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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes, and meeting Jane

Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes

My daughter chosen this Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes from the cupcakes book given as a gift from Jane and she ask me to guide her to make her 1st cupcakes.

Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes

Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes
(source: Simple & Delicious Cupcakes)
*makes 12

1/2cup soft margarine (I replaced with butter)
1/2cup superfine sugar
1 and 1/2cup self-raising flour
2 large eggs
2tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 oz/25g semisweet chocolate, melted (I melted chocolate with 2tbsp milk)

Confectioner’s sugar, for dusting

For the filling-buttercream
6tbsp unsalted butter, softened
1 and ½ cup confectioner’s sugar ( I reduce to 1 cup)
1 oz/ 25g semisweet chocolate, melted

1. Put margarine/butter, sugar, flour, eggs and cocoa in a large bowl, and using a handheld electric mixer, beat together until just smooth.
2. Beat in the melted chocolate.
3. Spoon batter into the paper cases in a muffin pan.
4. Bake at pre-heated oven 180c for 15mins.Transfer to wire rack and let cool.
5. To make the filling, beat butter, sugar and melted chocolate until well mixed.
6. When the cupcakes are cooled, use a serrated knife to cut a circle from the top of each cake and then cut each circle in half.
7. Spread or pipe a little buttercream into the center of each cupcake and press the 2 semicircular halves into it at an angle to resemble butterfly wings.
8. Dust with sifted confectioner’s sugar before serving.

**I found this cupcake is a bit floury, i will reduce the flour if next time i will make this cupcakes again.

Chocolate Butterfly Cupcakes

Meeting Jane from Jane's corner

I was so excited to meet Jane in person on last month. Since she was in the rush, so we choose to meet up in Dragon-I restaurant One Utama which is convenient for both of us. Since we were non-stop chatting, so i'm able to take this only one lovely couple picture, lets see her sweet smiling face and her kind & smart husband here:-


Thanks to Jane given me these two lovely gifts..and Nice to knowing you via blogging, hope to see you soon. I'm glad joining this blog world, i going to meet few new bloggers this coming weekend, can't wait to meet them in person, Happy Blogging!!



cikmanggis said...

bestnya dapat jumpa kawan blogger kan..hope dapat jumpa sonia one day hehe.:)p

Diane said...

It is so nice to meet up with a fellow blogger especially when you get these lovely gifts. The cakes look so pretty. Diane

Pushpa said...

Lovely butterfly cup cake,kids will love it.

WendyinKK said...

Ah-ha, so I'm finally meeting you this weekend!!! So many times you were busy and finally, finally, finally!!!!!

I'm so excited!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

If i go KL, i will go look for u, kakaka...

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Yes, it is always nice to meet up with like minded people. Next time in KL :D

Little Inbox said...

Wow, looks like your daughter inherit your passionate in baking.
Enjoy your gathering!

3 hungry tummies said...

Great looking cupcakes! Wonderful gift from Jane too :)

Jane Chew said...

haha...finally.... i "pop out" fr ur blog. Looking to meet u again in CNY. This time must bring kids together. Your daughter got talent lei. The butterfly cup cakes look so tempted. Just like what in the book. Cool!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Simply gorgeous cupcakes Sonia!!! Lovely gifts from Jane too! :D

Have a great meet-up ya! :D

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is so talented, so good to have a daughter ya, can play "masak masak" with her ^_^

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Swee San said...

see u this sat :) !! and your daughter too! :)

My Little Space said...

Like mother like daughter, right! I think she's going to be a real pro soon. Have fun!

Min said...

Very cute little cupcake, you have a talented daughter :)

ICook4Fun said...

Your daughter got your baking talent. Have a great time this weekend. I wish I can be there too :(

lena said...

hope we can meet up too one day!

Pete said...

Wah, got assistant cook already

Cheah said...

Gosh, your girl can bake too! It's fun meeting up with fellow bloggers!

VineelaSiva said...

Wow its very nice to see the blogging friends personally.The cup cakes are very inviting makes me hungry.

Victoria said...

Aww, that was so sweet of Jane to give you those gifts! Those cupcakes are so pretty! I'm not surprised your daughter picked those as her first cupcakes :)

Fresh Local and Best said...

Those cupcakes are beautiful! I think the best part of blogging is all of the kind heart people that you meet.

Delphine said...

Hi Sonia,

You have beautiful cupcakes, just love it, by the way would like to find out from you how can I check if my instant yeast & double action baking powder (DABP) are still usable cos last week I made pau with yeast kept in the freezer together with DABP my pau did not rise at all.

My Little Things Corner said...

Nice Cake, Nice Gatherine! Cheers...

ann low said...

Your daughter is so talented and the cupcake looks so pretty.

Simplyfood said...

I am in love with this cute lil cakes.They look lovely and tasty , nice click too.

Angie's Recipes said...

Like mother, like daughter! Your daughter is talented.

p.s Sonia, you can use Ap or pastry flour instead of #630 Spelt, and wholewheat instead of wheat wholewheat.
Spelt is a hexaploid species of wheat, or a cousin to wheat. It can be used in many of the same ways as wheat. Spelt #630 contains about 10% protein, so it's very much like pastry flour.

chow and chatter said...

lovely cupcakes these were my favorite as a child love them and isn't blogging the best :-)

Kimberly Peterson said...

I would love to meet with you too when I'm in KL August next year :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

What fun to meet a fellow blogger. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. The cupcakes, by the way, look delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

My Asian Kitchen said...

it's fun to meet fellow blogger,right? your cupcake look soft and pretty!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dear all, Thanks for stopping by, hope i can meet your in one day. Happy Blogging!

Delphine,i guess the only one way can check the expired date is from the packages itself. Yesterday I did again this pau, it was perfect rise. I would suggest you to get a new package of yeast and DABP, and try again. Also remember to let it rise at a warm place and cover with wet cloth.

Angie, Thanks for your advise, I will definitely try your recipe soon.

Kimberly Peterson, I would love to meet you too, let me know in advance your date of coming back home. Nice to know you via Blogging.

mamamya said...

my daughter is only 2 ans she's already show interest to join in whenever she noticing me baking something....although it's more likely making more mess rather than helping, i really enjoying her companion

me too, hope than we can meet up 1 day sonia =)

Delphine said...

Hi Sonia,
Thanks for your advise, infact the date of expiry from the package is still valid, I do not know what happen, I think I will have to get a new package for these to items. Thanks again.

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