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Monday, December 16, 2013

Fraisier Eclairs (Eclairs with Pistachio White Chocolate Ganache and Strawberry) 闪电泡芙

An éclair is an oblong French's pastry made with choux dough filled with cream.The word comes from French éclair 'flash of lightning', that's why Chinese also named as 闪电泡芙. And a traditional Fraisier is crème mousseline (pastry cream with extra butter) and strawberries sandwiched between two sheets of heavily imbibed sponge (genoise) cake, you can read more here. When Fraisier and Éclair combine together, it became an awesome pastry !!
When I read this post talking about Christophe Adam (a French patissier who specialises in eclairs) creation of Fraisier Eclairs, I immediately decided to create this pastry at home.

Eclairs with Pistachio white chocolate ganache that topped with roasted pistachio, strawberry jelly and fresh strawberry, they are simply awesome!
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I especially love this pistachio white chocolte ganache, yum!

I still use back the choux recipe which I learnt from Academy Pastry Arts Malaysia..and don't forgot to also make the crunchy Craquelin that put on top of choux.
This Fraisier Eclairs is perfect to serve during Christmas time, but I have to warn you that it take quite some time to make this..

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Frasier Eclairs (Eclairs with Pistachio White Chocolate Ganache and Strawberry) 闪电泡芙 (开心果白巧克力酱 和 草莓)

For the Craquelin
 75g butter
fe5 copy  75g brown sugar
 90g plain flour, sifted (I use cake flour this time)

 1. Beat butter and brown sugar till light and creamy.
 2. Add in sifted flour, mix to combine.
 3. Keep in fridge to harden.
 4. Place dough in between two sheets of plastic sheet, roll into thin sheet (1-2mm).
 5. Cut into small square and place on top of the pastry.

For the Éclairs pastry
*makes about 15pcs
 125g milk
 125g water
 125 salted butter (add 5g salt if you are using unsalted butter (original recipe))
 5g sugar
 250g egg ( 5 medium eggs ), lightly stir
 163g plain flour, sifted (I use cake flour this time)

 1. Boil together milk, water, butter and sugar in a saucepan over medium high flame.
 2. Remove from heat, using a wooden spoon, quickly stir in sifted flour until combined and mixture comes together into a ball. Return to low heat and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture leave the sides of the saucepan and film forms on the bottom of the pan (3-4mins).
 3. Transfer the dough to a clean mixing bowl and stir the dough till reach room temperature(no steam).
 4. Gradually add in egg mixture and stir to incorporate (you may use wooden spatula to stir or use a mixer with paddle attachment to beat). Mix thoroughly until desired texture ( to check-scooping it up using a wooden spoon, the batter should hang down about 20sec before drop down).
 5. Spoon batter into a piping bag fitted with a 2cm star piping tip. Pipe 5” lengths on a baking tray line with non-stick baking paper, allow 2"-3" gap in between each batter. Place a small piece of Craquelin on top.
 6. Bake at preheated oven at 200c for 20mins (to cook and puff it up) at middle rack, reduce temperature to 180C and continue to bake for another 15mins or until brown ( to firm up ).
 7. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

For pistachio-white chocolate Ganache
*enough to decorate 10pcs Eclairs
150 ml whipping cream(dairy)
125 g white chocolate
 30g pistachio (roasted)
A drop of green food colouring, optional

1. Bring whipping cream to scalding (steaming) point in a heavy base pan or in microwave. Once you start seeing small bubbles appearing along the sides, turn the heat off and add chopped chocolates into it. Leave it for couple of minutes and then stir well until combined.
2. Grind pistachio into fine powder and mix it well into the Ganache.
3. Leave it in fridge until it the mixture is really cold. Then whip it up to form stiff peaks and firms up enough to pipe or spoon. It should not be runny and should be stiff and easy to spread. White chocolate may take few hours to harden, but if it gets too stiff, place in the microwave and warm for few seconds until spreadable. you can also whip the Ganache once the mixture is really cold.

For the strawberry jelly
100g strawberries, chopped
2tbsp sugar
2tbsp water

1tsp gelatine powder
1tbsp hot water

1.Place chopped strawberries, sugar and water in a small pot, let it cook for 2-3 minutes or until thick.
2.Mix gelatine and hot water and stir till it turned melt (or you may melt it over a pot of simmering water).
3. Add into strawberry compote, mix well.
4.Let it set in the refrigerate.

To assemble Frasier Eclairs – pipe pistachio white chocolate ganache on top of the éclair, then top with roast pistachio, fresh strawberry and strawberry jelly.

Eclairs – choux pastry adapted from Academy Pastry Arts Malaysia
Pistachio white chocolate ganache- adapted from here
Strawberry jelly- modified from earlier macaron recipe here
Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover
I am submitting this to the "Baby Sumo's Christmas Recipes Collection 2013" event which is hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.

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mui mui said...

Hi Ah Chi,
This is a awesome Christmas treat.
Can pass a piece over... :p

Victoria Bakes said...

OMG~ this is so beautiful!! i love how your eclairs reflect the festive mood! gorgeous!

0620 said...

有红有绿,有圣诞feel ^^

Mel said...

My first time came across such beautiful eclairs...impressive eventhough a handful step to complete it. Must be very yummy.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

So nice you make... :)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi Sonia, this dessert has such a special chinese name. I only had the usual eclair b4 but not the combination. They look delicious there!

Baby Sumo said...

Hi Sonia, this has such a nice color to it... perfect for Christmas. :)

Esther Lau said...

Hi Sonia, I love this very Christmas feel dessert and the chinese name is funny ;)

MunatyCooking said...

The dessert looks so festive and delicious too :)

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我拿香蕉面包来交换吃的, 哈哈!

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

such cute treat bites..loved esp the last click !! very inviting !

Angie's Recipes said...

I love this pistachio white chocolte ganache! They look so inviting!

Nadji said...

Tes éclairs sont très originaux.
Je suis d'accord pour un échange.
A bientôt

Cecilia Yap said...

Hi Sonia, this éclairs look so lovely & festive. I am drooling over the colours too.

Karen said...


Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Your eclairs look very pretty with Christmasy colours!

Feel like pinching them from my computer screen :p


Alice said...

oh this is so Christmas-ey eclairs!
I am not a fan of white chocolate, but the mixing it with pistachio and make it to ganache.. I guess I'll love it! Yum!

Baking Diary said...

Very festive feel to it, love the very generous topping of the white chocolates and strawberries...sure must taste as good as it looks!

Sokehah cheah said...

I like the last picture, cool! For a moment, at first glance, the pastry looks like a Japanese slipper with the strawberry strips :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , the pistachio white choco ganache alone makes me drool :D Your eclairs look pretty festive , love everything you're put in there , so yummy !

柠檬叶 said...


lena said...

the pistachio white choc cream does sound delicious indeed..and the eclairs are beautiful!

Unknown said...

These eclairs look so Christmas-y... Simply love the colours. And I wish I could try the pistachio cream.

My Little Space said...

These look amazingly delish. YUmmm....

Unknown said...

Will be trying this very soon, my favorite flavor! Thank you!

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