie!

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia this look really nice!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Simple and nice. The sweet soy sauce here is the one used for char kueh tiao?

Back home we have another similar version, thr diff is we dip one side of eggplant in egg before frying.

Kimmy said...

I like to cook eggplant cos' of its natural sweetness. Does it take long to cook and brown them? Yr hubby's idea definitely makes this vege in demand. You probably see it at the Chuchar outlet soon.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Angel, i have attached a photo of sweet soy sauce i use.

Kimmy, can't really recall, it took about few minutes to brown one side..

0620 said...

Looks scrumptious ^^

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , this dish looks so appetizing ! Will have to try this !

My Little Space said...

That is my favourite sweet sauce. I can't have eggs without it. haha.... Even better with just white rice. Sounds like a kid, right? haha... I used it in many of my cooking...yeah almost anything. haha....

Sissi said...

I love eggplant and every year I love it more and more... This dish looks so complex and then I see the list of ingredients is so short and it doesn't sound very complicated! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe.

daphne said...

yum! I wonder if it will work on my not so much of a eggplant fan husband too! LOL

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hello, Sonia, looking forward to read abt your trip to Japan! Hope to go there again next time, hahaha, you just came back leh! I'm sure that there is always be next time! Feel exciting for you!

Jeannie said...

This version looks more delicious than the steamed ones that I usually make. Must try it next time I cook brinjals:)

Sherleen.T said...

eggplant is always one of my favourite vegie...this dish look nice but simple to prepare...
can't wait to see your japan trip already...:)

Cheah said...

I normally steam the eggplant, good idea to panfry them.

Tamara said...

so full od colour, i love it!

Unknown said...

I love eggplant.. Can try this simple dish from you. So u just came bec from Japan? nice trip.

Sem said...

Ya, we love this too, sometime when lazybug hit me, I just throw the whole eggplant into the ricecooker to cook it, and sprinkle some soy sauce with fried dried shrimp or shallots when ready to serve;)
Didnt see this soy sauce brand before.

Anh said...

another way to cook eggplant! Fantastic!

choi yen said...

hubby don't like eggplant too, maybe I can try on this recipe, thanks for sharing~

Little Inbox said...

This looks so delicious with the sauce and the toppings.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I LOVE eggplants and new recipes are always welcome in my household! This look pretty too!

Quay Po Cooks said...

My mum make this too. Eggplant is my Quay Lo's favorite. Thanks for the reminder to ask my mum to make this again.

Anonymous said...

I have to try this Sonia!! I loooove eggplants and this would surely hit the spot!! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe!! :)

Anonymous said...

I just bought a bottle of sweet soy sauce to make this!

marie, the ©EpicureanPiranha said...

It looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe :-)

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