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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pig Maw / stomach Pepper Chicken Soup 猪肚胡椒鸡汤

There will be two posts for today and tomorrow, because i want to finish posting all CNY related delights before the closing tomorrow.  Sorry, i have forgotten to inform you that the CNY delights event closing time , it should be by tomorrow 28th Feb 2013 at 3pm (Malaysia time). If you still have CNY delights, please quickly post it and send to me by latest 3pm tomorrow. And i will compile immediately and have the final round up post by tomorrow night, and also to annource the winners of my giveaway..
From March onwards, i will slow down my pace on updating my blog,  I need to rest after busy of CNY event from Jan-Feb ^_^..
Ok, today post is about Pig stomach soup, this soup is a Hokkien's CNY delight. My mom will cook this soup in every CNY.

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I am glad that my two elder children also started to appreciate this soup..but i cook it slight peppery..

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My mom cleaned and made ready for me this pig maw/stomach.

My mom's easy method :-
1. Trim off any fat on the stomach lining.
2. Make a cut and invert the stomach, use a spoon or a butter knife to scrape as much slimy impurities as possible. Wash it thoroughly and rinsed.
3. Blanch the pig maw in hot water for few minutes. Remove and drained.
4. Cut into moderate size (not too small).
5. Bring water to boil and add some whole white pepper and salt, add in pig maw pieces, boil for 10mins, and reduce to low heat and simmer until pig maw become tender but not too soft.
6. Discard the water, and it is ready to cook or keep inside the freezer if not use it immediately.


a must have ingredient- whole white peppercorns..I use the good peppers from Sarawak given by my friend who staying in Kuching..


Also you need a good pot of chicken stock.

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Pig Maw / stomach Pepper Chicken Soup 猪肚胡椒鸡汤

(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1 quantity of ready pig maw pieces (refer the steps above)
IMG_8172 copy2tbsp whole white peppercorns, lightly crushed (add more if you prefer stronger taste)
1 old chicken, cut into 4 big pieces
6pcs dried longan
1 can buttom mushrooms, washed, drained and cut small pieces
3 litre water
Salt to taste

1. Bring water to boil and use the hot water to blanch old chicken pieces briefly.
2. Add in chicken, white peppercorns and dried longan. Let boil for 10mins and reduce to low heat and simmer for 2hrs.
3. Once the chicken stock is ready, add in pig maw pieces and buttom mushrooms, continue to boil for ½ hr, season with salt to taste.


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I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Somewhere in Singapore said...

One of my favourite soup

Joceline Lor said...

a la mak。。。。。这是我的最爱啊!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我妈妈也是给了我猪肚,还剩一大片, 我可以考虑你的这个食谱了。

PH said...

I love this soup too!

Mel said...

Just to say I am here at this post. I can't say much for this type of soup because I don't eat pig's maw. But some people really loves this soup.

Casey said...


0620 said...

This is my all time favorite :)
Love it so much !!!

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Esther Lau said...

I like this peppercorn soup but I used to cook it with chicken only because same as Mel I don't eat pig maw. My mum like to buy me these white or black peppercorns when I back to Kuching. My house will never out of stock for peppercorns :) Next time you can ask for me if you want more stock ;)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

What I remember most about this soup is the peppercorn, love it!

Li Shuan said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Angelic Heart~ said...

I love this soup but really lazy to wash the pig maw...I will wait for my mum to cook for me :P

Imo Teo said...


Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Sonia! This is my No. 1 soup of all times... Since I was a boy... the more peppery it is, the better!

Yes, you should take a well-deserved break. Thank you for organising the CNY event. I could see the response was so very overwhelming!

But don't be away for too long... We will all miss you and your posts. :P

lena said...

yes sonia, you deserve a good break...appreciate all your effort in compiling all the cny entries, i'm sure this will be very useful for all your readers and me too!

divya said...

Oohhh so delicious n inviting

Baking Diary said...

I love this soup too but such a chore to prepare the stomach! You are lucky your mom clean it for you!

choi yen said...

I just had similar dish at a Chinese restaurant at Pudu and the soup can use for steamboat too :P

mui mui said...

A hearty and warm soup!!

Don't be away for too long, we miss you!! :p


blimpbinge said...
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