If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Monday, January 7, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 and giveaway, 新春送礼

Chinese New Year is coming soon and I thought of hosting my blog first ever event - Chinese New Year Delights 2013. Please come and join this event !!

How to join :

Who can join? Anyone can join.
Language?  English, Mandarin or Malay is accepted.
Prepare a dish (sweet or savoury) or cookies or any traditional dishes that related to Chinese New Year. Then take a picture of the food you have cooked.
Provide a recipe that is credited (from books,internet,friends,family or maybe by your own, be specific).
Submit your entry latest by 28th February 2013.

To submit :

For Blogger
Blog about it from 8th January 2013 till 28th February 2013
Include this caption below your blogpost :-

* I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover (link back to this post)*

Sending the following information to this email address (sonia9423@gmail.com) with email subject as 'Chinese New Year Delights 2013'
Blog name:
Name of dish:
Url of post:
Picture:(URL or attachment that is lesser that 500k)

For non Blogger
Email your dish picture with recipe and your name to sonia9423@gmail.com latest by 28th February 2013 with email subject as 'Chinese New Year Delights 2013'.

Ang Pao giveaway

To Thank you for your participation, I will be given away two Ang Pao ( of course no Cash, but some speical baking related items ^_^. I will show you the gifts in the round up post because i still ordering the items) . This is applicable only to those who participate in this event, and it is applicable to Worldwide. More submission stand better chance to win the Ang Pao. Closing date is 28th Feb 2013.
Good Luck to you !!

A round up will be done on 1st week of March 2013.


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I still have so much of house works to do after coming back to Sydney but I will still support support you! My mum's neighbour's daughter made us 2 big cans of kuih bunga & a "nga gu" chips & asked her to give me the kuih bunga recipe but the original source is unclear. The neighbour has also given me of of her kuih bunga moulds which have been used before. She told me that sometimes, new mould won't work, for people who are lack of experience like me, should use the old moulds. The moulds come with wooden handle & they protect from the heat. I was so exciting, like someone has given me some gold, hahaha!

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, last year I didn't bake any cookies but I will be this year. Will definitely join you in this event.

Little blue said...

i try my best to send my post...hehe!!

Joceline Lor said...


Debs @ The Spanish Wok said...

Hi Sonia,

Happy New Year to you. This event is right up my street and I've so many recipes stacked up waiting to be blogged.

Count me in for sure, x

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, happy hosting. Hope I can come out with something and support your hosting. :)

Have a nice day ahead,regards.

sabrina 莎莎 said...

I must try to support~~ ^^

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Haha... Me will come look look see see as me have no plan for any CNY bakes...

Mel said...

Oh my.....there will be hundreds of submitting to you. Well, i will join in the fun as well and hopefully I be a little hardworking to bake some cookies.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

great, will certainly give a full support to u

PH said...

Sonia, I want to join! Heh..heh...now must go korek-korek Chinese New Year recipes :)

Tracy Low said...


ccm said...


Yannie said...

I will try to cook Chinese New Year delights one of these days. Thanks for hosting this, Sonia. I wish I have something to join.

cikmanggis said...

Yes!!! Saya pun nk join :)

irene myme said...

哇,我一定会support你!!谢谢你 ^o^

Mandy said...


Simple Person said...

that is very nice.
happy hosting ya.. and I am very excited about CNY liao..

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Haha..me too, will support :)

ann low said...

Great event! will support too!!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...


I am excited about this event. I am already looking forward to a lot of great posts and CNY recipes submitted by all ur readers around the world. And if coz I will try my best to submit as much post as possible. :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Ok ok, will support u on this, will definitely find time to make something. :))

Chef and Sommelier said...

Wow Sonia... i'm sure the response to this CNY event will be overwhelming! Count me in too!

Bakericious said...

Hi Sonia, I will definitely support you, now headache what should I do lol.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Alice said...

hi Sonia, i'll support u :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Will support when I cook something CNY-ish when closer to CNY!

mui mui said...

This must be really an exciting event, its your blog first ever event in 2013.
I will support. Let me see if i can come out will something for CNY:D

蚊子 said...

sure support!!

南海姑娘 Alice Lee Kitchen said...

WOW! this is fun!

珊珊 said...


ICook4Fun said...

Hope I am able to participate.

Sally said...


Baking Diary said...

Looks like everyone is excited to get their hands on your "angpow":) Hope to join in too!

Caca said...

I can't wait to send you my post! Happy New Year, Sonia.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What a fun idea! I'll think about it! :)

Small Kucing said...

alamak....CNY so soon will be arriving ah...havent prepare anything yet

Agnes CF Lee said...

interesting!! I better rajin rajin starting some cooking, I like to cook but just could not find the time to prepare for it :(

Esther Lau said...

I wish I could join and give you full support. Let me study more recipes first :)

bernice's kitchen said...


J.O said...


Chris said...


How exciting! Will definitely keep this in mind if I make any CNY goodies this year. BTW, Happy 2013 to you and your family. :D

MK Moon said...

great!....must joinnnnnnnn:P

lena said...

good morning sonia, great to hear abt your blog event! will support you!!!

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Can I join this event in combination with other event? I will be baking lots of pineapple tarts and wonder if I submit my post for your event together with our Little Thumbs Up event.


WendyinKK said...

I'll send you quite a lot of entries :)

Karen said...

Sonia..i will fully support this event..:)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Zoe, sure, no problem..

Unknown said...

Sonia, Happy New Year to you and your family members. Recently I'm out of the blogmosphere...too busy. Just knew that you are hosting this event. I'm glad to join. wait for my submission k.

Angelic Heart~ said...

Hi, Sonia. Long time didn't update my blog and visit others due to too busy.Great to know that you have this fun event in your blog, never join before, i'll try my best to spare sometime to support the event.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I don't know why I've missed this post , sorry ! :P :D I'll send you loads of entry , hopefully ! lol Awesome event , looking forward to all delicious entries !

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I would like to borrow the 1st photo in this blog to help to promote your CNY Delights 2013. Thanks!

DG said...

Sonia, ... Yeah ...I must join, cause I don't want to miss the chance hehehehe :D

Kelly Siew said...

Oooh!! I'll keep this in mind and join in!

YummyFoodBook said...

Hi Sonia,

Will think of a chinese new year cookie and submit the post!


Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Love to join in the fun & make some CNY inspired bakes! AWESOME! ;)

MeRy said...

Have given my support...

Received my entry ?

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

What a meaningful and exciting event! Thank you for hosting it. We'll have such an amazing collection of Chinese New Year food to drool over with :)

maz lovefoodies said...

Hi Sonia, I love this idea! I've just sent you a nice recipe for Chinese sticky chicken wings. hope you like it! Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone from maz at Lovefoodies :)

Christine said...

Hi Sonia!

I just joined your event! I've just sent my entry to your email! Happy CNY!



Jacqueline @Howtobeagourmand said...

That's great Sonia - thanks for hosting - I'll submit a savoury recipe.

john said...

Nice blog. Thanks for sharing this to us and it helped me a lot. Looking forward for the next! GBU

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