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Friday, June 25, 2010

Homemade Chicken Satay and Peanut dipping sauce

Chicken Satay is very famous in Malaysia, and it has been listed in my to-do-list long time ago. Recently I just made this satay for one of the dinner at home.

Homemade Chicken Satay and Peanut dipping sauce

-Homemade peanut dipping sauce,very thick and full of peanut aroma..

I hope next time I can try out Ketupat(rice dumpling) that wrap with woven palm leaf pouch but not plastic bag (easy to find this ready packet in supermarket).

Homemade Chicken Satay and Peanut dipping sauce
I adapted the recipe from Peteformation, Thanks to Pete for kind sharing. But I made little adjustment to the original recipe.

Homemade Chicken Satay and Peanut dipping sauce*makes about 40 sticks of Satay
(printable recipe)

Chicken Satay
600g chicken meat, drumstick meat or breast meat with skin on, cut into thin strips

Marinate ingredients1tbsp cumin powder
2tbsp coriander powder
1tbsp turmeric powder
1” Galangal (replaced ginger if you don’t have this)
3 stalks Serai (Lemongrass)
75ml coconut milk
1 and 1/2tsp salt or to taste
3tbsp light brown sugar or to taste

Some satay skewers

1. Blend galangal, lemongrass and coconut milk till fine paste.
2. Marinade the chicken meat with all the ingredients, set aside for 1hour or more or preferably overnight in the fridge.
3. Thread the marinated strips of meat through satay skewers, around 4-5pcs per skewer.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200c for 25mins or barbecue the satay using charcoal fire (this way taste better!)

Peanut dipping sauce

100g roasted peanuts, coarsely ground

Ground spices (blend into paste)
1tsp Cumin powder
1tsp Fennel powder
1tsp Coriander powder
1tsp Turmeric powder
1tbsp chilli paste (I use homemade chilli paste)
2 stalks lemongrass
4pcs of candlenuts
8pcs shallots
2 cloves garlic
2tbsp water

Tamarind juice (1tbsp tamarind paste mix with 3tbsp water)
1tbsp sugar
300ml think coconut milk
5tbsp of cooking oil
1tsp salt or to taste

1. Heat oil in a wok, fry ground spices for 2-3 minutes until fragrant.
2. Add in tamarind water and coconut milk, continue to simmer for 5mins.
3. Add the ground peanuts and simmer for 2-3mins.
4. Add sugar and salt to taste.

Satay to serve with:-1 Onions, cut into bite size
1 Cucumber, cut into bite size
1 pkt of Ketupat (rice dumpling), prepared as per packet’s instruction, cut into bite size .
Homemade Chicken Satay and Peanut dipping sauce
Happy Cooking !!


3 hungry tummies said...

Oh I can drink the sauce! Still no luck finding the instant ketupat here.

Jane Chew said...

yummy! u make me hungry. Satay is my favourite.

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

wow!! your satay look really good!! I want some now!! I also use the Nona nasi impit,easy mah!

Happy Flour said...

Oh! This make me drooling....;P Must keep this for my dinner.

Bakeling said...

I like the last photo , it is just a few inches distance and can go into my mouth , yummy !

Sanyukta Gour(Bayes) said...

droooooooooooooooooooooooooooling.....last pic is so eye catchy....a mouthwatering visual treat....wht a blend of spices....simply wonderful...

the lacquer spoon said...

Looks so delicious! Love to dip my finger into the nutty, sweet sauce before reaching the meat :)

WendyinKK said...

Oh... looks really good.
I love the peanut sauce.

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

Yooooh!! I think I can almost smell it!! (Cannot let my husband see this, he's on a diet)

Anonymous said...

im so hungry right now, im so lazy to cook and these photos are not doing any good to me right now.

i think soy sauce and rice tonight lol

tigerfish said...

I have not done satay for so so so so long! You are tempting me. Oh and that sauce looks like power! Yes, I have tried those ketupat wrapped in plastics too. Next time you can try making them using leftover rice - squeeze them tight in a tupperware/air-tight container; next, cube them once set in shape. I was worse the last time I made satay. I used bottled dipping sauce.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I like satay, the other time saw 仪仪妈咪 did it, but it never cross my mind to do it... As i not keen to do it...

Angie's Recipes said...

Love these chicken satay! They look perfect.

busygran said...

Love the peanut sauce. I can dip almost any edibles in it. Yum!

Pete said...

Mmmm, Maybe will make for my daughter's birthday party!

Sherreen said...

Did you bbq those satay or you bake it? Btw, the leftover satay sauce taste good with gardenia bread too! I used to dip it with bread..

Bakericious said...

Oh Sonia, the satay and peanut sauce looks so heavenly, I m drooling now!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This looks so good. I'll bet there was not a morsel left after you served this to your family. I hope yo are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

tinyskillet said...

I love chicken satay and peanut dipping sauce. My daughter requests it often! I took a photo the last time I made it, but didn't post it because I, like tigerfish used a bottled dipping sauce. After eating it I thought...why'd I do that?, it just wasn't worth it eating the bottled kind. So bad! I'll try this!

Jeannie said...

The satay looks good! I like the spices sticking to it. And of cos the sauce must tastes very good! Great photos!

ann low said...

WOW Sonia! You made this? Very clever, thumbs up!

Cheah said...

Sonia, you can set up a satay stall! So clever of you to make this. Good job!

GayathriRaj said...

wowwwwwwwww really wonderful pics i can say....what a yummy dish dear....and that color of it is making me drooollllll......

Sook said...

Oh the dipping sauce looks sooo goood!!

hjn said...

OH MY!!!! I want to eat this right now!!!! So good! I love peanut sauce!

hjn said...

I am linking this up at Midchix.com...in the Mama Can Cook Flock~

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Ai yo...I am salivating when I am looking at your satay! Peanut sauce is a MUST for me when I eat satay, so super thanks for this recipe! ;)

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Wow! last photo make me drooling !!!! Thanks for sharing .

温馨小屋 said...


K said...

i never know you can make satay from scratch this easy! thank you for sharing the recipe!

My Little Space said...

I'm salivating already! haha.... Who could ever resist these yummy looking satay sand the sauce. Hope you're having a great weekend.
Cheers, Kristy

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

dear all, thanks for your kind words, much appreciated.

PranisKitchen said...

sonia really delicious satay my favorite one perfectly done so yumm

pigpigscorner said...

wah..looks so tasty and the chicken looks so tender. I made chicken satay once and the meat was quite tough. have to make again!

Elin Chia said...

Sonia...you did a good job on the satay. so mouth-watering. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Will try this out for the Daddy and Josh..they love satay :)

HK Choo said...

Looks delicious with the thick peanut sauce and your photos make me drool. :)

Love2cook Malaysia said...

OMG, I love satays..but never tried at home b4. Bookmarked few recipes...awwww...I'm drooling! :D

huikhee and yoonlai said...

I just cooked this chicken satay last few days, but yours one is nicer! I'm drooling... :P

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