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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chinese Style Prawn Fritters 炸虾饼

This is one of the snack that I like to buy from those Chinese auntie who selling deep fried stuffs like fried banana, fried sweet potato & etc. It is similar to Malay's cucur udang. A thin batter swirl on a Chinese ladle, place few fresh prawns on top then deep fry it. It is best to enjoy by dipping into chili sauce.

Try to use this type of soft shell prawns called White prawns 白虾

I also recorded a video to show you how to fry this Chinese prawns fritter..

This prawn fritter is crispy while hot, if you prefer more crispy prawn fritter, then you have to make batter crepe thinner as possible..

Chinese Style Prawn Fritters 炸虾饼

500g plain flour or all-purpose flour
20g Self-raising flour

10g corn flour
550ml water
250g bean sprouts
40g Chinese chives, chopped finely
1 large red onion, chopped finely

2tsp salt or to taste
White pepper powder
1/4tsp MSG or chicken stock powder, optional

300g fresh white prawns or soft shell prawns 白虾, remove the head but retain the tail


  1. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl except prawns, mix well till no lumps.
  2. Heat cooking oil in a wok over medium low heat, put in a Chinese ladle into hot oil for several minutes.
  3. Remove ladle from the hot oil, scoop 1tbsp of batter, swirl the batter to make into thin crepe.
  4. Place 3 prawns on the batter, lower the ladle into hot oil, wait for 1-2mins, gently remove the fritter with a pair of chopstick, continue to fry until golden brown. Repeat the same steps until batter finished up.
  5. Drain on paper towel , serve hot with chili sauce.
Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Hamaree Rasoi said...

Delicious and lovely looking prawn fritters.

0620 said...

哎哟 好久没有吃了 

PH said...

Nice! Nice! I watch the video and just the sound of the sizzling oil already make me excited!

Baking Diary said...

Yes, I too like to munch on these fritters, got to try too but cannot put prawns cos my sons don't like prawns!

Imo Teo said...


Wordsmith said...

Yum !!! I love these too... With extra chilli sauce

Unknown said...


Victoria Bakes said...

UFO!!!! unbelievable!!!!! you really dish up food that is so long forgotten by me and now i want to eat them... gosh! how how how!!

Rose world said...

My favourite snack when I were kid.

Thanks for the recipe.

柠檬叶 said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, this is my favourite afternoon snack, too. But I stopped having them when the stall operator leaves the cooking to his foreign aids. It's different and I felt very thirsty after consuming it. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'll try.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is one of my favourite...

Anonymous said...

My favorite snack....thank you for sharing.

Sandra Lee

mui mui said...

Ah Chi,
I love these! Have not eaten this fir ages!
Thanks fir sharing!

Karen said...


Mel said...

I hardly buy deep fried food outside but I would love to try this out one day. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Amie said...

Wah! Sedapnya... bolehlah saya bawa larik 3 ketul.... nak makan sambil minum secawan teh panas!

Esther Lau said...

These Crispy prawn fritters dip with chilis sauce, soooooo good!!!!!
Sifu, thank you for sharing the video, I learned something new today :)

Baby Sumo said...

Ooo it really looks like cucur udang, but colour not as "red". Yummy, love it!

Unknown said...

Yummy snack. Especially having them while hot with chilies sauce.

Veronica said...

I loved these delicious prawn fritters which I haven't eaten for ages. They look so so good. Have a happy Christmas, Sonia.

Anonymous said...

wow, this makes me feel nostalgic. Hope to make this someday. Tracy

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day and how unusual, true!
I have never had a prawn fritter like this...looks interesting too!
Cheers! Joanne

lena said...

havent eaten this for so long...must have chilli sauce..sedap!

Unknown said...

I love to eat this dipped in chilli sauce. But have not come across anybody selling this for a long time. Thank you for sharing. Now I can cook this at home. :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , those fritters look like the ones we have back home in the Philippines ! I'll try your fantastic version sometime :D

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

I love all kind of fritters. Looks yummy.

Candice said...

Hi Sonia,can I omit the self raising flour or any substitution? Thanks :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Candice, if you are not using self raising flour, suggest you add a bit of baking powder and if can add a bit of rice flour.

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