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Monday, August 26, 2013

Barbie Doll Cake 芭比娃娃蛋糕

Last week I was so busy, because I have to make three Birthday cakes (all my niece and nephew Birthday mainly fall on August and Sept). And this Barbie Doll Cake took two days to complete. This cake was specially for my niece who celebrate her perfect 10th Birthday last week. And I was pleased with the result and all my family was impressed with my first Barbie doll cake ^_^.

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The most headache about this cake is to decide what type of frosting to be used. Because i want a buttercream that can withstand in this hot weather and also I can display this cake throughout the whole party. So non-dairy whipping cream definitely out ( have to store inside the fridge and melt when weather is hot) and Fondant also out because it will be turned wet if store outside the room temperature ( since the party is in open air area). At the end, I decided to use Swiss Meringue Buttercream which can withstand in this hot weather. I noticed the buttercream of this Barbie doll cake still look stable and not melted on the 3rd days.
If you intend to try this buttercream, when you notice the buttercream is watery, do not panic and don't throw it away, just place it on top of another bowl filled with iced water, continue to beat till curdles, then stir with a spatula and it will become smooth buttercream like below picture.


Total you need two days to complete this cake. Day 1 is to prepare the cakes first.
I decided to use sponge cake for Barbie doll body (lighter than butter cake and easy to trim if compare to chiffon cake) and butter cake for the base (butter cake is compact and firm so it can withstand the weight from sponge cake).







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I chosen the most simple pattern to pipe the buttercream  ^_^
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I can't store this cake inside the fridge (due to the height) and also wonder how to carry this cake back to hometown which is 30mins away from my house. Luckily i saw the brilliant idea shared in Fong's kitchen (she has few beautiful Barbie doll cakes, check it out at her site) of using two cake boxes to DIY a Barbie doll cake carrier.  Simply overlap the base of the boxes and use the covers to form a "house" for the Barbie doll.

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Updated on 28 Aug- actually just Barbie doll cake alone is sufficient for a small party, don't need to make the cake base. If you just make only the Barbie Doll cake without base, I will suggest you to make butter cake instead of sponge cake.
Barbie Doll Cake 芭比娃娃蛋糕
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Day 1 – bake the cakes
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For the base- two chocolate butter cakes ( 1x8” , 1x7” square cake pan)

400g butter
160g sugar
8 egg yolks
340g cake flour
30g cocoa powder
1tsp, 1/2tsp and 1/4tsp double action baking powder
8tbsp milk

8 egg white
145g sugar

Method- followed to the old fashioned butter cake steps, 170C (fan forced) for 45mins or till cooked

For the Barbie Doll body- 3 sponge cakes (whole egg method)

1st bake-1x7” and 1x6.5” round cake pan
8 eggs (large), cold from fridge
240g caster sugar
240g Top flour or cake flour
80g melted butter

Method- followed to orange sponge cupcake steps, using KA mixer, beat for 30mins.Bake at 160c (fan forced) for 45mins

2nd bake- 1x6” round cake pan
3 eggs (large), cold from fridge
90g caster sugar
90g Top flour or cake flour
30g melted butter

Method- followed to orange sponge cupcake steps, using hand electric mixer, beat for 15mins.

Day 2 –decorate the Barbie doll cake

To prepare Swiss Meringue Buttercream
300g egg white
405g sugar
680g unsalted butter

Method- followed to swiss meringue buttercream steps, using KA mixer.

To decorate Barbie doll cake

  1. Wrap lower-part of Barbie doll with cling wrap.
  2. Trim one side of the 7” butter cake and place it to the empty space and arrange with the 8” butter cake to become a rectangular shape). Frost two butter cakes with buttercream (~250g buttercream)
  3. Start with the base of 7” sponge cake, measure the centre  ( I insert a skewer to mark the centre), then making a hole ( I use a paring knife, and insert to Barbie doll to measure the correct size of the hole). After made the hole, cut each sponge cake into two layers. Repeat the same steps for 6.5” and 6” sponge cake.
  4. Stack each of the layers and insert the Barbie doll, use a sharp knife and trim the cake to form a dome shape. Once the dome shape is done, remove Barbie doll, and remove each layer of cakes. (If you did not make the base, then you can spread buttercream, then stack and trim )
  5. Spread buttercream on top of each layer of sponge cake. Start to stack each layer on top of the frosted butter cake. Insert back the Barbie doll into the hole. Frost the whole body of Barbie doll (~200g buttercream)
  6. Now we can start to decorate the Barbie doll
    1. tip 35 star–for the whole body from waist ( Dark Pink-Wilton Rose+AmeriColor Tulip red (~250g buttercream), pink-AmeriColor deep pink (~150g buttercream) , original buttercream (~150g)
    2. tip 5 round hole –for the upper part and back of the body
    3. tip 20 star-for the skirting
    4. tip 5 round hole – for the side of the square shape of butter cake

I am also submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY and hosted by (Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out). You can link your egg recipes here.


Victoria Bakes said...

OMG! what a delicate looking cake! you outdone yourself again sonia!

Victoria Bakes said...

OMG! what a delicate looking cake! you outdone yourself again sonia!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


PH said...

Sonia, I am very impressed! This is a lot of work. I cannot do! But you are our sifu, and I tabik to you! Eh, my birthday also in September, wor...

Mel said...

OMG!!! What a beautiful cake and indeed I am so so impressed of your hard work! I follow Phong Hong too.... here...I tabik to you! I have not had a Barbie doll cake in my life before woh.....but my birthday still a long way to go....

Hippomama Lai said...

This is so adorable!
neat and nice pretty piping! Love!

busygran said...

What a beautiful cake!

Jozelyn Ng said...

You can open a shop already. I believe the decorating works takes very long to complete. How I wish I am your 10 year old niece!

Casey said...


Unknown said...

Great looking cake! Very nicely done! Very impress with your Barbie doll cake. Thanks for the tutorial too :)

0620 said...

太太太厉害了,1st Try leh!!

小雨伞 said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

你太厉害了, 这蛋糕其实我想试很久了。
但是, 却不敢。。现在看你的, 哇塞! 还有day 1, day 2..的吓到我只能看, 不敢想了!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

wow...very beautiful!
Just can't believe that this is your first attempt :)

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This is a lovely work Sonia! nice piping and with such a sweet colour tone! Your relatives and niece must be very happy!

Little blue said...

very nice pinky cake and pretty...i consider made one to my son!!!haha...

Lite Home Bake said...

Sweet and pretty, every girl's dream cake. Very well done, love her gorgeous dress! I tried my hand at a Cinderella for my niece, nowhere near yours but niece was delighted and that was good enough for me :))

ann low said...

Gosh! The barbie doll looks so pretty. Sonia can open shop liao...fully support you :D

Unknown said...

Wow Sonia.. Marvelous! I'm so impressed with your skill.

Jasline @ Foodie Baker said...

Hi Sonia, your barbie doll cake looks amazing! Your piping skills are also superb, you've got some really steady hands!

Crystal Loh said...


Anonymous said...

What a lovely Barbie doll cake! Love the design of the dress, simple and sweet - perfect for a 10 year old little girl. I have not tried using buttercream to decorate my Barbie doll yet, shall try it next time. Sure is delicious :)

Little Joy Factory said...

Bought this cake before, but never thought of making it myself.... You are amazing! Thanks for the buttercream, I almost give up birthday cake decoration because of the hot weather. Will definitely give it a try.

Li Shuan said...

很美很美,barbie的礼服给你订做到很刚身叻! 真的好厉害

Cuisine Paradise said...

Wow!!!! 太美了. You are really good in making it look soooo good :) thumb up!

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, good job again!! I tried the swiss buttercream, was able to get very nice cream,but after kept in the fridge overnight, the cream harden like the normal buttercream. is it normal?

珊珊 said...

很大的工程哦!!!! 我都不敢尝试。。。。

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

memang big project and u handle it so well

Angelic Heart~ said...

This is so~~ nice!:O

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...


I am totally impressed. Very neat piping. This is really a big project. (clap hands)

Anonymous said...


Liliana Tan

mui mui said...

Ah Chi,
What a lovely cake.
You are very pandai la!

Baking Diary said...

What a lovely cake! Really good job on the piping....lots of patience needed:D

Elaine said...

Good morning Sonia,
Amazing cake, definitely a perfect 10!
I have yet to try this but thanks to your sharing, will bookmark it. Thanks

Esther Lau said...

Wow!Sonia, this is really sifu standard birthday cake!!!! Perfect and beautiful piping!!! Many thumbs up to you!!!!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Siew, yes, swiss meringue buttercream will be harden like normal buttercream in the fridge due to the butter content. Usually i don't put swiss meringue buttercream in the fridge, just ok in room temperature.
Then I will suggest you to use Berries Italian Buttercream like that one we do for macarons,it will not turn that hard if compare to swiss buttercream.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

This is like running marathon for a few consecutive days! Bravo & a big claps to you! This barbie doll cake was made with so much of love, patience & heart inside. It's a perfect birthday cake!

Choi Yen said...

awesome awesome awesome!

Unknown said...

This is incredibly beautiful, Sonia!

Unknown said...

Sonia, your baby doll cake looks just perfect and beautiful.

Amelia said...

Ho Sonia, your barbie doll cake look so pretty and impressive. Very nice and neat piping skill.

Have a nice day.

Cecilia Yap said...

This Barbie doll cake is so pretty. Hard work pays off. Great job done. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

beautiful cake,just looks so pretty in pink,you inspired us to make this for our niece's birthday,thanks s lot for this idea :-)

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

You have the patience. Very nice indeed. Your niece is lucky to have you as Aunt.

Alice said...

I cant believe you said this is your first Barbie cake, Sonia!
So so so beautiful!

Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, your Barbie cake is soooooo gorgeous! My hubby also saw this and now convincing me to make this for my daughter's bday. Haha I dont think I am as skilful as Sonia, I told him.

PS Waiting for u to link this to LTU.... :)

ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.com said...

Sonia, this is so amazing. Your barbie is so graceful. I think I don't have the heart to eat it lah...

Angie's Recipes said...

What a stunner! Thumbs up for you, Sonia.

CQUEK said...

gosh you bake that! goodness you are a genius.

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Your piping skill is first class. The swirls are so uniformly piped. I reckon that my eyes will go cuckoo doing this :p


Veronica said...

Sonia, you've outdone yourself again! I am sure your niece was ecstatic to see this beautiful cake, and your family must be so proud of you. Very very impressive cake!

lena said...

what a pretty dress you made for barbie! no maid also can make this and that! haha! salute!!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , you are AWESOME ! This Barbie cake just look spectacular ;D Great job !

Leyo said...

I really impressed and enjoy to seeing this barbie cake. Thanks for posting like this.really fantastic job.good stuff.Birthday cake makers

Sudha said...

How many ppl does barbie cake serve without sheet base

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

You have the patience.

delia said...

Hi, one recipe of swiss meringue buttercream, is it enough to coat and decorate 1 barbie doll?

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