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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Special Cekur Dipping Sauce 沙姜沾酱

Today I am going to share with you this simple and yummy cekur dipping sauce that best to dip with white cut chicken / poached chicken or Pak Cham Gai. I learnt this special cekur dipping sauce from my sister-in-law.

Cekur is one type of local ginger, widely use in Malay cooking, you can read more here.
When I tasted Chinese 沙茶酱 (widely use in Taiwan), I can taste cekur aroma too.
I have a small cekur plant, not enough to prepare this dipping sauce. Sometime, I will add shredded fresh cekur leaves into chili dipping sauce when we having steamboat, very good too.


So I bought it from wet market, not that expensive actually..

Cleaning and remove cekur skin is the most tedious part in preparing this dipping sauce.

Chop it till finely

I modified a bit of my SIL recipe, added extra small chili and adjust a bit of the seasonings. Surprise that my kids also gave thumbs up to this dipping sauce..

IMG_4858 copy

Special Cekur Dipping Sauce 沙姜沾酱
(recipe source: re-create from my SIL recipe)

50g chopped cekur roots 沙姜
IMG_4870 copy 50g chopped garlic
2 small green chili, sliced
3tbsp cooking oil
1/2cup water
2tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tsp salt or taste
1/2tsp sugar or taste


  1. Heat oil in a saucepan, add in chopped cekur and garlic, sauté till aroma.
  2. Add in water, bring to boil.
  3. Add in all seasonings, and continue to simmer till slightly thicken.
  4. Serve with poached chicken (white cut chicken) or any other dishes.


Mel said...

So that how cekur looks like. Some few months ago I actually ask one vege seller how the "sar jiang" look like but unfortunately he doesnt have any. Ok, I will make this sauce the next time I make the white cut chicken. No wonder previously I use the normal ginger to make it just doesnt got the taste We want it. Thank you for this post.

Joceline Lor said...

哇!这个very good啊!好久没吃到了。

Amie said...

Wow! Sonia pandai makan cekur ye... herba cekur memang banyak khasiatnya! Terliur saya tengok hidangan Sonia...

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, I've tried this with blanched pork fillet. It was good. Will try with chicken next time.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

这个好料, 拿来点白斩鸡是一流的!

sabrina 莎莎 said...


My Little Space said...

I have never tried cekur before. Does it tastes the same? Looks like white turmeric. hehe....

PH said...

Sonia, it sounds very delicious. Now I got to find cekur :)

Crystal Loh said...


Little blue said...

I haven't try this dipping sauce before and also don't know can get the 沙姜 at wet market.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

The only person who would make this sauce in my family was my aunty, my mum's brother wife but that was a long time ago as she has a stroke years ago & now she is too old to make this dipping sauce. I'm so glad that you are sharing your recipe with us. Will definitely mark it down in my list!

Chef and Sommelier said...

Chi... Garlic, ginger and chili... nice... I like this dip!

Li Shuan said...

Looks good, next time I have steam boat can do this sauce. But horr... I saw ur helper was doing all the slicing n chopping here I have to do myself ...sian leh... Hehe

ann low said...

Sonia, I've this cekur plant too and I remember most people cook it with mutton. Next time I'll definitely try your recipe.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I love 沙姜,yummy!

Baking Diary said...

Sounds very aromatic, I have always wondered what those ginger like roots are! Now I know:P

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The sauce looks good, i never make any sauce myself before...

Baby Sumo said...

Actually I also have a cekur plant, but I thought we only use the leaves! Haha now I know we can use the roots also. :)

Elaine said...

Good morning,
Thanks for the recipe. I had 2 small pots for so long and yet have not try using it. Now I can try your recipe. Thanks

Mich Piece of Cake said...

This dipping sauce looks so good!

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day I never taste cekur before either, TRUE!
Always love food wise learning something new! Thank you!

LEY said...

I never use cekur before, you may add the ciliantro 香菜 also

Small Kucing said...

malunya....never heard of cekur...:p

where to get? malay pasar?

Ana Regalado said...

I don't know if that cekur roots are the the ones that I've seen from the market last time :D Our ginger-scallion dipping sauce here for steamed chicken fails in comparison to your dipping sauce which is full of flavor ! Now , I'm getting hungry lol

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, this dipping sauce look really delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Have a great week ahead.

Unknown said...

Sonia, can eat more more rice just with the chicken n the dipping sauce.

lena said...

yeah i was told that the leaves can be eaten too but i never eat them:) next time i can also try adding some oyster sauce like how you made them, thanks!

Esther Lau said...

What a yummy and special Cekur Dipping Sauce!!!! mouth watering!!!!

Nadji said...

Une découverte. C'est toujours un plaisir de te rendre visite.
A bientôt

MunatyCooking said...

I've never had this sauce but would love to try it, looks delicious :)

Anonymous said...

Chi... Garlic, ginger and chili... nice... I like dip!. vegetarianviet.blogspot.com/

Lite Home Bake said...

Very interesting, i dont think i have tried this herb before but i have a plant that looks similar, not sure if it is the one. Will look out for it in the market first. Thanks for sharing.

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for this new recipe, always nice to have another dipping sauce recipe to go with pak cham kai :) will try this out.

Lrong said...

Cekur must be one of my favorite favorite gingers... its taste and aroma is sooo good...

ahteekitchen said...

Sonia, agreed with u, the cukur part is the most tedious, especially for the thin curl "Sha Giong", love this combination, best matching with Bak Cham! I think will be good for fish steaming too!! ^^

masli said...

sedapnya.. selalu makan pucuk je buat ulam.. X sangka boleh buat sambal jugak.. boleh cuba nih..!

masli said...

sedapnya.. selalu makan pucuk je buat ulam.. X sangka boleh buat sambal jugak.. boleh cuba nih..!

Unknown said...

Sorry...may i know where can I buy cekur? Thanks

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