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Thursday, November 6, 2014

F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk & Rose Shape Japanese Condensed Milk Bread 全脂炼奶

It is rarely to get sweetened condensed full cream milk in Malaysia currently. I was glad to accept the invitation to try out the F & N new product Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk when the company invited me for the product review.

For generations, F&N Sweetened Condensed Milk was an essential ingredient in the kitchen which many Malaysians grew up fondly with. An integral ingredient when having a chocolate malt drink at home or teh tarik at the mamak’s, the F&N Sweetened Condensed Milk is part and parcel of our Malaysian culture and heritage.

F & N Dairies (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. recently re-introduced the F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk. People who grew up appreciating quality and premium products are now able to rekindle sweet memories with the goodness of F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk - The good Old Days are now The Good New Days.

As soon as I received the products, I immediately tasted it and found out that the taste was more milky than the normal sweetened creamer.

As for my kids, they immediately used the F&N Full cream sweetened condensed milk to mix into their favourite drink- Milo. They told me that their Milo drink become more creamier, smoother and richer in taste.

F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk contains the wholesome goodness of milk which is delectably rich, full and creamy. It is high in calcium, a source of protein and contains the added benefits of vitamins A, B1 and D3.

I also like the new packing which comes with a plastic lid, so there is no trouble to transfer the condensed milk into other jar before storing.
As for me, the first thing i wanted to use F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk is make a Japanese condensed milk bread. Before this, I used the normal sweetened creamer (which is not full cream milk used) to make. But this time, I can taste the difference of the bread using F&N full cream sweetened condensed milk. The bread was richer and creamier fragrance.

Look at the texture of this bread, so cottony soft !

 This time I made this bread into rose shape, you may refer to my previous pumpkin rose steamed buns for the detail steps of shaping to rose pattern. 
Rose shape Japanese Condensed Milk bread 日式炼奶面包 
*make into a 8” round removable bottom cake pan 
300g high protein flour or bread flour
30g Condensed milk (I use F&N Full Cream sweetened condensed milk)
30g caster sugar
1tsp instant yeast
170g milk (cold from fridge)
25g salted butter, room temp.
25g Condensed milk
25g salted butter, room temp. 
Almond flakes, dried fruits or your choice 
 1.Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl except butter, mix until a smooth dough.

 2.Add in butter, continue to knead till smooth and elastic dough, keep aside to rise till double in size.

 3.Mix the filling ingredients condensed milk and butter till mix well. Set aside.

 4. To weight the dough into 15g each and roll into ball. Roll out 5 pieces into round thin shape, and roll a small piece of dough like a small log (two ends smaller).

 5. Brush condensed milk filling on each dough, layer the rolled out pieces of dough so that they overlap each other. Place a chopstick in the middle and press down lightly over the layered circles of dough, to secure in place. Put the log-shaped piece of dough at the end of circle of dough.

 6. Roll up the pieces by holding at the middle of dough, then halve the dough using a knife.

 7. Place the wrapped dough cut side down in a removable bottom round baking pan (line bottom with greased proof paper). Repeat for the rest of the dough. Keep it in warm place to rise to double.

 8. If you have balance condensed milk filling, gently brush on top of the dough, and sprinkle almond flakes or your choice of dried fruits.

 9. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170C for 20-25mins or until golden brown.

Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover
F&N Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk is now available at selected outlets (Ben’s Independent Grocer, Jaya Grocer, Hero Market, AEON, Jason’s Foodhall, Mercato, Village Grocer, Isetan, Cold Storage and Presto Grocer) throughout Peninsular and East Malaysia for RM5.00 per 392g can.


Small Kucing said...

Thanks SOnia...will bookmark this recipe. sounds do able to me ..you know la...me a klutz when comes to this

Mel said...

Hopefully I am able to look for this latest craze condensed milk here.... everything seems slow coming over here. I have yet to make this condensed milk bread and once I get hold of this creamier milk...sure will make this beautiful rose bread; like yours....so beautiful!!!

咩咩 said...

This is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sonia if you notice, most of such product called themselves creamer. They are not the real deal, that's why MILK word is omitted. Yes, full cream condensed milk are very hard to find and more expensive too. But I would rather go for the real deal than processed, milk substitute. Same goes to evaporated milk.


Anonymous said...

I used to buy F&N Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk and occasionally my friend helped to buy from Singapore the Milkmaid Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk; happy to know that F&N re-introduced the Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk in Malaysia and it's meant no need to trouble my friend in Singapore. Thanks Sonia for sharing~

SC Yong

PH said...

Full cream milk is the best. I must go look for this condensed milk. I really love your bread as it is so pretty!

Sem said...

Finally we can get our local condensed milk instead of creamer.I remember asking my sister to lug back 6 can of sweetened condensed milk from NZ for me.Thanks so much to inform us on the availability of the product.

My Little Space said...

Love your bread. I wonder if this condensed milk will produce great DDL.
Hope you're having a lovely evening.
Blessings, Kristy

茄子 said...

听到这个消息真的好高兴。好多SaRawak千层糕的食谱就是要这种392G的练奶。之前去新国总会带回几罐,现在不用这么麻烦了。我也是在想着要用来试试Ddl :-P

Copycake kitchen said...

The buns look very soft and the roses shape very attractive too. Thanks you for sharing f&n new product.

mui mui said...

Hi Ah Chi,
You make your bread so beautifully!
I have tried your this recipe earlier and loving it!
That day a friend gave a can of this milk to me.
Must try with this bread too.

Baking Diary said...

Looks good, going to search for this sweetened condensed milk first thing tomorrow:D

Sokehah cheah said...

The rose shpeed bread looks so pretty and the texture is soft and fine too!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, I don't a baking tin with removable bottom. So can I use a normal one? Thanks!

Ana Regalado said...

One of your best recipe yet ! Really love it :D

Sheila said...

Just made this.. Nice and thanks for sharing how to do the rise pattern.


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