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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak, Updated!

Today I cooked this sambal udang (chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak for dinner, strongly demand by my kids. Ya, my kids they are now declared as Nasi Lemak Lover too!!

Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

must have item-fried ikan bilis (anchovies)
Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

must have item- cucumber slices
Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

Yummy sambal udang ! if you are a chili lover, I'm sure you will be salivate after seeing this photo, hahaha!!

Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

I have not posted the exact ingredients and measurement for coconut rice so far, it was due to I still trying the perfect fluffy, tender and separate grains coconut rice using a electric rice cooker. But I have came out with a good coconut rice (nasi lemak) recipe after numerous testing, do check out below.

A) Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps)

500g shrimps (medium), retain tail
2 big onions, sliced
2tbsp tamarind paste, add 6tbsp water, remove seeds, to become tamarind water
2-3 tbsp chilli paste (I use homemade chilli paste)

Pound to paste
1” galangal (blue ginger)
6 cloves garlic
6 shallots

½ tsp salt or taste
2tbsp sugar

1. Heat some oil in a wok, add in pounded shallot paste, stir fried till fragrant.
2. Add in chilli paste, stir fried for a while.
3. Add in shrimps, stir fry till cooked. Add in tamarind water and onion slices, (add more water if too dry), mix well.
3. Add in seasoning and dish out, serve with Nasi Lemak (steamed coconut rice).

My note: if you did not use homemade chili paste (which cook for long hour), you need to stir fry (step 2) for longer time, maybe not less than 30mins.

B) Nasi Lemak (coconut rice)

4cups rice (I use Thai fragrant rice)
150ml coconut milk
550ml water
5pcs pandan leaves (screwpine leaves)
1 and 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1” ginger, shredded

1. Place washed rice, salt and knotted pandan leaves in an electric rice cooker.
2. Pour coconut milk, water,ginger and salt over the rice and leave to soak for 30mins (make it more fluffy).
3. Cook the rice.Once “cooking” button auto switched to “keep warm” button. Then fluff the rice with a fork or chopsticks.
4. Leave it warm in the rice cooker before serve.

Sambal Udang (Chili shrimps) and Nasi Lemak

Happy Cooking !!


fuat gencal said...

Çok leziz, çok güzel ve iştah açıcı görünüyor. Ellerinize, emeğinize sağlık.


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Bakericious said...

Sonia, you posted the recipe for nasi lemak finally, is has been a long wait, thanks :). I remember 1st visit your blog, I browse thru all your posts trying to find the recipe heeheehee. My family love nasi lemak especially my 6 yrs old gal, she told me her lunch for every Sunday will be this hahaha....

Anonymous said...

ahh.. one of our favorite here~ we love nasi lemak =] would like to have a plate of that too~ haha..

busygran said...

This is good! I haven't cook nasi lemak for a while.

lena said...

just love all your nasi lemak recipes..and the pizza too!

Belly Good Cooking said...

Ooo.... nasi lemak.... Yum Yum.

ann low said...

I really love the chilli shrimps, looks so delicious!

tinyskillet said...

I am dying to try some nasi lemak, it looks wonderful and full of flavor!

Anonymous said...

Nice recipe n looks inviting...

Jeannie said...

I am salivating over that plate of shrimps! So delicious!

Cooking Gallery said...

This is one of my favourite Indo/Malay foods....Very appetizing indeed...!

LianneK said...

You will not believe what I did after reading this post Sonia. I dashed off to the kitchen straight after and made myself a biggg plate of nasi lemak :-) Thanks for the recipe!

MaryMoh said...

I was thinking of nasi lemak yesterday. Now I see it! Sonia, I think you can read my thoughts...haha. I'm just back from badminton and am very hungry. This is not helping me...just makes it worse :D Hope to cook soon.

FC88 said...

OMG, I am totally salivating over this. I am so hungry now and I think I will see if I can make this for lunch. Good timing! Thanks for sharing!

BIg BOys Oven said...

trupy delicious mouthwaterinf nasi lemak!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Give me that anytime man, I adore nasi lemak!!

Little Inbox said...

This is most Malaysian's favorite dish. I can eat it for my breakfast, lunch or dinner, hehe...

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Pass me a plate Sonia, it looked so good! Looks like your kids are taking after you, they love Nasi Lemak just like you. ;) thanks for the recipe, I should really try this out. ;)

My Little Space said...

Sonia, you're the nasi lemak expert! haha.... Must open a shop huh! Hope you're enjoying your day.

月亮 said...


My Little Things Corner said...

wow, yesterday night i also took Nasi Lemak, your one looks more yummy...hehehe

Love2cook Malaysia said...

I am salivating Soniaaaaaa!!! Look at that prawns...gosh!!! I can't take my eyes off from that delectable platter! I make Nasi Lemak every weekend..it's like a compulsory menu now.

Ooops, I'm still salivating! :D

Love2cook Malaysia said...

And U know what..the most important item for me in Nasi Lemak is the fried anchovies. I simply love to bite them with the sambal...hehehe! Hey, should try Ur NL one day lor! I mean, eat Ur own cooking! :D

chow and chatter said...

wow what a yummy meal can hear my little one in my ear pointing and saying spicy he he

苏联妈妈 said...

nasi lemak ~~my every Friday's breakfast!

3 hungry tummies said...

I just had this the other day now I am craving for it again after seeing yours!

Anonymous said...

I am craving for nasi lemak just by reading it

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Can I call you queen of nasi lemak? haha

Nice dish!

tigerfish said...

Strong demand by me too! I love it!

The Sudden Cook said...

I was just thinking of making nasi lemak for a friend! Instead of the usual sambal ikan bilis - I think ur idea of having the fried ikan bilis and udang sambal is great!

J.O said...

I like it..

Pete said...

So long didn't cook nasi lemak liao. Maybe will cook it this weekend.....aiyo hungry after looking at the tasty nasi lemak photos!

Angie's Recipes said...

Simply mouthwatering!

Unknown said...

So yummy. Everyone's favourite.

divya said...

looks yummy and delicious, makes me hungry.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Your ingredient (B) stated 1" ginger sliced, but u didn't mention when to put it for use?
Why need 30 minutes to soak the rice with coconut milk? Is it to make it more fluffy or ?? Pls explain, thx.
For the prawn curry, I'll use the ready rempah paste from TEAN'S Gourmet "Sambal Tumis" which my son brought back from M'sia, cos its too much work to prepare. For the ikan bilis, I can substitute it with the ones imported from The Philippines, available from the chinese toko in ChinaTown.

mysimplefood said...

You make me miss nasi lemak so so much. Your ikan bilis look soooo good. I love!! And the Sambal udang - so yummy!!

Elin Chia said...

Sonia...I am hungry just looking at the Sambal Udang and the nasi lemak...our all time favourite! Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

choi yen said...

home made sambal prawns with big prawns, outside we only can get tiny weeny prwans :P

Kitchen Corner said...

What to say! This Sambal Udang looks absolutely tempting! Who can resist this nasi lemak? I like it!

HK Choo said...

Yes, I am salivating now at everything as I like nasi lemak. Just wondering, won't the coconut milk turn oily if it is put too early? I did it once and needless to say, my nasi lemak failed *sob*

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

dear all, I appreciate all your comments.

Anonymous, i have corrected the recipe.

HK Choo, 30mins is still ok, ya, like you said, do not put too long. Anyway, sometime I did not wait for 30mins, it taste good too.

Beachlover said...

oh mine!! your nasi lemak look so delicious!! few days ago I also cooked nasi lemak but I still prefer yours!! your rice look great!hehehe!!

Swee San said...

gasp! u put the plate on grass ?

Pei-Lin said...

I don't find it surprising when your sons are now officially nasi lemak lovers, too! HAHA!

Funny enough, though, I've never craved for nasi lemak ... even if I'm Malaysian. (Shame on me ... HAHA!) I do eat the national dish, but I just don't crave for it! =S

But, I do believe I'd help myself to the sambal udang. HAHA! I love hot foods!

Nate @ House of Annie said...

Beautifully done.

Thanks for the tip on making nasi lemak fluffier. I shall have to remember to soak my rice 30 minutes before cooking.

Noob Cook said...

hey, hey the sambal udang looks gorgeous. Love dishes like this and you're making me crave so much for it.

Angie Casals said...

Hi Sonia, I cooked the rice today for my husband's family and they love it! I used the whole can of coconut milk (400ml) plus 300ml water as I want to finish the whole can of coconut milk. I also added one stalk of lemongrass. The whole kitchen smells very fragrant while the rice was cooking~❤
Thanks for the precise measurements for the rice and liquid :)

J said...

oh, I will never ever get tired of Nasi Lemak regardless what version are they. I love it please share more :)

Lotus said...

I also love nasi lemak especially the chilli.

Anonymous said...

May I know the cup is the standard cup or do you use the rice cup that came with the rice cooker ?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, I use normal rice cup that came with rice cooker.

Unknown said...

Can I steam the rice instead of using rice cooker? If yes, need to steam how long? TQ

Anirac said...

I made both sambal udang and nasi lemak using the recipes and both turned out really well so thanks!

Bali Tour said...

Great Article :)
Thank you for the recipe
I will try to cook

monica rampo said...

Hi Sonia,

I have tried your nasi lemak and sambal tumis.
Posted on my blog and link back to Nasi Lemak Lover already.
Thank you for sharing the recipes. Already bookmarked your other recipes, sometime will try them too.

Thanks again

Unknown said...

As for your 4 cup measurement for rice, did you mean a standard 250ml cup? If so, how come it only needs 700ml of liquid to cook?
Doesn't the standard rule of 1cup rice to 2 cups liquid apply here?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hsu Lin Boyd, the cup is refer to rice cup (come with rice cooker).

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