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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rendang Daging Tok (Dry Beef Rendang) 霹雳冷当牛肉

Every time during Ramadan month (Muslim fasting month), I am sure craving for a good Rendang ( I have two version here, rendang chicken and beef rendang ). The other day, my blogger friend Yan who is staying in Ipoh Perak, sent me a link and asked me to cook this Rendang Daging Tok ( a special dry rendang dish from Perak state) . And I told her I will immediately cook it, but too bad I can't send it over for her to taste my rendang ^_^.
According to here, in old time, Rendang Tok considered a special food that only served to Royal family. "Tok" refer to those renowned peoples.

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First, marinate beef cubes with spices

Ingredients to used


Ingredients are all ready, going to cook Rendang Daging Tok

Actually the cooking method is quite straight forward, add all ingredients together then cook over low heat for about 2hrs..




cook till meat reached fork tendered..

While i was shopping for the ingredients, also try to figure out what veggie dish to enjoy with this Rendang. I saw two makcik there, I quickly asked them what type of veggie dish usually they served with Rendang. Then they told me to cook sayur campur (mixed vegetables).
So this is the Malay style of sayur campur (mixed vegetables) that I cooked to serve with this Rendang Tok . The seasoings I used are light soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, chicken stock powder and salt.
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This Rendang Tok tasted so aromatic with all spices and herbs added in..this recipe defintely a keeper..And rendang taste even better if keep till the next day, more flavourful !

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Rendang Daging Tok
(recipe source: adapted from Norzie Hany with adjustment to larger amount)

800g beef, cubed (3cm)

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Marinate beef for 2hrs with
1 and 1/2tbsp coriander powder (ketumbar)
1 and 1/2tsp cumin powder (jintan putih)
1 and 1/2tsp fennel powder (jintan manis)
1/2tsp black pepper powder (lada hitam)
1tsp salt (garam)

Blend these ingredients
20 shallots (bawang kecil)
6 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
6 lemongrass (batang serai)
1” blue ginger (lengkuas/galangal)
1” ginger ( halia)
½”  turmeric ( kunyit hidup)

1tbsp red chili powder (serbuk chili)
6pcs kaffir lime leaves (daun limau purut)
2tbsp Palm sugar (gula Melaka)
6pcs cardamom (buah pelaga)
6pcs cloves ( bunga cengkih)
1pc cinnamon stick (kulit kayu manis)
Coconut milk from one old grated coconut (add 2 cups water)
1cup toasted grated coconut( kerisik) , take 70g from the same grated coconut

Salt to taste


  1. Add all ingredients in a pot, bring to boil over high heat.
  2. Once boiled, reduce to low heat and simmer for 2hrs or till fork tendered.
  3. Adjust the taste with salt and palm sugar accordingly, stir the mixture from time to time.
  4. Serve with rice and choice of stir fried vegetables.

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I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Perak month hosted by 
WendyinKK of Table for Two....or more 


Amie said...

Selamat Hari Raya Sonia he hehehe... sedapnya rendang tu makan dengan ketupat!!!

norhanim md zain said...

sedap..menarik...terimakasih atas perkongsian resepi..

Baking Diary said...

wow! this is my favorite, eaten with lemang!

Unknown said...

Wow, nice. unfortunately i am not eaten beef, if nor must try this. i know this sure very yummy one.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

虽然我不吃牛肉的人, 真是这个rendang真的很吸引人!

Mel said...

Oh....ooo..lala...sedap nya! Am I invited to taste this? Bet this must have finished by this time. Ok lah, I masak sendiri.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


PH said...

Sonia, so beautiful your plating! I also wanted to cook this for Perak month.

Small Kucing said...

I like the beef ones

Li Shuan said...

Eh, this rendang looks easy horr... No need chilli, only chilli powder. Mark down this easy version. Must go to buy beef first. Thanks for sharing this special dish.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I prefer mutton, hehe...

0620 said...

Looks yummy lor !!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Sonia, this rendang looks so yummy! and like the orange pot too :D Have to go buy beef :)

Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, rendang tok is one of my favorite. Yours look really delicious. Yummy! I was also thinking of making this for MFF too. Great photos.

ann low said...

Sonia, I love beef rendang and your recipe looks so easy. Love to try them for sure.

Jozelyn Ng said...

Hee hee, today I just come and visit you because I cannot eat beef!

Wordsmith said...

Looks incredible and authentic too... I have been eating Rendang Tok for Raya since I was a kid! Yummmm. Great job !

Veronica said...

I've never tasted this Rendang Tok before. Looks so delicious! Like you said definitely a keeper.

sabrina 莎莎 said...

Hahaha. Ta's why its called perak rendang???
Lovely Sonia.

CQUEK said...

Thanks for the recipe :)

Lite Home Bake said...

I still remember admiring your ketupat daun palas which you made around raya time too :) This rendang will go so well with it, drooling!

ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.com said...

Sonia, sedap sangat! I wonder if I am to substitute it with chicken, would it be yummy too?

Joceline Lor said...

Banyak sedap oh!搭配lemang好好吃。

WendyinKK said...

What a long list of ingredients!
Thanks for participating

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

This rendang looks sedaplicious & really apreciate that you took the pictures of all the ingredients. I've not cooked rendang before & this recipe is easy enough for me & most of the rempah I can get in here, in France .

Cathleen said...

What a fantastic looking dish. This looks SO tasty!

divya said...

wow ,looks incredible.

Bakericious said...

sonia I am salivating now! the ingredient list is so long for me but keen to try it out.

Unknown said...

The rendang looks so flavourful, definitely goes well with mixed vegetables.

faithy said...

Looks good! I will have to try your recipe! Been looking out for a good rendang recipe!

Suhaina said...

This looks so yumm. Had you posted the recipe here 2 days back I would have refered it. I made Rendang 2 days back and the recipe was given by an aunty working in my office.
Sure will try ur recipe next time..Rendang is really worth a try..love it..

Crystal Loh said...


Victoria Bakes said...

what an elaborated post! thanks so much as always for the selfless sharing

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , it's your rendang's fault that our keyboard got wet lol It looks hearty and very appetizing !

Esther Lau said...

Mouth watering dish!!! I must try this royal family's Rendang Tok, yummy!!!! thanks for sharing :)

lena said...

how i wish somebody can cook this for me..getting less energetic these days :(

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Wow the meat looks so soft and tender. I heard about this many times but didn't have a chance to try authentic one. I want to be one of your family... <3

Sissi said...

I looove rendang! I still remember when I first discovered it: I am a pork and chicken person, so I was really skeptical but I have fallen in love instantly. My favourite cut to prepare it are beef cheeks (though they require a long simmering time).
Your rendang looks perfect and I love the way you have presented ingredients with their names in two languages. Great idea!

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, I love rendang with ketupat too. Yours look really good and the meat is so tender. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Best regards.

Yen said...

I just cooked this rendang last Sunday. I was satisfied with the result. It was so aromatic. My kids love to eat and it taste even better overnight.

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

I just cooked this rendang last Sunday...

Jual Rendang Online Murah dan Enak said...

mantaff kakak

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