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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Old Fashioned Chinese Peanut Cookies 花生饼

After Pai Tin Kong (CNY day 9) , as a Hokkien I considered i have almost done with CNY celebration. Anyway i still have few plans till CNY day 15 on this coming Sunday..To my Chinese bloggers and readers, how was your CNY celebration? I guess everyone must be very busy visiting friends and relatives, attending lunch or dinner and etc..me too either.. In fact, i have no time to on my PC to update my blog, visit other blogs and reply reader's questions, even my kedai runcit (shop) have to temporary tutup kedai (close shop), ^_^..
Ok, come back to this peanut cookies, it was requested by my hubby on the last minutes before re-union dinner. I remembered my mom did this cookies when we were young, so I called to my mom to check with her the recipe, as usual, i got a agak-agak (estimation) recipe..what i remembered she told me to use equal bowl of peanuts and flour (it doesn't meant it is equal in weight) and one important ingredient is pork lard oil..this is the key ingredient to make it tasty!!
I again almost want to cry after tasted my first peanut cookies, it was so so good, very nice peanut aroma and simply melt-in-mouth, recall my childhood memory, so nostalgia !!

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First, wash it clean and dry under hot sun..(I think it is ok not to sun dry but straight roast it)


make sure to roast it completely cooked and golden brown otherwise the cookies will taste raw ..


Soft and smooth dough ready for shaping..


I also asked my mom how to make the round pattern on the cookies? she said last time she use those sewing thread cone..She is true, use this cone made  nice and round pattern , hehehe..


ready to go into oven..
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This cookies only last till CNY day 2...My husband even warned Lucas not to finish this cookie when CNY day 1 as he was practising full vegetarian meal on day 1 so he could not take this cookie, LOL !!
I also like the sexy crack looking of this peanut cookies ^_^

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Updated recipe on 30th Jan 2016- This time add more lard oil and reduce cooking oil.

Old Fashioned Chinese Peanut Cookies 花生饼 ver 1.0
*makes around 230pcs

6 cups or around 930g roasted and skinned peanuts or ground nuts
6 cups or 780g plain flour or all purpose flour
280g or 2 cups icing sugar
1/2tsp + 1/4tsp fine salt
1 cup pork lard oil~280g (fry small cubes of pork fat in a clean wok, till lard oil come out)
180g or less than 1 cup of cooking oil (with peanut flavours), adjust accordingly
2 egg yolk, for glaze


To prepare roasted peanuts
1. Wash and clean the peanuts.
2. Sun dry peanuts or straight put into a clean wok without oil
3. Roast peanuts over low heat till cooked and golden brown, stir from time to time.
4. Set aside to cool, then remove the skin.

To make peanut cookies
1. In a food processor ( I use small blender), finely chopped peanuts. Set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, flour, salt and chopped peanuts.
3. Add in lard oil and slowly add in cooking oil to form a soft and smooth dough. Do not pour cooking oil at one go, slowly add in and adjust the amount accordingly.
4. Pinch dough and weight 10g each, roll to ball size and place on a lined baking tray.
5. Use a sewing thread cone or any cookie press to press on the center of each cookie to create a round pattern. Brush top of the cookies with egg glaze.
6. Bake at a pre-heated oven at 170C (no fan forced at middle rack) for 20-25mins.

Recipe by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover

Old Fashioned Chinese Peanut Cookies 花生饼
(recipe source: Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover’s mom recipe)

3 cups roasted and skinned peanuts or ground nuts

IMG_7516 copy 3 cups plain flour
1 cup icing sugar
1/4tsp salt
1/3 cup pork lard oil (fry small cubes of pork fat in a clean wok, till lard oil come out)
3/4 cup cooking oil (with peanut flavours)

1 egg yolk, for glaze


To prepare roasted peanuts

1. Wash and clean the peanuts.
2. Sun dry peanuts or straight put into a clean wok without oil
3. Roast peanuts over low heat till cooked and golden brown, stir from time to time.
4. Set aside to cool, then remove the skin.

To make peanut cookies

1. In a food processor, finely chopped peanuts. Set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, flour, salt and chopped peanuts.
3. Add in lard oil and slowly add in cooking oil to form a soft and smooth dough.
4. Pinch dough and weight 10g each, roll to ball size and place on a lined baking tray.
5. Use a sewing thread cone to press on the center of each cookie to create a round pattern. Brush top of the cookies with egg glaze.
6. Bake at a pre-heated oven at 170C (no fan forced at middle rack) for 20mins.

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I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Unknown said...


Casey said...


eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wah, memang traditional ya, just like my MIL, she also prepare her own peanut as the store bought peanut lack of this peanut aroma.

Mel said...

Hello Sonia
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
I really enjoyed reading your this post....with LOL too.... that this bakes brought tears of joy to you again after your kuih bahulu.... thank you for sharing this recipe with us.

Sally said...



Somewhere in Singapore said...

So nicely made....

Tracy Low said...


Unknown said...

Looks really great! No wonder finish so fast :)

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

these cookies using pork lard oil must be very flavourful! yummy!

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, this is one of my fav cookies. Jane gave me some n I 不舍得eat. One day eat a few only haha... I was thinking to make some the other day so that I can eat as much as I like but horr... Too lazy la! Weather too hot makes ppl feel very tired n lazy.

Is this recipe one of those melt in mouth or a bit crunchy one?

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


mui mui said...

Hi Sonia,
This is my hubby's favourite too.
Oh!! add pork lard must be very very 'ho chiak la'
I must try your mum's recipe..
Oops! now is your recipe..heehee

PH said...

Wah nice cookies but non halal hor? My grandma last time told me must use pork lard oil baru sedap! Same thing for mooncake also. I will try make these cookies next year lah.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sally , 對的,把猪油切成小块,然后炒到出油。

Helena, yes, this is melt in mouth type..

Kelly Siew said...

Indeed your peanut cookies look so sexy! :D

Joceline Lor said...


Anonymous said...

Hi may I know where or how to get pork lard? Thanks

ES Chang

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, melt-in-mouth peanut cookies is always my favourite. How to get pork lard oil from pork lard? Do I panfry it until the oil comes out? I remember of seeing pork lard being sold in the supermarket but hoh, it is smellless.

Elena said...

Where can I buy peanut oil? Giant hypermarket used to sell it but not anymore.

celine said...

any chance you will consider these? please? this is another of my all time fav!!!

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Sonia! The cookies are perfectly baked! No more left for me to sample but the pictures say it all! I like the perfect shiny round impressions on the cookies... Very pleasing to the eyes!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Little Corner of Mine said...

Very cantik! I made this every year for CNY.

Baking Diary said...

That certainly look decadent! I remembered my aunt making these too!

Sem said...

Sonia, your peanut cookies look so sedap and beautiful, makes me really drooling now.It is so hard to find peanut cookies using pork lard and also prepare own peanuts, can imagine how good it is.

Elaine said...

These peanut cookies looks yummy. Used to bake these but not this year. Will try your recipe next year!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

ES Chang, i have include how to get lard oil in the recipe, please check.

Elena, i use normal Knife brand cooking oil which contains palm oil, peanut oil and sesame oil..

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Pork lard oil must make this cookie extra fragrant!

Esther Lau said...

Hi Sonia, Welcome back :)
Very interesting by using the old fashioned method to make these old fashioned cookies. Definitely full of "Ko Cha Bi" (Hokkien)古早味!!!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I love the sexy cracks as well ! lol These cookies look pretty delicious . Making pork lard is simple ( just pork fat and water ) but I don't really know if it is easy ( or not ) since I haven't made it yet :D

Yannie said...

I like this type of peanut cookies too. Next year, my mission is to bake this myself. Every year, I bought a few tubs of this peanut cookies for my family.

Anonymous said...

Hi,may I know how much the cups of nuts,sugar and flour in grams? Thank you. Jessica.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jessica, sorry, i forgot to measure in grams..I use the standard metal measuring cups..if you don't have this type of cups, just use normal small rice bowls..and you might need to adjust the lard oil and cooking oil amount.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Happy Chinese New Year Sonia!
What a perfect peanut cookie! You are really good dear...wow! :)

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, very addictive cookies. Yours look so nice and neat.

Have a great week ahead,regards.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Hi Sonia

Ur peanut cookies look so neat and nice.

U use lard sure very pang , sinful but nvm, once a year :p

Unknown said...

hi sonia....this is my all time fav cookies n urs looks perfect!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

May I know what is the actual size of a cup? how many ml it has?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

unknown, I use those baking cup to measure. Ok I just tried to measure, 140g or 200ml per cup.Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Hi, may I ask if the 3 cups of nuts are 3 cups of whole nuts or 3 cups of ground nuts..?
Thank you:)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

lee xin run, is ground nuts (shells and skin removed)

phoebs said...

Hi sonia do you use the same baking cup for liquid n solid measurement?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

phoebs, yes using the same baking cup for both.

Anonymous said...

Hi, can I use shortening instead of pork lard? Will the taste be alot different?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, just to check.

The 3 cups of roasted peanuts is "before finely chopped in food processor".

Am i right?

Meaning its the whole peanut but roasted and skin removed?

Sheau said...

Thanks for sharing. I will have to try this recipe. I love peanut cookies. My aunt used to make them when I was a kid and they are just irresistible. Childhood favorite. I also going to try your flower cookies recipe. That's my childhood favorite too. :>

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I baked these cookies today. May I know if they are supposed to smell porky? Will the porky smell get more intense or reduce as I keep them longer in the containers? If I want to reduce the porky smell, how much lard oil must I reduce? Thanks for your help!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

teo ai li, it shouldn't smell porky, did you make you own lard oil?

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