If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thanks A Million !!

Check out below details for my 1st giveaway..

Thanks A Million !!

“Nasi Lemak Lover” received 1,000,000 blog page views in May 2011, after have been 1 ½ years blogging ! Without your support from all over the world, I could not achieve such a result, thus I am giving away three set of gifts as an appreciation for my readers. These gifts are specially chosen for you after my deep thought.

I created this blog “ Nasi Lemak Lover” back in Sept 2008 after I took a VSS (Volunteer Separation Scheme) package from my previous company . By the time I decided to retired from work and stay at home to take care of my kids. 

I have been eagerly to learn new recipes and cook more delicious dishes for my family. So, I started to search recipes in the internet. I found a few attractive blogs and tried to leave them message. But I didn’t know how to do so since I don’t own a blog. I didn’t even know how to post anonymous comments in the blog too, hehehe . But gradually, I decided to create my own blog and name it as “Nasi Lemak Lover “as I love to eat Nasi Lemak very much ! (** fragrant coconut rice, a de facto national dish of Malaysia ) . The above logo was specially created by my daughter for me.

At first, I couldn’t decide between English or Mandarin language writing for my blog. As I was studied Mandarin as main language for 6 years in the primary school, and it was hardly to find the opportunity to communicate in English those days until I started to work in the office after finished my secondary school. In order to improve my English Language, I decided to create an English blog “ Nasi Lemak Lover ” . As I’m not quite proficient in English, I would like to keep my post short and simple. But at the same time I wish to publish lots of mouth-watering photos, tried and tested recipes to share with all of you. So, please bear with me for my poor grammar and spelling mistakes!

My husband did ask me what I have gain from blogging which I have to spend a lot of time to write a post. I told him that I gain nothing in terms of $ but I gain friendship from all over the world. Besides this, I can learn a lot of good recipes from my blogger friends too and cook for my family.

Oh yes , my 1st giveaway is opened to anyone, anywhere in the world. There are three set of gifts in this giveaway. I would like to give one set to Malaysian reader, one set to Singaporean reader and another set is given to the reader who is from other countries.

Method of taking part in this giveaway:

1. You just need to leave a comment in this post and tell me which country you live in. Please leave your name if you are an anonymous. Each person is entitled for one entry only.

2. Closing date of this giveaway is 21st June 2011 by 12 midnight Malaysia time. I will either ask my kids to draw the lucky winners from all eligible entries or chose using a random number generator.

3. The winner will be notified via e-mail (I will ask your email once I announced the winners). The package will be shipped directly to you at no cost.

Good Luck!!

Gifts for Malaysian

1. A cookbook - “ Okashi-Sweet Treats made with love”. A good cookbook that every baker should own one.

2. A cake leveler, you can use to slice cake into few layers.

3. A nice gift box

Gifts for Singaporean

1. A cookbook- A profit-making bakery shop (with cake & bread recipes), by Malaysian author Wendy Kor. I buy bakery ingredients from her shop which is just nearby my place.

2. “Kuih Bangkit” mould with animals printing. I found that this mould is quite rarely to be found in the bakery ingredient shop. You could refer to the recipe here.

3. A nice gift box.

Gifts for other countries

1. A cookbook “Nyonya” flavours - a complete guide to Penang Straits Chinese Cuisine. My intention is to introduce Malaysia Nyonya foods to the world.

2. A copy of “Flavours” food magazine. I would like to introduce Malaysia local food magazine to the world..

3. An “ Ang Ku Kueh” mould , Ang Ku Kueh is a small red round oval shaped Chinese cake with soft sticky skin wrapped with sweet filling in the center. (you could refer to the recipe here).

4. A nice gift box.

To my fellow blogger friends, could you help me to spread this good news in your blog (if this is possible for you) ...Thanks ya...

** I will be away for a short vacation, there will be no update for a week, shall update once I returned (my camera just broken and have sent to factory for repair, too bad, i can't take photos this time). If i happened to see some nice things during my trip, i will top up into the gift box, this is extra bonus for you!! See you soon!


1 – 200 of 240   Newer›   Newest»
CaThY said...

Congrats! I love your blog. I'm from Spore btw. ;)

Little Inbox said...

Hi, I'm inspired by your cooking and baking. You've done good job to maintain it. :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


JeNNy LoW(JniE) said...


JeNNy Low

congratulations for 1,000,000.....+u ~

daphne said...

congratulations!! I am also very excited to have found your blog! heaps of great stuff here Sonia! Keep it up! I'm from Australia ;)

under the sky said...

i'm glad u decided to write in english....coz my mandarin is so bad ;) i enjoy coming here looking at photos and trying out recipe.... i'm from klang, selangor!!

The Sweetylicious said...

congrats sonia! you've got a very lovely blog! (: enjoy your trip!

Jasmine from Singapore

Janine said...

Congrats Sonia on reaching a million views in less than 2 years! I'm from Malaysia, but currently studying in Singapore :)

Unknown said...

Congrates! Superb job - on the blog and cooking:)))

celine said...

Congrats, Sonia!! Thank YOU very much for your generosity in sharing .... and your time in maintaining this blog. I learnt so much from you. :)

I am from Kuala Lumpur.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Count me in Sonia!!! I'm from Klang...hehe same town with you. Nice knowing you through bloggy world. ;)

Cuisine Paradise said...

Congrats Sonia!!!! I am from Singapore and great job for maintaining this blog of yours. It's great to have you as a blog pal :)

Barbara said...

Congrats on those amazing page views, Sonia!
And what a lovely giveaway!
I live in the United States.

Unknown said...

nasi lemak kaki,
same as me....^_^
Thanks for inform me,
and wish you have a Pleasant Trip!!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

Hi Sonia

well done and really enjoy reading your blog... fantastic!

eileen from Penang.

Yat Maria said...

Congratz Sonia

Have tried some of the recipes posted here..great outcome! Yat fr Lion City :)

0620 said...

hi sonia

i always "diving" here, kaka~~
anyway, congratulation!!
u manage a really good blog for us

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I love reading your blog it inspires me to cook and to bake !

I'm from Australia and u bring the traditions of Malaysia to my family to enjoy


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I am residing in NZ and I just love reading your blog...very inspiring!
Congrats for achieving 1,000,000 blog page views in May. Well done!


Quay Po Cooks said...

Sonia, Congrats on the 1 mi. pageviews. KUDOS to you.
I am so glad we met in person and become friends. Time to catch up again my dear:D Quay Po from Malaysia.

ltan said...

Congrats! I refer to your recipes to satisfy my cravings!

Lynne in England

KIMMY said...

I'm a new blogger and I'm so interested in Asian food blogs like yours because the dishes suit my taste. I'm from Vietnam by the way. Thank you for sharing.

Jane Chew said...

Congratulation my dear friend! What a great achievement! Cheers!

YumMum said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and I'm from the Little Red Dot- Singapore! :)


campagne said...

congratulations, Sonia! thanks for sharing your good tried recipes. i am from johor bahru, malaysia.

enjoy ur holidays!

yummylittlecooks said...

Congratulations Sonia! Happy Holiday!I'm from Malacca...

ICook4Fun said...

Congratulations Sonia!!! I am going to try my luck here. Never win anything :) Where should I put myself from? Malaysia but residing in the USA.

divya said...


温馨小屋 said...

Congratulation....if not mistaken i am your 1st follower.....hehehehe...

Su-Lin said...

Congratulations!!! I think I discovered your blog about a year ago...

I'm living in the UK.

YHL said...

Again I want to say Sonia you are wonderful. Enjoy your trip.

Ana Regalado said...

I'm one of your lurker btw :D ...I'm from hk :)

Anonymous said...

Wow... well done! Me always dropping by your blog for ideas and I'm from Singapore ^_^

Blessed Homemaker said...

Congrats on 1m page views!

玉燕 said...

Sonia, I don't usually leave my comments; instead, I email you.
I live in the USA.
Like I told you the other day, I have a feeling that I will see your cookbook in the bookstore soon.

ღxinlingღ said...

hi Sonia..
Congratulations and you have such a wonderful and nice blog..i have been reading your blog for a couple of months and i love it so much. Once again thank you for sharing those wonderful recipes.
Nice to meet you and i'm from Brunei. ^^

annann said...

恭喜恭喜!!! I live in Kedah,Malaysia.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Congrats!!! I'm in Unites States. :)

Danielle Lee said...

HI Sonia, Just to let you know that i really enjoy reading your entries. it inspires me to cook and bake all the time. :)

I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

ann low said...

Congratulations Sonia! Well done to your blog and always inspired by you :) Have a nice holiday!

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Congrats, i'm from KL. Although i rarely leave a comment in your blog but i have been following your blog quite sometimes..and am a nasi lemak lover..thks

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
I'm from NY,US who love to read your blog.
:)) may be who win your lucky draw..
mwmwwin at gmail

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia!

Congratulation! You are one of my favourite. Love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing all the yummie recipe.

I live in Canada.


Sylvia said...

Hi Sonia!

Congrats! Thanks for keeping up with your blog. It has helped me a lot when it comes to looking for tried and tested receipes on home cooked food! I moved from Singapore to Sweden and have been living here for the past 5 years now. I've also grown from someone who can't even fry an egg properly (it always turned rubbery...) to someone who can cook for my family and friends. And it's all thanks to bloggers like you! Tack så mycket! (Thank you so much in Swedish!)

ahteekitchen said...

Congratz! Sonia!!
I was following your blog since my own blog started, learned a lots from u though, TQ~~
Tee from Rawang..

Chik Mimi said...

Congrats Sonia love to read your blog
from Penang wif luv

黄婉娜 said...


Congrats! Love your blog and your recipes! I am from S'pore! :)

Coraine said...

Hi Sonia!
I'm from Singapore!!! HAHA..you know it right..
If i never win for this..u can give me the present on your next visit k? WAHAHAHAHAHAHA..thanks in advance! =p

Patty Pahn said...

Congratulations from Canada! I am one of your lurkers, but I do enjoy reading your posts.

hanushi said...

It is so nice of you to organise a giveaway!!

Thanks for sharing so many wonderful recipes with us!

hanushi - from Singapore

J.O said...


Shal said...

O kasi itu hadiah hahhaks sonia congrats congrats on ur blog. KLrian

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Love reading ur blog

June from Malaysia (:

DG said...

Congrats to you Sonia! I love giveaway .... I am your fans from Singapore :)

iceamericanos said...

Hi Sonia. Congratulations! U r one of the first few recipe blogs i read. Used few of your recipes and everytime i manage to make something incredible!

Thank you very much.

Yvonne from KL.

Anonymous said...

I always follow your blog. Nice blog...
From Carolina, pulau Pinang

Amelia said...

Thanks for sharing, I'm from Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Maureen said...

Congratulations!! My little 12 year old loves baking your butter cake recipe, and she cleans up as well. So I get 2 treats in 1 day.

Hi, Im Maureen from Canada.

sathya said...

congratulations! I have been a secret follower of your blog for a long time....I live in the USA!

Celena said...

Congratulations on your millionth blog view!

I'm in UK and am one of your lurkers :-) Your blog is fab!

Three-Cookies said...

Great milestone - a millionaire. Congratulations Sonia. I live in Sweden

Angela said...

Sonia, congrats on a very great achievement! May there be millions more views in the future. =) Best regards, a blogger friend from California.

My Little Space said...

Sonia, you've been started blogging since 2008 then you're 2-1/2 years old. Why 1-1/2 year old? However, congratulations on your great archievement. I think we're the same kind of person. Just that I'm older than you. hahaha.... I wrote very little and the earlier ones I don't even write anything at all. So shy ler! hehe... I'm glad we're improving at the same time. Bravo, girl! May many more millions coming.
Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia. I am from Klang too. I have been following your blog even before I start blogging. I am a new comer to the blogging world. I tried many recipes from your blog. Am nasi lemak lover too :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kristy, my stat counter start from Dec 2009, thatswhy is 1 and 1/2 years old. I did not put stat counter when I started in 2008. Hope this clear your doubt.

Namitha said...

That's cool Congratulations Sonia ! And what a wonderful giveaway..I would love to take part in this,I'm in US :-)

Gloria Baker said...

Congrats Sonia! I love your blog and your giveaway is nice!! Gloria

huggs gloria

ChrisAu said...

Congrats Sonia! I'm sure everyone loves your delicious blog!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sonia! I love your giveaway.From singapore


Smiley said...

Sonia,congrats (*_*)!!!I love 2 read ur bLoG,~add oil + add oil~Smiley from Perak

Yummy Bakes said...

Congrats, Sonia. thanks for sharing great recipes. Well done.

Yummy Bakes said...

BTW, Sonia I am your supporter from Singapore. ;)

Wen said...

Wow that's an achievement! Congrats from Singapore!

chow and chatter said...

wow congrats and great to know more about you love your blog Sonia your a sweetie wish you all the success in the World
I am a Brit in the US

bakerlim said...

Congrats from Brunei

Bann Dih

Hei said...

we love your blog though we are new in blogwalking. :-)

You blog is always in our top hit.

Thk u for ur recipe sharing and my kids are now able to eat good food. haha.

Hei Family

Victoria said...

Congratulations Sonia! What an exciting accomplishment!! I'm from the US and am happy to follow you :) Thanks for your contribution to the blog world!

HL H said...

Hi, Sonia, congrats for your 1 mil.
Me too, studied Mandarin for 6 years, when I started to blog also don't know which language to use, but I find English is faster and easier, no need to search for the pin yin or pi hua, but my English is poorer than you, hope they can understand what I write, ha ha...

Marnely Rodriguez-Murray said...

Awesome giveaway! I am from Dominican Republic!

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

Congratulations Sonia!! you deserve it well. and here's to another 1000000 more hits :)

aiyah u know where i am from la.. hehe

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

congratulation Sonia!! I like all your gift especially the cooking and baking book!! Well,I like the Nyonya cookbook ...pray for my,luck that I can hit the other countries prize..*I'm start dreaming now* if I win the prize you don't have to send me via mail to save you postage.By the time you close your giveaway I think I'm in Msia liao!! haha!!keep dreaming.....

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

sorry I should add my reside country ,right? USA..

Anonymous said...

Congrats, always look forward to reading your post, especially the dishes that you cooked as i'm quite clueless in cooking, lol.
Keep up the good job.
Sem from KL

Anonymous said...

Hello Sonia,

I love your blog...it is really inspiring.
I am Judy from Puchong KL.

Just love it....

Unknown said...

lol..this memang is a surprise, being rewarded for reading a blog. I like your style, honest and refreshing. I am glad I "found" you when I was googling for a recipe many moons ago. Your easy to follow recipe has certaintly help someone who doesnt cook or bake very well like me. Congratulations and greetings fr Msia.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Love your blog & thanks for sharing all the recipes!! Im Winnie from Malaysia

delia said...

Congratulations! You have a very inspiring blog. BTW, I'm from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Jun Yue said...

Love to read your blog!
Faithful reader :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulation Nasi Lemak Lover on your one million page views.

May you continue to blog inspiring us with your tried and tested recipes and stories.

A Malaysian fan

Colette Stewart and Brent Rust said...

The logo your daughter made is so cute! Love that your prizes are to share culture!

I'm from the United States!

Anonymous said...

Hi! its so amazing how all your readers come from all over the world! very interesting way to do a giveway! :D Congratulations~

Yan Ee from Singapore :)

elsie said...

Hi Sonia, COngrats!! I tried quite a lot of your recipes and always gotten thumbs up! thanks Regards, Elsie From Melbourne, Australia

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions! on your achievement

Wave said...

Congratulations, Sonia! Been followed your recipes for quite some times. Appreciate ur effort to put the step in detail. It make me/ us easy to follow.

Best of all... Suki from Aust.

dE said...

Congrats on achieving this great milestone! I am from Christchurch, new zealand

Mel said...

Hello Sonia
Congrats to you! Your food blog is amazing with many wonderful great recipes to share with us. I am glad you have post this blog in English. I'm from Malaysia.

Crumbs N Crust said...

HI Sonia

I've been a silent follower of your blog, which i visit daily. Love your blog and wish to congratulate you on this amazing journey.

Thank you for your time & love on blogging.

I'm a Singaporean living in Hong Kong.

Best wishes and blessings on you

Anonymous said...


lina Chin
Kulai, Johor, Malaysia.
email : lina@tkr.com.my

Dy said...

Hi there!!! congrats on such a wonderful milestone in the blogging world!! I've been a lurker, but just wanted you to know that you've got a wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing!

I'm Diana
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

WendyinKK said...

Congrats on your first six zeros!
Many more to come!

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Congrats Sonia on your achievement! Keep up the good work...Biren, US

星晴 said...

hi, i have been following your blog quite some years. this is my first time leaving a comment here.

Although i stay in Qatar now, but I'm from Kajang, Malaysia.


Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Congratulations Sonia! It's very thoughtful of you to have 2 different sets of giveaway gifts.

I would like to try my luck in this giveaway. I actually have 2 residential address, Singapore and Malaysia. Since I prefer the gift for Malaysian more (I like all actually :P), please put me under Malaysia. :)

Jeannie said...

Congrats on your million viewers...thats a great achievement indeed! I visit your blog quite often to drool over your delicious bakes and cooking..I am in the same town as you:)

Small Small Baker said...

Congrats! I'm starting to read all your older posts to learn some great recipes from you. I'm from Singapore!! :)

Lynette C said...

Hi! My name is Lynette and I am from California USA. I love reading your blog and thank you for sharing so many yummy recipes!

pei said...

Congrats!! i love reading your blog - almost everyday during lunch break at work! it inspires me of what to cook for dinner! btw, i am from Malaysia!

Catherine Teo said...

Hi, I read your blog everyday but this is the first time I leave a comment. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes and my family said that my cooking skill have improved! I sure have learnt a lot from your blog.

Catherine Teo said...

Hi, I am Catherine Teo. I am from Malaysia.Sorry I forgot to write just now.

Annie Pang said...

HI Sonia

I'm from Hawaii and formerly from Malaysia and I love your blog and your recipes which i tried to duplicate here since we've no Malaysian restaurants here :(

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sonia.
I'm also one of your silent readers. Just thought its about time I drop by with a note to say thank you for inspiring me on what to cook for my family. I'm more of a baker than a cook. Because of the generosity of bloggers like yourself, I've built up a repertoire of dishes. Regards, Doris (Australia)

Lisa H. said...

Wow... > million pages viewed...
That is awesome Sonia :D. Congratulations...
It will take mine probably another 10 years to reach that number hahaha.
Keep the post coming...

Lisa~ Ostrolia mali (Australia)

jeanchristie said...

Well done! Thanks for all the hardwork you put in to put up photos and recipes, really helped a lot while I was in Sg/Australia and now newly married and back in KL!

I am from Malaysia :)

Anonymous said...

Congrat. Sonia !
Been your silent reader.
I'm from Penang :)


sean said...



kitchen flavours said...

Congratulations, Sonia! This is a fantastic achievement! Would love to enter the giveaway! I'm in Selangor!
Thank you for your generosity! Cheers to you! Here's to another 1,000,000 page views! Enjoy your holidays!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia! I'm Dessrey from Malaysia. I've been following your blog since i started working. I got many recipes from your blog and tried out some of them. Love your blog! Gives me inspirations and ideas to cook. Thank you for sharing all these~! ^.^

Sherreen said...

Congrats..love reading your blog..Keep it up..

I'm from Singapore.

Jenny said...

Hi Sonia, first of all..Congrats and I do love to read your blog and learn alots form you. Thanks and will keep following your blog.....
Jenny Tham signing form Singapore.

ykristen said...

Kudos Sonia on your 1Million visitor, counting me in with my frequent visits to your blog should i need to be inspired to cook for the family after a long day. Your blog has not only been a good reference to new recipes but also recipes from the long forgotten recipes used by our ancestors as i am also love your hokkien recipes.

Have a great break from Kristen in USJ

hsling said...


Iva said...

Hi there, im iva a Malaysian but residing in Australia :) love your blog, recipes are tasty and good for the everyday cook.

Min said...

Congrats, Sonia! I love reading your blog, continue writing ya. I'm Ipoh mali :)

Chooi Kum Hoong said...

Hi, I read your blog almost everyday.Thank you for being so kind and generous in sharing with us your delicious recipes.My cooking skill has improved a lot.Wishing you good health and joy! I am from Malaysia.

Nadji said...

Sonia mon amie, tu as un blog magnifique et c'est avec plaisir que je mettrai le logo de ton concours sur mon blog.
Tous les félicitations pour le succès de ton blog et à très bientôt.
Salutations de Paris France.
See soon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sonia! I have been visiting your blog everyday since middle of last year. All the recipes that I tried turn out well.
This is an excellant blog which I would strongly recommend to friends. Thanks a lot for sharing your "true" recipes.

米亚 said...

Congratulation Sonia!

First of all, I would love to thank you for your sincerity in sharing your caring thoughts and recipes to everyone around you. I have seen your blog grows a long mile since the beginning and I would want to see this continues. Don't worry about the language barrier, your English command is awesome, as your personality.

Thanks for being a friend of mine through blogging (though I hardly ever get time to do it now, due to the stressful job and money I am earning now), I wish to retire early like you soon but doesn't look like it is within my reach anytime soon *sigh*

Please do continue to provide good tips and recipes as they are what keep me going on checking out on other peoples blog (since I dont get the time for myself).

Thank you again Sonia for such a lovely friendship. Look forward to meet you someday when I come back to Malaysia.


Hafirdaus said...

Congrats.....I love to read your blog and your blog being my inspiration for baking cake

cherry potato said...


从开启部落格至今一年半的时间有 1,000,000 的到访者就证明了好料都在你这里找得到.

我很希望那本 Okashi-Sweet Treats made with love 的得奖者是我咧.....嘻嘻..


Jo said...

Congrats to you! I like to read your blog. Thanks for sharing the receip with us. :)

I am from Singapore.

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Sonia, Congratulations. Thanks for your sharing for all the recipes. Enjoy your trip. Am from Bukit Mertajam.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

You are indeed a great food blogger Sonia! look at your popularity justifies it all! Congrats on your 1,000,000 hits and may much more come your way my friend!!

Mandy said...

Congratulations !!! Mandy

Angie's Recipes said...

Sonia, Congratulations! You have reached so far in such a short time!

Sylvia said...

Congratulations Nasi-Lemak-Lover!!! I am a Malaysian living in Berlin since 2009. Some how I found out your blog and since then following it.

lola said...

Congratulations...your blog is in my favourite list because my both sons are nasi lemak's kaki, currently I'm staying at Miami, Florida. Good blog and sharing ! leongooi74@yahoo.com

Jenny said...

Hi, I am a housewife from Malaysia. One of my hobbies is reading food blogs. It has become my habit to click to your blog first everyday. I really enjoy reading your blog. I can now bake and cook better. Thank you for your kindness and generousity in sharing your knowledge and life experience.

Food Glorious Food! said...

Congrats! Love the recipe books and I am from Malaysia! :)

lena said...

hi sonia, congratulations! that's a very great achievement! I'll write abt your giveaway in my next post! also enjoy your holidays!

suganthi said...

Congrats Sonia. I have tried so many of your recipes. Thanks for sharing I am from Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

恭喜! 我是ASK,住在吧生。

weichin said...

Congrats, Sonia. I love your blog and good reference for me. Keep it up!

I'm from Malaysia.

苏联妈妈 said...

Congratulations Sonia! Sincerely hope u still remember I am fr Klang too....hahahaa

Pete said...

Congrats Sonia!
From KL Pete ....lol!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Congrats Sonia! Wow what a milestone! I'm so happy for you! And you are so generous having 3 sets of giveaway. I'm from USA.

carol said...

hi,i'm frm sin.its become a habit for me to follow ur blog! hehee...

angie said...

Hi! congrats, I really inspired by your cooking & baking. U r great ! Sonia. I m' from Malacca, Malaysia with love !!

Anonymous said...

I am currently living in Sydney.I miss Malaysian food crazily,talking about Nasi Lemak..And there you are.
Nasi Lemak Lover,dragged me into reading and using your blogs to satisfy my taste buds and desire of wanting Malaysian Cuisine, so badly!
From Olivia CSY

Michelle said...


Congrats Sonia, I really love reading your blog. I'm from Singapore.

may said...

wow..Sonia, there are already 150 comments posted..anyway, congratulations to you, and thanks for sharing nice recipes to us..

kimberlycun said...

Hi Sonia, congratulations on reaching this significant mile stone! I'm a huge fan, Kimberly from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia :)

Ying Ying Dai Tao Har said...

hi Sonia, i'm a follower of your blog and congrats on achieving this milestone! :) i'm from Penang, Malaysia. You can call me Chloe or Ying Ying Dai Tao Har :P

Passionate About Baking said...

Congrats Sonia! Your blog sure deserves the hit rate as it has a lot of information and good recipes! Thank you for your giveaway! I'm from Singapore! :)

Christine said...

WOW!! 1m just barely two years, Great Job. I have your blog bookmarked and read it every day - for my asian food carving. From Singapore but reside in USA.

Ummi said...

Congrats Sonia! You deserve it! Thanks for sharing your nice recipes with those wonderful pictures...

shaz@feedingmykidsbetter said...

Hi Sonia
Congrats from me from singapore! 

Minibaker said...

Congrats! I check your blog everyday for inspiration as well as for trying out new recipes! I'm from Malaysia.

the mum who cooks said...

Hi Sonia,
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing, my family members loved your Lemon Butter Cake very much. I'm Joyce from Singapore.

Unknown said...

million already?
nk nie "Okashi-Sweet Treats made with love"?
I'm from Malaysia.
All the best and keep on posting ya!

Lin said...

Congratulation! Thanks for sharing all the nice recipes.I am a Malaysian who live in London.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you very much for taking your precious time to upload all the recipes and photos of food that you have tried.

I am currently in Melbourne, Australia. There are heaps of Malaysian food but nothing beats home made.


lydia said...

Congratulation, thank for sharing nice recipes to us. I'm Malaysian live in melaka

sophia said...

Oh my God. I would LOVE to win this! I grew up in Singapore so I have such nostalgic memories of the food in SE Asia. But I currently live in Los Angeles.

I so so so so soooo want to win this!

Erni said...

congratulations!..i'm Erni from Indonesia.. silent reader.. thanks for sharing recipes.it inspires me to cook :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm from Singapore. I search your blog almost everyday for recipe to use. Thanks for your blog.

FF said...


Elizabeth Tee said...

CONGRATULATION!! I'm really addicted to your blog and I have tried some of your recipe. My kids and my parents loves it very much. I hope I can learn more from your blogs too. BTW I'm from Malaysia.

Melanie said...

With Love From the island of Food Paradise...Penang, Malaysia

ReeseKitchen said...

Congratulations to your 1,000,000 records! More and more to come in future..keep it up!

Yee said...

Hello, I enjoy reading your blog.Thanks a million for being so kind to share with us your fabulous recipes! I am from Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sonia and hope you enjoy your vacation ^_^

I'm from Singapore

Annie said...

Hi Sonia, Congratulations!! vy proud of you my dear sil! You're just amazing and being a great blessing to me and many people all over the world!! Keep up the good work!

Bakeling said...

Enjoy Reading your blog ! Keep it up !


pigpigscorner said...

Congrats from the UK!

Juliana H said...

Congratulations on a wonderful blog!

Best wishes and love from UK! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm a mom to a VERY PICKY toddler so I'm always looking to your blog for inspiration. I'm a Malaysian living in the US. I miss Malaysian food!!!

Agatha L

恋上烘焙 said...


Regina said...

Sonia, I am Regina from Sarawak, Malaysia. Enjoy reading and trying your good recipes

Mary said...

Hello Sonia, I am a stay at home mum with 2 children and a husband.I cook most of the days.Thanks for your easy to follow recipes! I have tried quite a lot of the recipes and they turned out great.
I am from Malaysia.

mummyooi said...

I love reading ur blog for easy n yummy recipes. It's never failed.

I'm from KL.

JayYin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JayYin said...

Congratulations Sonia! I love reading your blog. You have inspired me to cook and bake. Thank you so much.

JayYin from Australia

Alice said...

hi Sonia, big congrats to you! I always love reading your blog, trying out your recipes (so many still on waiting list hehe...) and see the wonderful pics!

Btw, I'm from Singapore :)

Stephanie said...

Hello nasi Lemak Lover!! I love reading your blog since I've been away from Malaysia to Prescott, USA for my studies. Reading your blog reminds me of Malaysian delicacies and it has been very pleasant. Have a good week in your vacation!

Stephanie Tang

Anonymous said...

Hi nasi Lemak Lover,

I'm so glad your blog reach so much readers. Thanks for each things your blog give me the opportunity to learn. Sometime I wish I can live near you or in Malaysia to learn more on Malaysian foods but unfortunately I too far and I may never had the chance to travel there. Congratulation again and had some nice relaxing moment.

Stephie H.

Jo said...

Hi Sonia, congrats and what an achievement! Bravo! Continue blogging cause you have many, many ardent readers out there. I agree that blogging does not bring $ but you gain a lot in terms of friendship and adventures.

Anonymous said...

Hi, nasilemaklover, read your blog is become my daily task but never leave any comments to you. Congratz for your 1st mil achievement.

Your silent reader from Historical City, Malacca.

Elin said...

Sonia...wow wow a million page views gosh you are great...CONGRATS!!! on your achievement :)

I love that cookbook Okashi!!! hahaha knowing me, I am addicted to cookbooks !!

Of course, you know I am Malaysian :P

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) said...

Wow! 1,000,000 page views in just 1 1/2 years. Congratulations Sonia! Have a great trip!
Love from Pakistan,

Anonymous said...

Again congratulations on your wonderful blog and hope you will be here in 10 year, lol
I forget to specifies in my previous comment than I'm from canada.

Stephie H.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my dear Sonia, glad to know your achievement, so admire that you have done it so good & enjoy all this while. Keep it up my fren! From :Amy Tan, Klang

Anonymous said...

Hey Sonia,

Enjoy reading your blog so much. It never fails to give me ideas on what to prepare for meals. i have tried a few of your recipes posted here on the blog and it really works and tasted not bad at all.
Keep up the good work and keep inspiring your readers. :)

Congrats once again.

Jammey L. from Malaysia

Sharon Limb said...

Hi Sonia,


Thank you for all the wonderful recipes :-)

Sharon Limb from Singapore

Anonymous said...


congrate!! I have been following your blog since last yr. You have a wonderful blog and I always looking forward into it. Keep it up. Thanks for all the recipe you posted and I love it. i love cooking and baking but I still got a lot to learn. I am from Selangor, Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to put my name. My comment posted at June 14, 2011 12:27pm. I am Joyce.

Rachel Hei said...

congrats on the million page views Sonia, your sharing are always wonderful..:) I am sure you know i am from Malaysia..hehe..

Anonymous said...

Hi sonia,
Congrats ur great achievement in such a short time. Am ur daily reader except weekend & p/holiday. Am fr Klang can address me as "wen wen"..

Janetan said...

hi sonia,
i don't know if u remember me, i'd sent u an email asking how to cope with the life of a working mum transform into a full time stay home mum. just like you, i do a lot of searching around the website to find good recipe for my family, then i found a few good blogs including yours to be my references.and some day i hope to be like you to create a blog that i can too share my secret recipes.

Janetan said...

oh ya, your daughter's creation is so unspeakable..beside the nasi lemak face it also have a pair of love as the shoes..does it mean mummy's not only using one heart to love the kids and hubby but using double to make the family full with unlimited love.. love the logo~

Hong said...

Hi, I love reading your intresting and informative blog.Your recipes are easy to follow and most importantly they work ! Thank you very much and may God bless you and your family. I am a homemaker from Malaysia.

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