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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Rose Buns 南瓜玫瑰形馒头

At first I was planning to make normal mantou or steamed buns with pumpkin. While the dough was resting, suddenly I think of the rose shape of buns that I have been wanting to try out. This dough is easy to handle and I am glad that these rose buns turned out so good that it gone finished at the same day ^_^.

Lets see how to shape rose buns

Natural colour, no burden at all to enjoy these buns as many as you want.  I also try to reduce the amount of yeast used, too much of yeast is not good for digestion.

Pumpkin Rose Buns 南瓜玫瑰形馒头
*makes 10 buns 

90g mashed pumpkin
25g fresh milk

1/2tsp instant yeast
200g plain flour
35g sugar (reduce to 25g if you prefer less sweet)
20g corn oil 


  1. Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl then combine well and knead till smooth. Set aside to rest for 15mins.
  2. Weight the dough into 15g each and roll into ball. Roll out 5 pieces into round thin shape, and roll a small piece of dough like a small log (two ends smaller).
  3. Layer the rolled out pieces of dough so that they overlap each other. Place a chopstick in the middle and press down lightly over the layered circles of dough, to secure in place. Put the log-shaped piece of dough at the end of circle of dough.
  4. Roll up the pieces by holding at the middle of dough, then halve the dough using a knife.
  5. Place the wrapped dough cut side down on a paper. Repeat for the rest of the dough.
  6. Put the rose shaped buns in a steamer, and leave to rise for 20mins.
  7. Bring water to a boil in a steamer. Steam the rose buns over high heat for 15 minutes.

 Recipe by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover
This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2014 Event: PUMPKIN) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Mui Mui (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Eileen (Eileen's Diary)


Joceline Lor said...

Sonia. This rose pumpkin steam bun really beautiful ! Like !! !! Like !!

婉婉午茶 said...

Wow!!! This is sooo beautiful!!!

nandoos kitchen said...

those roses look really beautiful and the step by step explanation for making the roses are really helpful. Thanks for sharing..

Mel said...

Like yellow rose and what is great about this beautiful yellow rose is....its edible!!

Copycake kitchen said...

Wow! Beautiful roses!!!! Nice to see and nice to eat. Well done Sonia :)

Angie's Recipes said...

Years years ago I did some rose buns too, but I must say yours look N times better, Sonia. Well done!

Kimmy said...

These are not only lovely but must be good too. Like it, bookmarked.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


irene myme said...


ice pandora said...

Adorable rose buns c;

Baking Diary said...

Hi Sonia, I have seen many bloggers doing this, looks so gorgeous and bright!

chow and chatter said...

wow these are so cute

Ela said...

This is very beautiful !

Adeline said...

Beautiful. Like the step-by-step photos. I always thought making these need lots of work, but apparently not. :) Thanks.

I'M JJ said...


Victoria Bakes said...

What a pretty basketful of yellow roses... the layers are strikingly distinctive

PH said...

Cantik! Cantik! After admire already can straightaway ngap! ngap! ngap!

Unknown said...

It looks awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

mui mui said...

Oh!! This looks awesome.
Love the golden yellow color very much, ah chi.

Unknown said...

Tried your recipes.. Roses turned out great n nice .. Dough is so easy to handle .. Loved it .. Tq so much

Miss Lee Wee Nee said...

Can I replace fresh milk with soy milk? My child is allergic to cow's milk. Thanks!

Jojo said...

Hi Sonia,

Can I replace the all purpose flour with Pao flour? As I would like to achieve soft and fluffy texture?

if I can replace with Pao flour, do the rest of the ingredients remain the same?

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