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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pure Vanilla Sponge Cake 香草海绵蛋糕

As promised in my earlier pure vanilla chiffon cake post that I will share with you of baking a chiffon using a normal cake pan that has no tube or insert like chiffon pan. So I would like to call this chiffon as Pure vanilla sponge cake (why I called as pure vanilla because I was using vanilla bean to make this cake) . And this vanilla sponge cake is perfect to use it to decorate as a Birthday cake like fruity Birthday cake.

No shrinkage and the shape simply perfect!

vanilacake1 copy

I was using pure vanilla bean to make this sponge cake, it was so natural fragrance and spongy !

How to get a good sponge cake that has no shrinkage? From what I learnt, you have to beat meringue till almost approaching stiff since there is no tube of the normal chiffon pan to support cake to rise, so a strong meringue is required. Another important point is temperature control, first you have to bake it at low temperature (example this cake use 140C) , cake will climb slowly till the ring of the cake pan (important not to let cake rise too fast & high, and resulted major shrinkage at the end) .After that, change to medium high temperature (example this cake use 160C) , cake will continue rise over the ring of the cake pan but will not rise too high. At the end of last 10mins (appx), you will see cake start slowly go down and approach to the ring of the cake pan. I feel these method is suitable to apply when you baking a Ogura cake (Xian Xi cake) too.

If you like to use vanilla bean, you can refer this post on how to make vanilla water. And you can check the detail steps of how to bake a chiffon cake in the same post too.

Pure Vanilla Sponge Cake 香草海绵蛋糕
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes a 6.5" (top)x 6”(bottom) x 3" (height) pan with removable bottom

 3 egg yolks
15g sugar
55g vanilla water (or 1/2tsp vanilla extract + 50g water)
vanilacake3 copy 40g corn oil
80g Top flour (high ratio flour) or cake flour

3 egg whites
55g sugar
1/4tsp cream of Tartar

1. Prepare one 6” round cake tin (Not a non-stick), don’t need to line paper.
2. Immediate separate cold eggs from fridge (easy to separate this way) into two mixing bowls. Set aside to return to room temperature.
3. Add in sugar into egg yolks, immediately lightly whisk the egg yolks and sugar till light (Try to whisk immediately once sugar is added into egg yolks, egg will cover the sugar and turned hard if sit there for too long).
4. Add in corn oil, mix well. Then add in vanilla water, stir well to combine.
5. Sift in flour, stir till well combine.
6. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till foamy, gradually add in sugar in there times and continue beat until approaching stiff peaks (meringue stand straight up with a little curve at the tip) or till stiff peaks (this stage is a bit difficult to fold with egg yolk mixture)
7.Take 1/3 of meringue and use a hand whisk to mix well with egg yolk batter.
8.Fold in 1/3 of meringue and use a silicone spatula, gently fold with egg yolk batter till slightly combined. Fold in the balance meringue and gently fold till well combined.
9. Pour into round cake tin, bake at pre-heated oven at 140C (no fan) for 25mins at low rack, then increase to 160C(fan forced) for another 30- 35mins.
10.Once baked, turn your chiffon tin upside down and cool completely before remove from the tin.

Updated on 18th May 2013 - Today I bake another 8" sponge cake upon a reader request. I use 5 eggs and I got a cake that has 2.5" in height. Also this time I try with a cake pan that has no removable bottom, check below for what I found out.

If you don't have a removable bottom pan, then line paper at the base only..(Actually my 8"cake pan is removable bottom. just wanted to show you the difference, so this time I line paper).

Cake batter was fill up about 70% full only 

Start bake at low temp 140C (no fan) at lower rack

After 25mins of baking, cake slowly rise approaching to ring of the cake pan

After 25mins, increase temp to 160C (fan forced) . About 20mins later, you can see cake rise over the ring of the pan but not too high

 Appx last 10mins, you can see cake start to go down and reduce..

Cake is almost done after 40mins. Higher a bit from the original batter level.

Upside down cake pan once removed from oven.

If you line paper at the base, after 15mins, remove cake from the pan (avoid hot steam trapped at the bottom). If you use a removable bottom pan without line papers, then continue to cool completely before remove. Just use a spatula to run sides of the pan to remove the cake.

I noticed that if you line paper, the cake base has slightly shrunk after cooled. Therefore I would advise to use a removable bottom pan for better result.

Cake is ready to enjoy by itself or use to decorate for a Birthday cake.

Vanilla Sponge Cake香草海绵蛋糕
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes a 8”(width) x 3” (height) cake pan with removable bottom

5 egg yolks
25g sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
85g water
65g corn oil
135g Top flour (high ratio flour) or cake flour

5 egg whites
90g sugar
1/2tsp cream of Tartar

1. Prepare one 8” round cake tin (Not a non-stick), Do not need to line paper at all.
2. Immediate separate cold eggs from fridge (easy to separate this way) into two clean mixing bowls. Set aside to return to room temperature.
3. Add in sugar into egg yolks, immediately lightly whisk the egg yolks and sugar till light (Try to whisk immediately once sugar is added into egg yolks, egg will cover the sugar and turned hard if sit there for too long).
4. Add in vanilla extract and corn oil, mix well. Then add in water, stir well to combine.
5. Sift in flour, stir till well combined.
6. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till foamy, gradually add in sugar in there batches and continue beat until approaching stiff peaks (meringue stand straight up with a little curve at the tip) or till stiff peaks (this stage is a bit difficult to fold with egg yolk mixture)
7.Take 1/3 of meringue and use a hand whisk to mix well with egg yolk batter.
8.Fold in 1/3 of meringue and use a silicone spatula, gently fold with egg yolk batter till slightly combined. Fold in the balance meringue and gently fold till well combined.
9. Pour into the cake tin, bake at pre-heated oven at 140C (no fan) for 25mins at low rack, then increase to 160C(fan forced) for another 40mins.
10.Once baked, turn your sponge cake upside down and cool completely before remove from the cake pan (Finished cake size is 8” x 2.5”).


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Tea break time, come to grab a piece, kaka...

Nilu A said...

That's a perfect bake.. Loved it.. Bookmarked it dear :-)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Mel said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. Great to learn from just the simple tips from you.

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, how do I remove the cake after its done?

Do I put the cake in the oven and open the door till its cool, then removing it an open the tray and remove the parchment paper or do I take it out directly, over turn it on the rack with the pan. Wait for 5 min, remove the pan. Then wait for it to cool before removing parchment paper?

My ogura cake attempt failed miserably at the end. It shrink badly and I am not sure how to remove it after its done. Thank you for your time.

Little blue said...

Cake look so nice and spongy~please reserved 1 slice for me!!

Baking Scientist said...

woooh.. the texture your sponge cake looks so perfect - so fine!

ice pandora said...

I'm really not good at making
sponge cake :c they always
fail! Tho I'm bookmarking
your recipe c: It looks good!


Sem said...

This is very beautifully done, I can never bake such a nice and even sponge cake, it will shrunk badly normally when it cooled.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

This vanilla sponge cake is so beautifully done!

0620 said...

The texture of sponge cake catches my sight :P
This is the 100% perfect sponge cake!!
Super Like it ^^

Li Shuan said...


Goody Egg said...

Good post!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

You mean the cake will go down even though the oven temperature is still 160C, why huh? This is a very informative post, learn something for making ogura cake one day, if this is going to happen to me! Simple is the best! I like this vanilla chiffon cake, oops, vanilla sponge cake!

Anonymous said...

Perfect timing. I just got myself a 6in pan and had a hard time looking for 6 in cake recipes....now I can skip the guessing part! Thanks!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Very pretty Sonia.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Chi, this looks very soft and yummy!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Soft and yummy!

Anonymous said...

I have been your 'fan' since I started baking one year ago. your recipes are full proofed and the photos are professionaly done. Keep up with the good work :)
I noticed your cake pan is taller but don't seem to be able to find one in Singapore.
May I know where you get the cake pan from and perhaps I could ask my relative to help me get one too.

ICook4Fun said...

Your sponge cake is so beautifully done. Love the height too. I can never achive that. The cake always shrink a bit during cooling.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Beautiful cake, makes me wanna bake a cake too!

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia,
your vanilla sponge cake looks so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing the tips..now i know why i fail my chiffon cake everytime, probably because of too high temp that make it raise too fast and shrink too much...will try again. thank you

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


PH said...

Sonia, your sponge cake is perfect and looks so soft!

Baking Diary said...

Perfect! I like the very tall look of this cake...have tried the chiffon but it still shrank a bit...could be due to high temperature.

divya said...

looks absolutely yummy! nice clicks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous (may I know your name please), you just use a plastic spatula to run the side of the cake pan to remove the cake. I suggest you read the recipes and steps I provided, then try it out!

BB, you can ask your relatives to go any bakery ingredients shop in MY because this type of pan is very common here, hope this helps.

Cathleen said...

I have never tried sponge cake, but this looks fantastic! I would love to try this!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sonia.
It is a 6" round with 3" high, correct ?
By the way, what's the difference between your basic sponge
cake and this vanila sponge cake ?
I've tried the basic sponge cake and it turned out very well,
no crack, flat top, light texture, sweetness is just right.
Fm : BB

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

BB, I just measured again, yes, height is 3" but top ring is 6.5" and bottom is 6". I got this pan from China so it is a bit difference from local. Thanks for letting me know that you like the earlier basic sponge cake. They both are almost the same, but this time I reduce a bit of the temperature at the 2nd stage to 160C (with fan) instead of 170C and this time I use vanilla bean. I feel this cake is slightly better than earlier one. Do try out and let me know the outcome.

ann low said...

Love this tall spongy cake, very pretty!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , the cake looks simple yet so pretty ! Love how high the cake is and beautifully-baked as well ! Thanks for the tips ! I need something like this :D Now , all I need is that kind of pan lol

Nadji said...

Un gâteau très spongieux qui doit être délicieux. J'en veux.
A bientôt

Crystal Loh said...


Nic said...

Hi sonia, can u just reconfirm that the cake pan is to be inverted upside down to cool? However the cake we baked this time is not using a chiffon tin but a normal cake tin. Do u still invert it upside down to cool it? Thanks for sharing!

Gabriela said...

Mmmmmmm! Que buena pinta tiene este cake! Me encanta! Siempre me sorprendes con tus recetas, son geniales! Prometo que pondré la receta en práctica! Un abrazo y buen fin de semana, Gaby de Las Cosas Ricas de Gaby

Anonymous said...

Hoi Sonia,
Love all your recipes many thanks for sharing :)
I want to try this recipe in a 8 inch round baking pan. Do I have to double the recipe amount then?
I also have a question about vanilla water. I do not use vanilla extract because of alcohol. Can I make a large amount of vanilla water and store it like vanilla extract?
Thanks! Mihri

Angie's Recipes said...

This is really soft and light, Sonia.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi Mihri, ok, I have just tried out 8" round cake pan using 5 eggs, and also update the details in this post, check it out. I got a 2.5" height cake, if you want higher cake, maybe you can use 6 eggs but I could not advise you the result since I never bake one. Don't think you can store vanilla water that long enough compare to vanilla rum extract. And you have to store inside the fridge but not outside room temp. But how long can it be stored, sorry I couldn't advise you as I have never try this out.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nic, yes, you have to invert upside down the cake and using a normal round cake pan.

Unknown said...

a nice sponge cake, will try it later.

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

You make the simplest cakes look so pretty and delicious! It's been a long time since I made chiffon, and you make me crave for some now :)

MeRy said...

Your sponge cake looks perfect.

Unknown said...

Another great post! No wonder my cake bottom has 'curve'. Next time know have to remove cake before ASAP to avoid steam trapped.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
thanks for giving the details of the bake pan. Hopefully i can
source for something similar in my Melaka home town.
Will try out this vanila chiffon cake and see the difference.
Btw, love your AKK post today. Was planning to make my
first AKK this coming Vesak day. Your recipe came just in time).
Thanks !!!
Last but not least, congrats on your recipes published in Y3K.

Unknown said...

Hi SOnia, so this is another good recipe for birthday cake just like the basic sponge cake?

Unknown said...

Your basic sponge cake really makes me a great baker... I have succeeded more than 3 times. The recipe never fails me for baking nice birthday cake

Unknown said...

Sonia, If I don't have Vanilla bean what can I substitute with? Vanilla essence?

IF I want to decorate with buttercream, should I reduce the sugar from this pure vanilla cake?

Unknown said...

Great write up Sonia,my first bake also shrink from the side wall, cos I listen to you to put one line paper. But second and third time I try to use it again and cool it completely with same line papers but no shrinking happen.

LC Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What a perfect looking sponge cake Sonia! It's beautiful - light, moist, spongy... great job!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

angeline, you replace with vanilla extract or essence. What I feel the best still not line paper but use a removable bottom pan.

LC Lee, if you using Hokkaido cupcake recipe and using a tin loaf pan without tube, then I suggest you follow the temperature in this sponge cake recipe, timing you adjust accordingly.

soh said...

Hi, I baked this cake using 8" pan turned out perfect, after 1st 25mins, just to double check, increase temp to 180 (non fan)for 30 mins, is this temp correct?
Thank you for sharing!

wendy said...

Love to try your recipes :)
I want to try this cake with microwave convention. Can it work too?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Wendy, should be able to work, bake at low temp initially and later increase the temp..you try out and let me know if this oven works!

Wendy said...

Hi Sonia,
I've tried the Pure Vanilla sponge cake and it turned out not very well.
First I bake it at low temperature 140C 25min. After that, change to 170C (because my oven dont have 160C) for another 12min. I d'not line paper at the base, i'm using normal pan. Before i bake preheat the pan too. Easy to remove cake from the pan. My cake turn out trapped at the bottom. But
the cake still taste good, light texture, sweetness is just right.
Hope to receive your reply soon. Thanks for help! : )

Veronica said...

Thanks very much Sonia for this wonderful recipe. I never knew that chiffon cake be baked in a normal pàn. Your chiffon looks perfect!

Anonymous said...

For no fan, how many degree shall I set? Thx


Anonymous said...

I just bought a new microwave/steam/convection type. It doesn't seem to allow me to change temperature mid-way unless I stop and start again which I am sure is a no-no. What would you advise? Thanks in advance.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jenny, try with 150c and later change to 170c

anonymous, then bake with 160C

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Wendy,i suspected you have overmix the batter and it turned runny batter, resulted cake batter leak in between the removable bottom and after baked, it trapped at the bottom.

Wendy Khee said...

Hi Sonia thank you for your reply. I will try again this cake later. Do u means i overmix the meringue with egg yolk batter? Can i try with 155c and later change to 170c? Thank you!

Wendy Khee said...

My also the microwave/convection type. When i baked this cake start with 140C and i press stop and change to 170C continue to baked. This will course the cake trapped at the bottom?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Wowww I can't believe you just baked a 5 egg recipe for my request. You are such a nice and generous person Thank you so much. Love you :)
This recipe will be my go to recipe for sponge cake from now on.

xx Mihri (one of your fans)

val said...

hi Sonia
i plan to make a rainbow cake with your recipe. What is temperature you would suggest for splitting them into 3 pan ?


Anonymous said...

please. can I order the removal cake tin from you 8 inch.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Chau. If I want to make a rectangular cake using a 9x13 in pan. How many egg do I need to use? and do I just increase other ingredience accordingly? Thank you!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Val, I think you need to maintain the same temperature but reduce the baking time.

Chau, I am not too sure, maybe you have to double the recipe?

Anonymous said...

My cake surface cracked. why =(

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous cake. What is the brand of your oven please?

The Experimental Cook said...

Thank you for generously sharing your tips on the sponge cake. I will try this recipe .

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia

i used normal pan without removable base and I had hard time removing the cake as it stick to the base even after I run blade around the side. Can I use lining so that it be easier to remove? I don't know if this is not advisable as I have read not to grease not to line base


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Rachel, ok, if you don't have a removable base cake tin, then you can line paper at the bottom. But after inverted for about 10mins while still warm, immediately remove the cake and paper as to avoid hot air trapped at the bottom and resulted the bottom shrink and wet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sonia!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia

This time I tried a removable pan and I didn't line the bottom. But I realize that the bottom is wet after I removed the cake from pan shortly after its cooked. Is it wrong to remove immediately after cooked? Because I also worry hot air may trap at bottom so I removed it right after I took iut from oven.


Unknown said...

Just baked this cake using 5 eggs. No crack and no shrinkage after removing fr oven! Yay... Gonna deco it tomorrow..
Thanks for sharing such wonderful recipe

Unknown said...

Hi, may I confirm that your measurement for oil is in grams and not milliliters? I'm baking this later today! Thank you.

Aeris said...

Hi Sonia, I only have an 8" inch springform pan. Can I use that? If so should I adjust the baking temperature? Thanks!

Aeris said...

I mean I only have an 8" inch NON STICK pan. Can I use that? Why it is not advised to use?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Esther, yes, the measurement all in gram.

Aeris,if you are using a non-stick pan, then you need to line the side and bottom. But still best to use a Not non-stick pan for this cake. If you are using 8", suggest to add 5mins at each interval..

Anonymous said...


How did you convert the ingredients from a 6inch pan to a 8inch pan?
I'm going to make a 9inch cake but I don't know how to convert the quantity of the ingredients

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I baked this cake today for my son's bday. Followed ur recipe to the T but once i changed the temp to 160C with fan, my cake started to crack badly. Continued to bake for 30min. Inserted stick to check doneness nothing sticking on the stick. However, when i overturn the cake to cool, shortly after the whole cake dropped down. Please advice. TIA.

Anonymous said...

Do we grease the sides of the pan?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cupcake Lover said...

Great site you have here. I always love food especially desserts.

Unknown said...

Hi thanks for sharing! I never had luck with sponge cakes, but your recipe and tips are just *thumbs up*. I baked the 5 eggs recipe in 7 inch tin (excess I pour into cupcakes). I am not sure if I have filled the cake tin too high up, the cake actually rose very high during the 160C bake. Eventually the top shrank a little. Should I bake at 150C, fan forced, instead? Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...


I've tried your pure vanilla sponge cake and it turned out really nice. I was just wondering if I want to make this into orange sponge cake, can I just replace the 50g vanilla water with 50g orange juice?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Cherie, for 5 eggs, you have to use bigger pan, i suggest 8" tin. And you may bake it longer at same temp.

Blueedawn, yes you can.

fanny said...

Hi Sonia. How many eggs i need to make 8inch sponge recipe if i use free-range local egg?

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Hi thanks for sharing!

irenekay said...

Hi I'm actually looking 3 of your sponge cake recipe - golden, vanilla & basic sponge cake. I would like to use one of these to be my durian sponge cake. Which texture is more suitable to accompany with durian and also to cut and trim?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Irenekay, you can use this vanilla sponge cake or basic sponge cake

Unknown said...

Hi! May i know where to buy the cake pan with removable bottom lid?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Wendy, you can get at those bakery ingredients shop.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Thank you so much for posting your method of baking chiffon cake in a regular pan. I've been using round pans for a long time, but always had trouble with cooling upside down and avoiding shrinkage, etc etc. I just wanted to let you know that I baked up my 5-egg recipe, similar to yours, in an 8x12x2" pan. 285F (140C) for 30 min, then increased the temp to 325F convection (160C) and baked for another 8 minutes. After it came out of the oven, I dropped the cake pan onto the counter from a height of about 10-12" to release the steam and had zero shrinkage. I did not have to cool it upside down. Now I'm just waiting to cut into to make sure I did not over bake it. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

This is the best sponge cake ever!

I've made different types of sponges before and this one just nailed it. So soft and pillowy and not dry.
It was like the exact replica of sponge cakes in Korean bakeries. I used a simple sugar syrup to brush it over the layers. Not too sweet either.

Thank you for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, may I know what size eggs for you used for this 8 inch recipe? My cake cracked after the first 20 minutes @ 150c (fan mode). Am using AA size eggs.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, I only use A size for all my baking .

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sonia, I shall try again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, can we use non stick pan for this recipe?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mixue, if you really can't have a normal cake pan,then you can non stick pan but line bottom and sides with baking paper .

Anonymous said...

Sonia, thank you for your answer n sorry to ask another question as I m not sure: why is there a need to line bottom n sides with baking paper since is a non stick pan?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mixue, paper act as a wall for the cake to climb up , if nonstick wall, afraid it will stick

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mixue, sorry I meant it will not stick, anyway you can try it out without line paper

Anonymous said...

Sonia, thank you for your guardian.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, may I know what type of cake do you prefer to make a birthday cake? A cake that won't shrink when it has a lot of weight on it.. Thank you!:)

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, may I know what type of cake do you prefer to make a birthday cake? A cake that won't shrink when it has a lot of weight on it.. Thank you!:)

Anne said...


The cakes seems very good and soft...May I know the weight of your eggs??

Thank you

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for sharing this recipe.
A small technical problem from my side though I followed your recipe and instructions vey very closely. Everything was fine until I adjusted the oven to 160C fan forced. The cake started to have deep cracks into quarters. It shrunk after cooling (I overturned it to let it cool). the sides and the bottom sunk inwards. Any reason why it turned out like that?

Thanks for your guidance in advance!


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

yong winnie, if you want to decorate with buttercream, then use buttercake and store in room temp. But when you want to use non dairy cream or so called fresh cream, then use chiffon cake or sponge cake, so you can store in fridge.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anne, i use A size, whole egg weight is 65g

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Adeline, i suspect it was lacking of low heat, can you still move the pan to one level down?

Anne said...

Hello Sonia,

Thank you for sharing the recipe and also for your reply☺

MsLaadyy said...

Hi Sonia!
I love this recipe! This is my favourite cake! But everytime I make this, it sinks in the middle, when in a rectangle pan or comes out slanted when I flip it in a round pan. Any idea why?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mslaaddy, maybe you can try bake it longer than suggested timing .

MsLaadyy said...

Hi, If I'm making this in an 18x12, how long should I bake it for? as well as a 9x13?

MsLaadyy said...

Also, how many times would I have to multiply the recipe by if both those pans are 2 inches high instead of 3?

Amy said...

If I am going to use a 10" tin, how do you work out on the increased ingredients needed?

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, I don't have vanilla bean, so if using vanilla essence how many tsb should I put?

Unknown said...

Hi!A very nice sponge cake!
Do you mind to share the model of your oven?
Thanks in advance :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Happy bunny, I used Teka built in oven

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Tay Wendy, use 1/2tsp

Unknown said...

Thanks Sonia

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I am using convection oven (fan forced type), do you still recommend 140C for 25 mins and 160C for 40mins? Also, do i need to line paper base for removable tin?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I want to try this cake but was wondering if I can make it gluten free? I only have all purpose gluten free flour, will I be able to substitute the cake flour for that? Thanks

Unknown said...

Can I steam this instead of baking?

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