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Friday, January 18, 2013

Crispy Almond Butter Cookies 酥脆杏仁饼

I am so so happy finally i managed to imitate this cookie that I wanted to make for longer time. I first tasted this cookie in a bloggers gathering at my house 3 years ago.

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The other day, I found this recipe in a cookbook 西饼物语 while i shopping at the bakery shop. This bakery shop is own by Wendy Kor also the cookbook writer. I am bless that i getting to know her. Whenever i have problem with baking, sure take opportunity to get her advise and she has never turn down my questions.

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I quickly tested out her recipe. But the cookies turned out a bit thick and not as crispy as i tasted before. Also it was lacking a flavour..The same night, i did not sleep well, because i keep thinking what were lacking ^_^..Finally I got the answer in the next morning and I quicky tested it out..I am so glad that the taste is very close to what i tasted before..crispy, buttery and nice almond aroma..Check out recipe below..

IMG_6096 copy

It is not so easy to make this cookie actually, quite time consuming too. Ya, you also need to have a shallow and thin tray like below, as for easy spread the dough..

The dough is sticky and wet

Spread evenly on the tray, another tedious job to get it smooth and evenly. Try to use a rolling pin to roll it smooth..


After bake half cooked, have to slice it, take time too..

One by one place two almond flakes on dough which have applied with egg wash..

Ready for 2nd bake

Finished products. For my oven, i have to rotate the tray in order to get even browning..

Even this cookie is tedious to make with just few simple ingredients, but definitely worth to make. A box of this selling outside is close to RM 30, but i know the price is worth it !!
I would like to share this recipe here with you all, so you can make this cookie for your family and relatives, and even you can sell it ..Happy Baking!!
Ya, before i forgot, this recipe is using Top flour (I think SG is quite easy to get this flour) or some called it as cookie flour, very fine and light flour..If you can't find this flour, just simply replaced it with cake flour or superfine flour..Also take note that below volume is fix into my tray size in order to get about 2mm thickness of cookies. If you have difference size of tray, proportion it out the recipe, othewise you can't get this thin and crispy cookie.

IMG_6087 copy

I also tested with 3 types of butter, 1st with margarine and this is out. I prefer cheap butter (B xx brand ) than Axx brand. But this is really up to your choice..

Crispy Almond Butter Cookies 酥脆杏仁饼
(recipe source: largely adapted from 西饼物语 by Wendy Kor, with my own modification)
* 2 x (14”x14”x 1/8 “ square trays)
* One tray – 14 cut x 1” and 10 cut x 1.4” , makes 140pcs

190g butter
100g icing sugar
IMG_6095 copy 50g egg white
220g Top flour or Cookie flour
2tsp custard powder
50g ground almond

Almond flakes
For egg wash-3 egg yolks + 1tbsp milk

1. Cream butter and icing sugar on low speed for 1 minute. Scrape mixing bowl and continue to mix on medium high speed for 3-4minutes till light and fluffy.
2. Add in egg white and mix on medium high speed for 1min.
3. Add in ground almond, mix well. Sifted in cookie flour and custard powder. Mix for 1 min to form soft dough (dough is wet).
4. Spread the dough onto the tray. Cover a plastic sheet on top and roll evenly with a rolling pin. Remove the plastic sheet.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C (lower rack, fan forced) for 4mins until half cooked.
6. Take out from oven and let cool for 1min. Use a pizza cutter or knife, slice into rectangles.
7. Brush with egg yolk and place two pieces of almond flake on each of the cookie repeat until finished.
8. Do not brush egg yolk for the whole baking tray at one time, because egg yolk will turn dry quickly and almond flake will not stick to the cookie base.
9. Continue to bake at 170C (lower rack, fan forced) for 10mins or until golden brown ( try to rotate the tray for few times for even browning).
10. Once done, remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Remove from the tray and store in air-tight container.

This is how i pack them

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Agnes CF Lee said...

I know I have no time to make any cookies this year, I will have to order from friends. So far I have not come across friends selling this cookies. Probably will have chance to taste some when go Chinese New year visiting. :D

Baking Diary said...

This is definitely a good cookie to eat but not making lol! too time consuming and time I do not have! I have yet to start on my CNY cookies baking....haiz!

Caca said...

so des ne, sekarang baru tahu ini macam buat, thank you.

Mel said...

Hi Sonia
I was getting ready to bake something similarly like this too... but this few days I was unwell hence I havent started baking any CNY cookies yet. The recipe is from a cookbook. You have baked yours looking so beautiful and Im in doubt whether mine would turn out beautiful like yours.

Esther Lau said...

Sonia, I like theses cookies but sounds difficult and time consuming. Don't think I have patient to make :)

Ling yuen chin said...

Wow,看起来好好吃! 对我来说有点难度,请我吃吧!

ann low said...

I love almond and I'd like to try this cookies if I got more time to bake.

Yannie said...

Nice la! I heard this type of cookies was not easy to bake. Thanks for your clear instruction on doing this cookies.

PH said...

Sonia, so funny when I see you spreading the dough I immediately think of that thing people use to smooth the cement hee..hee...This cookie very time consuming ler. You got selling arr?

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

yeah,i also rajin rajin do the same cookies as u this morning, so delicious

yvonne said...

A friend of mine "splash cold water" onto me and told me it's not worth the time and effort to bake this cookies myself.

Seeing yours, I'm more determine to bake now. They are gorgeously tempting and delish~ :)

Joceline Lor said...

i see。。。。原来是这样的也。 厉害哦!可以print 上sonia的牌子了。哈哈哈。。。。。。

Janine said...

i havent seen this around but i'm definitely going try this out since i love almonds! reminds me of thick tuiles :)

Sem said...

This looks delicious, my sister in law also said if she used cookie flour ,the cookie is very crispy compare to plain flour, i think it might have a certain ingredient in the cookie flour which make it crispy.

Yee Ling said...

Nice.I think I had this last year and it was splendid!

I didn't know the process is so tedious.

Unknown said...

Never think of such way of making crispy cookies. Learn something new. Thanks for sharing!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Makes me drooling...

Li Shuan said...

You are very persistent to try until u get the right texture and flavour! Well done. This cookie looks so good and I can imagine the flavour is great too. Thanks for sharing your experience and the recipe

Angelic Heart~ said...

i love almond cookies~ will give it a try when i have time.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh wow, I'm really impress with your never give up spirit Sonia! We all have much to learn from u! :)) love these almond crisp cookies, but wonder if I can find such a shallow pan...where did u her yours? Thanks for sharing yet another wonderful cookie recipe, hopefully I will be to make it too. :))

sabrina 莎莎 said...


kym said...

wow... sonia thks for sharing.. copy copy balik lioa :p

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


daphne said...

such patience but so worth it. I think I am not prepared for CNY this year but still I like reading yours and all your handwork!

Baby Sumo said...

Looks really nice!! I wonder if I will be hardworking enough to attempt this.

ICook4Fun said...

I will definitely try this cookie out as I like it too.

Unknown said...

beautifully made. I would like to try it out one of these days. Thanks for sharing

Shu Han said...

yay I'm always so tempted by all these cookies and goodies when cny is roudn the corner. lucky I'm now away from home and can't be surrounded by all these temptations. bad choice to come to your blog though hee hee so hungry now.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks for experimenting and sharing this cookie recipe! I am quite inspire to give it a try. :)

Sissi said...

Crispy, butter, almond... I am already dreaming! These cookies look extraordinary. I hope I will be able to obtain crisp, delicate cookies, like the ones at your photos.

MunatyCooking said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe, I'd love to try it out :)

lena said...

good morning sonia, you sounded them so good ..i wonder if anyone selling them in ipoh then i go and buy a tin and eat first! again thanks so much for your effort to share this recipe with us!

Sally said...


茄子 said...


J.O said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you are so generous with the recipe, thanks for sharing with us! If I'm in KL, I will surely order few boxes from you, hehe!

Ana Regalado said...

Tedious to make but I bet the taste is so worth it ! That kind of cookies are a bit steep here and yours look prettier than the ones being sold here :D

Lite Home Bake said...

Yes, this is a nice cookie to enjoy but didn't know it was so much work until now! Thanks for sharing the recipe, your family is blessed to have you trying your best to perfect whatever you make :)

Sokehah cheah said...

I've made this before many years ago and it's really time consuming. This year, the prices of cookies have increased, so better to make our own!

irene myme said...


Nippon Nin said...

What a deliciously professional looking cookies! I love almonds! Very nice pictures too.

Passionate About Baking said...

Oh wow! This is definitely going to be the cookies I'm making! Thanks so much for sharing!

mui mui said...

I think I have this recipe book from Wendy Kor too.
But never thought of making this.
Now seeing your almond crisp cookies , makes me wanna try too.

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

I've been searching for a recipe for this cookie for years! :) Is it the light and crispy type? Not sure what top flour is though, is there a substitute? I want to make this too!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Fern, substitute with cake flour or superfine flour .

Unknown said...

Nice cookies... Looks yummy and making me drool...
I would like to try the cookies with your details methods. Can check is it necessary to grease the tray? Can put baking paper below for baking? Coz I do not have such a shallow tray and also easier to roll it on the paper and trf to tray to bake :)

MK Moon said...

sonia, step 6.....is it easy to do this step? cos even after 1 min, i believe it's still hot!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jazzlyne, actually I did not line paper and it is easy to remove cookies. Since you don't have such shallow pan, you might want to line paper and for easy to lift up ,
I have one suggestion ,maybe you can try to over turn your normal square baking pan and use the bottom instead . My friend tried this way and it is working this way.

MK, it will cool down quite quickly and i would like to work while it still slight hot..

missyblurkit said...

One of my mum's faves....reckon i will try to amke this for her this weekend:D

Yummy Bakes said...

very pretty and looks good.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I have a recipe for this cookie from a blogger and mean to bake for a long time but I haven't had the chance. You always cook and bake non stop! I need to be more inspired by you. ;)

Unknown said...

These are one of my favourite cookies. Too bad this year my mom has instructed me not to bake anything. Gosh! Hopefully I get to bake them after CNY. Who says they are only for CNY right? You skills are truly amazing Sonia and always inspire me to further improve myself. ♥ Jo

The Experimental Cook said...

You have the hallmark of an graet baker : persistence and a desire for excellence. I am grateful that you can share your thoughts and experience. Thank you.

carol said...

hi, i have tried this recipe and my family loves it! 1st time i did not roll the dough thin enough and it ended up like almond short bread which is yummy as well. for the 2nd time i tweaked the recipe slightly and managed to get the thin,buttery & crispy taste:) jus to share,i replaced some butter with ghee as i felt the butter taste wasnt strong enough for me:P and i added a few drops of vanilla and almond essence and it smells wonderful with the buttery thin cookies:)

Unknown said...

Have been looking for this recipe high and low.....Thanks. Your cookies look so nice.

Lidsay said...

Hi Sonia, what is "forced fan" oven? My oven is just a simple conventional oven. Can I still bake it at 170? Or should I change the temperature? Thank you

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lidsay, that means I on the fan function as to have even browning after baked. if you don't have fan function, then you just bake at 180C but rotate the tray few times for even browning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, I am Yoon. 1st of all, thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes. I have tried few recipes and they all taste fantastic. I am very new to baking and inexperience, I hope you won't mind to answer my silly questions. I have 2 question for the Almond Thins as:

1) do I have to grease the pan? If yes, do I use butter?
2) you mentioned using plastic sheet to cover the top to roll the dough flat. Is the plastic sheet means cling film?

Thank you for you time and kind attention.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi Yoon, no , you don't need to grease the pan. No ,
plastic sheet is not cling film, like those plastic bag material...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Kind regards,

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