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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Easy Strawberry Mille-feuille a.k.a Napoleon 拿破仑千层草莓酥

We just came back from a short trip to Cameron Highlands. I bought some very fresh and large strawberries. I immediate thought of this French pastry Mille-feuille or Napoleon which made up using three layers of puff pastry, and alternating with two layers of pastry cream. I made an easy version, using store-bought puff pastry sheet, sandwich with whipping cream that flavoured with strawberry flavours and fresh strawberry from Cameron highlands.

This pastry not only easy to make, but it tasted great! Crispy, buttery and saltiness of puff pastry, yummy strawberry whipped cream (feel like eating strawberry ice-cream) and sweet fresh strawberry, yummy!

Easy Strawberry Mille-feuille a.k.a Napoleon 拿破仑千层草莓酥
*makes 2  

1 sheet of puff pastry (8”x8”), thawed
200g whipping cream (dairy)
30g caster sugar
1/2tsp strawberry flavoured powder, optional
Fresh strawberry
Powdered sugar, for dusting

  1. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 180C.
  2. Place puff pastry sheet on the baking tray, using a fork, prick holes over the whole pastry to prevent it from puffing up while baking. Slice pastry sheet to half. Bake for 25mins or until golden brown. Remove from oven, wait till slightly cool, slice each sheet into 3 small rectangular.
  3. Add sugar and whipping cream in a mixing bowl, place this mixing bowl over a large mixing bowl that filled with ice water. Beat over high speed till soft peak. Add in strawberry powder, continue to beat till stiff peak.
  4. To decorate, place one baked puff pastry on a serving plate, pipe cream on top and place some strawberry. Place second piece of baked puff pastry, pipe cream and place some strawberry. Then place third piece of baked puff pastry, dust with some powdered sugar then serve.
Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


eileenlml.blogspot.com said...



Little blue said...


Juliana said...

I love napoleon and I am living this strawberry version.
Thanks for the inspiration Sonia...hope you are having a wonderful week :D

Mel said...

Mille feuille is a beautifully dessert...layers of puff pastry with fruity fruits and cream.

Suhaina said...

Tooo good Sonia. Cannot take my eyes away from ur beautiful fotos..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Very nice...

PH said...

Very pretty pastry! Sayang want to eat :)

Fion said...

The strawberries so fresh,the pastry so crispy & yummy

Stephenie Lim said...

Wow! What a beautiful dessert!

Baking Diary said...

Very nice dessert, the strawberries really are big! The last time I went there, I don't remember seeing them so big lol!

Lite Home Bake said...

Very pretty, nice to be served this in a pretty little garden :)

Victoria Bakes said...

Aren't they so sweeeeet looking? I can stuff my face into it

ann low said...

So pretty and delicious. Thought having a piece of it right now.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Angie's Recipes said...

So pretty! Great for the late afternoon tea party!

Gloria Fernandes said...

beautiful pics Sonia,very delicious it looks...

Cat Chee said...


Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , the fresh strawberries look luscious ! Yeah , you really need to use some of those for strawberry ice cream :D Love this pretty and delicious napoleon , the flavor and texture combo sounds wonderful !

Sokehah cheah said...

That's a good looking dessert and with fresh strawberries too. Great clicks!

Li Shuan said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

这个糕点在我的list里一整年了, 如今看到你的作品, 又想动手了! 哈哈

柠檬叶 said...


Cecilia Yap said...

I like this pastry, look so delicious and the strawberry looks so fresh too.

Terry said...

Lovely dessert^^

nandoos kitchen said...

lovely, tasty inviting dessert. Looks absolutely yumm.. Bookmarking this.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very beautiful, looks like 5 stars hotel dessert!

irene myme said...


My Little Space said...

Ooo...I am drooling here! Wish these are in front of me right now. haha.... I have sweet tooth and I love anything yeasted, so I'm going to get fat very very fast. haha...
Enjoy & have a great weekend.
Blessings, Kristy

Esther Lau said...

Beautiful!!!! Fresh strawberries from CH with the crispy puff pastry and lovely cream must be a perfect combination!

婉婉午茶 said...


Little Corner of Mine said...

Beautifully assembly and delicious!

Baby Sumo said...

Wow the first photo already attracted me. I love mille feuille alot and yours looks absolutely mouthwatering.

A Taste of Memories-- Echo's Kitchen said...

Very beautiful! I can almost smell it!

mui mui said...

Hi Ah Chi,
Oh wow! This is so tempting!
Looks like hotel style!!
Wish I have have a bite now. :p

Unknown said...

Look so beautiful! Mouth-watering!

Sissi said...

You are so lucky to have strawberries! This being said, even with beautiful sweet fruits, I would never be able to make such a gorgeous sweet treat!

Rosita Vargas said...

Ohh su tarta de lujo muy delicioso,amo los frutos silvestres,abrazos

Kitchen Corner said...

This dessert makes me drooling.... :p my favorite...

Yummy Bakes said...

I have not tried this but it looks very pretty and yummy.

Joceline Lor said...

记得式过贪心从金马仑带了很多草莓回家,很快就得消灭才可以。做冰棒,做雪糕最快速的方法了。哈哈哈 。。。。。。


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Love it! Love it! This will be good to make on Valentine's Day!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

So fun, and very pretty! Mille-feuille is my mom's favorite and her most favorite pick at cake shops. Love this recipe is easy - I can make this for her when she comes to visit us next time!

lena said...

very pretty and makes a great dessert or tea time snacks!

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