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Friday, June 20, 2014

Spongy Banana Cupcakes 香蕉海绵杯子蛋糕

I have many cupcake liners haven't used. I bought some and some given by my cooking & baking buddies.  I took out this floral design and I decided to bake them with banana sponge cake, they look so lovely! And this was a faster way to prepare cupcakes, I still use my prefer cold eggs method, don't need egg separation, and only need 5mins beating time, quick and good!

This time i didn't use the pisang emas to bake this cupcake, instead I use pisang berangan, it still tasted good! 

After beaten for 5mins (must beat over high speed), the volume of batter became high.

After added flour and oil, the batter reduced to half..

Fill them about 90% full. They will shrink after cool down but only a bit!

Spongy Banana Cupcakes 香蕉海绵杯子蛋糕
*makes 12 cupcakes 

 3 eggs ( large or A size), cold from fridge
 120g caster sugar
 180g ripe banana (use a fork to mash it)
 150g cake flour
 1/2 tsp Baking powder
 1/4 tsp Baking soda
 100g Corn oil
 1/4 tsp Rum, optional (I use homemade vanilla Rum)

 1. Preheat oven to 160C.
 2. Sieve flour, baking powder & soda together. Sieve twice & set aside.
 3. Beat cold eggs, sugar, Rum & banana at max speed in a mixer till thick and stiff. (I use electric hand mixer at high speed 4 for 5mins)
 5. Fold in flour & mix well. (use hand mixer at lowest speed to mix)
 6. Add in corn oil & mix well till batter is shiny & flowing.(use hand mixer at lowest speed to mix)
 7. Pour into cupcake liners for about 90% full. Bake for 25mins oe until golden brown (at middle rack  no fan).

Source: modified from old recipe, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Angie's Recipes said...

They look awesome! The texture is perfectly light and smooth.

Little blue said...

wow...nice photo, nice cakes and nice paper cup. I always like banana cakes...

Copycake kitchen said...

Hi Sonia, your whole egg method is always look good and successful. I have no confidence and always failed in this method :(
Yup,lovely cupliners! 我不舍得用哦!haha...

PH said...

Looks so beautiful, leh! I must try your cold eggs method.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Very nice design...

Baking Diary said...

I like this method of making sponge cake too, very easy and nice! Your liners also looks really pretty!

向日葵葵 ~ Sunflower Grace said...

It looks fluffy and light. Nice liners too.

Victoria Bakes said...

so homey and country feeling.. feels like i just gone into a nice country restaurant and ordered a good cuppy for tea

Mel said...

I love spongy cakes and this banana spongy cake is no exception. I hv baked this numerous time already. Lovely liners.

0620 said...

Banana sponge cake, my favorite leh
Super like the aroma of banana ^^

Bakericious said...

I love this recipe too, the texture is v fluffy. love your cupcake liners, so pretty.

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, I'll definitely bake this lovely cupcake since it looks easy. Admiring your cupcake liners - Nice.

Fion said...

haha...me too...have too much cup liner haven't use
Your banana cake really looks supreme!Love it!

Joceline Lor said...


Jozelyn Ng said...

Hi, Sonia! Nice cup cake...I have a question here...everytime when I use this type of cup, I find that after a while, the cake will shrink and no longer stick to the liner...I am not sure I am the only one who have this problem or it is a common one....heeheehee...

Agnieszka said...
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Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jozelyn,,I encounter the same problem here especially for sponge cake or chiffon cake base. I think this problem not due to you or me. The liners are this way, maybe due to manufacturer apply a layer of wax on the paper (even you can't feel the wax when you rub it), that's why the cake can't stick to it.

Baby Sumo said...

Hehe I also always buy cupcake liners cos they look pretty in the shop, then sometimes jus stash them away in the cpboard. Your muffin looks fluffy!

Lite Home Bake said...

I love how the liners give an extra country like feel to the banana cupcakes :)

irene myme said...

哈哈哈。。对于漂亮的cupcake liners,我也是见一款买一款的哦。

~~louise~~ said...

Oh Sonia, your cupcakes are so lovely. I imagine they taste light as a feather and oh so delicious. The vanilla rum is the perfect touch.

Thank you so much for sharing...

Cecilia Yap said...

Sonia..I liked this cupcakes and the liners too..I also has the habit of buying cupcake lineres whenever I see nice ones.

Li Shuan said...

我也一样杯子收收收。。 一直都不舍得拿出来用

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

漂亮的杯子, 总是不舍得用它。。留到最后一分钟才甘心拿出来用的! 哈哈哈。。。

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, your banana cakes looked "pong pong" in those beautiful cupcake liners! I still remember that the 1st time I learned to bake banana cake by using your recipe, I also did it in cupcake liners. That time scared fat mah, made in small sizes but now "not fat not eating, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Juz tried your recepi but using self raising flour but end result the cupcake not spongy. Is it due to self raising flour? Thanks.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi Anonymous, yes, just only self raising flour will not have sufficient rising effect since the batter is wet.

alat bantu sex said...
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Unknown said...

Hi, Sonia, can I turn on the fan while baking? What is the difference between fan and no fan. Tq. Brenda

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Brenda, for this cupcake, it is not necessary to turn on the fan. Fan in the oven is to distribute heat evenly on the foods. Usually I use fan when baking cookies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

May I know where can I get this cute and lovely cupcake liners? I bought the square polka dots cupcake liners from you before.

Evon from Singapore

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi Evon, I got these liners during Ho Chi Minh trip the other day. If I happen to see it here, will let you know ya.

Candice said...

Can I use canola oil or olive oil instead of corn oil? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Candice, No Olive oil but canola oil is ok

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , nobody can resist cute liners :D Those banana cakes looks pretty yummy !

amyguan said...

Omg I bake with fan for 45 mins!

Black like charcoal.

Mindy said...

Hi Sonia, the cake turns out to be very moist and shrinks a lot. Looks like banana kuih 😣! I bake it in a cake pan instead of cupcakes. Please help.

Unknown said...

Looks great

mrsallenby said...

The baking time can't be right. 45mins is from the old recipe which is a banana loaf. Surely the cupcakes bake a lot quicker? As amyguan saud, it will be black like charcoal after 45mins.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

mrsallenby, you are right, i guess i didn't change baking time, should be around 25mins will do. I will revise the recipe. Thanks for pointing out the error.

lolyta said...
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lolyta said...
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lolyta said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, Very very nice & moist banana cake recipe I just tried it. But my top cracked... U have any idea why so?

小食代 said...

This is so good, my family love it so so much except my mum, she don't like to eat banana...gonna make the third batch today!

Anonymous said...

can i use self raising flour to substitute baking powder and baking soda? thank you very much

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anynoumous, should be ok to use self raising flour, just try out and see.

Yungs said...

Thanks Sonia for the great recipe! I baked several times in cupcakes and small loaf tin. All look good! But not sure why mine only makes about 7 cupcakes instead of 12...

Loges said...

Fantastic recipe! But for some reason my cupcakes looked more like muffin...the tops were cracked. Any idea why this happened?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

I have tried this recipe which used to work. But recent tries my batter reduce by 2/3 after adding oil which resulted in a denser cake with no height.
Where could I go wrong? Kindly enlighten... thanks!

SL said...

Hi, like your recipe so much. Do you think I can substitute the banana with durian since it's on season now.. Any advice. Thanks.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Shek, yes, i think you can subsitute with durian. If you have tried, let me know the outcome.

Amanda Lee said...

I know this post was from quite a while ago, but just wanted to drop a line and tell you how much my family and I are loving this recipe. It's so easy to make, it's done within an hour from scratch. Made it at least once every few weeks. Thank you for sharing this gem with us. :)

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