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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hong Kong Style Swiss Chicken Wings 瑞士汁雞翼

Hong Kong Style Swiss chicken wings 瑞士汁雞翼 is a popular dish in Hong Kong but I missed to try out this dish during my visit to Hong Kong last time. Anyway, I tried out this dish the other day, it was succulent and delicious (enjoy it while hot, when turned cooled, it tasted hard ). This dish name called  瑞士汁雞翼 not because it came from Switzerland (瑞士 in Chinese). According to here, In 1860, there’s a HK style Western restaurant called Tai Ping Koon Restaurant (太平館餐廳).  The founder invented a sweet soy type of wings.  A tourist tried it and adored it.  He asked the waiter about the name of the dish.  The waiter’s reply was “Sweet Wings…”.  Due to confusion of Chinglish, the tourist mistaken it as “Swiss Wings”.  Therefore, the funny name has since lasted until the modern days.

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I adapted this recipe from Hong Kong famous foodie 阿蘇 . And I remembered one of her braised chicken recipe, she use this type of mushroom flavoured of soy sauce, as she said this type of soy sauce able to get nice dark beautiful colour after braised. ..And don't worry it will not taste the mushroom taste..

The challenge of this Swiss chicken wings is to get the right taste, the chicken wings must not taste overly sweet instead it has to taste with a bit of saltiness.

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Hong Kong Style Swiss chicken wings 瑞士汁雞翼

12 chicken mid-wings ( or more)

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1cup soy sauce (superior dark soy sauce)
1cup water
200g rock sugar
1 spring onion, cut 1” lengthwise
3 slices ginger
2 star anise
1tbsp Shaoxing wine

  1. Bring water to a boil and immerse wings and let boil for 1min. Put the wings in a bath of ice water as this will make the skin tasted crunchy and not easy broken.
  2. Add all ingredients in a large pot, bring to boil over medium heat.
  3. Turn off the heat, and put the chicken wings ( skin side down) and cover the lid, and stand for 10mins.Turn the wings once and stand for another 10mins to ensure all sides are nicely coated with the sauce. (If you feel the sauce is cooling down, turn on to low heat. Turn off the heat once it has turned hot).
  4. Serve immediately once done. You may use the same stock (frozen it) and repeating making this chicken wings later.
reference: refer to this video, recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


chow and chatter said...

love the name and story they look delicious

Imo Teo said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

The chicken mid wings is so tempting...

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I love Swiss wings ! I remember few years ago when KFC had their own version :D Sweet wings lol

Mel said...

I never heard of this Swiss wings before but Im glad to learn from here as well on the facts about this dish. Indeed I have learned so much from you Sonia...I just never thank you enough and I have become a better cook and a baker because of you. Hugs to u.

Victoria Bakes said...

i love these kind of wings... the skin looks stickily tempting to chew!

Victoria Bakes said...

i love these kind of wings... the skin looks stickily tempting to chew!

Baking Diary said...

Waa, very nice looking with nice story behind it, while eating these chicken wings can tell story also:D.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...



Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, what a way to cook chicken wings - delicious. Interesting video, too.

Small Kucing said...

very nice wor....might try this one of these days

The Sudden Cook said...

They look so delicious!

Baking Scientist said...

Interesting story! :D The wings look so dark & yummy :) Are the wings very sweet?

Baby Sumo said...

Oooo sounds good, next time can try when I get chicken wings.

Joceline Lor said...

哈!哈!哈!我和eileen一样。终于明白了。谢谢你 sonia。



mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

有好吃的鸡, 最适合我家了, bookmark下来先,近来很少下厨。。等有时间才动手!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

有好吃的鸡, 最适合我家了, bookmark下来先,近来很少下厨。。等有时间才动手!

Li Shuan said...

Ohh.. Looks really yummy! Sweet wings mmmm... Never try this before, must try this out one day. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Funny phisosophy beneath the name of the dish....
i just check my kitchen and i guess all ingredients is checked, can't wait to give it a try!

Unknown said...

Love this easy to cook and yet delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


divya said...

Makes me hungry :)

Elaine said...

Good morning Ms Sonia,
Thanks for the history lesson, though I have cooked it before!
Have a great weekend

Jozelyn Ng said...

Slurp...my favourite!

Jenny's Delicacy said...

Wow! great pic! looks amazingly YUMMMMMMY!!!

Esther Lau said...

Wow, I love these "hitam manis" swiss chicken ! Mouthwatering....haha...

Unknown said...


PH said...

What an interesting story! Sound like quite easy to cook :)

ICook4Fun said...

I've heard about this dish from my HK neighbor too and tasted it and I think it is very similar to our 'lor' chicken wings :)

lena said...

hehe..sweet wings become swiss wings....funny :D would love to try out this some day

Stephanie said...

This is finger licking good, and not hard to make, I must try it when I have a chance...but, how can I finish the mushroom flavour soy sauce after that?

mui mui said...

Ah Chi,
Swiss wings looks hitam manis!!
I am sure it is very delicious!
Will try this out!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Stephane, you can just use the mushroom dark soy sauce for normal use, can't actually detect the mushroom flavour.

Felicia Yeo said...

Hi Sonia, can I know where to get this mushroom dark soy sauce please?

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