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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Braised Nam Yue Pork with Peanuts and Mushrooms 南乳花生香菇焖猪肉

I was mainly posting about CNY cookies in past few days, so today i would like a change, by posting this home cooked braised pork dish that is my family's favourite especially my hubby ! Last time i don't appreciate pork knuckles or pork front hock, but when age catching up, i started to apprecaite them ^_^

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Nowadays i cook this dish using my 1st cast iron pot (5kg) that my hubby brought back from China..

The price of this pot is many many times cheaper if compare to branded LC pot !! But the quality in fact is very good, no steam is escaped from the pot when i cook this dish..


Ok, lets see the ingredients. My friend's mother highly recommened me to use Shanghai brand of red fermented beancurd, the taste is much better than the usual red bottle..



you can use pork belly, pork knuckles but i use pork front hocks this time..
IMG_6156 copy

must have some veggie to go with this dish
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spoon the thick and sticky gravy into your bowl of steamed rice, taste like heaven !

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Braised Nam Yue Pork with Peanuts and Mushrooms
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1.3kg Pork front hock
IMG_6175 copy 3 slices of young ginger
4 cloves of whole garlic
100g peanuts, soak for 1hr
15pcs mushrooms, soak till soft
2 stalk spring onions, separate white and green
1 small star anise
4pcs cloves
1tbsp rock sugar
3tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp rice wine
1/2pc of Nam Yue (red fermented beancurd (Shanghai brand)
2tbsp of Nam Yue water
4 cups water
1tbsp dark caramel soy sauce, for coloring

1. Heat oil in a cast iron pot or heavy bottom pot, sauté ginger, garlic, white part spring onion, star anise, and cloves till aroma.
2. Add in Nam Yue and Nam Yue water, mix well.
3. Add in pork, peanuts and mushroom, cook for a while.
4. Add in water, season with rock sugar, light soy sauce and rice wine.
5. Braise over low heat for 1 and 1/2hrs or until pork tendered, stir from time to time.
6. Last add in dark caramel soy sauce and mix well.
7. Dish out, garnish with green spring onion and serve hot with steamed rice.

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Dunno why, i do not know how to appreciate pork knuckles or pork front hock, i only eat lean meat...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sharon, because you are still young, hehehe..

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Baby Sumo said...

I used to dislike pork knuckle also but nowadays I dont mind eating it once in a while.

Mel said...

I loves pork knuckles!!!!! Even if I don't look at the photo, the mentioned of pork knuckles already makes me drool! Yes, I will cook this for the reunion dinner, a must have!! Beautiful color your cast iron....oh my, it must be real heavy for your hub to bring it back from China! Must be cheap buying from China.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Sonia, I'm not that young but I still don't know how to appreciate pork knuckles! Lol! Everytime my mum cooks it then ill eat a little, other then that, it'll never sppear on my dinner table. :P but its always good to learn all these traditional dishes...like you say, I might suddenly like it!

J.O said...


J.O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PH said...

Myself no need to wait until old, very long time oredi like pork trotters, pork knuckle and everything pork hah! hah!

Esther Lau said...

Sorry, I also don't know how to appreciate the pork knuckles but i like the sticky gravy very much.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, the pork knuckles here have big chunks of meat and every now and then, my mother-in-law loves to braised them for us becoz I don't cook it myself! I love this dish, but if only Ethan can eat peanut. I used to like peanut lotus root soup so much but have to stop adding the peanuts now becoz of Ethan's allergy. Anyway, I've cooked a savoury and also a sweet dish for your CNY Delights, the sweet dish is a cake but I'm sure that you will still take it. I've also eyed on another savoury dish, will cook it soon, hopefully b4 Ethan starts school on 4th Feb. Take care!

Simple Person said...

hmm I don't like nam yue le..

Li Shuan said...

Oh this is my dad's favorite. I never cook knuckles before but don't mind to give it a try haha... That day actually very tempted to buy one from the market but once looked at Jason's face expression, I hold the idea back haha...

I'm sure ill like this dish. I recently bought this nam yu as well.... Because I like the bottle haha... I never try this brand before, maybe should quickly pick a recipe using namyu so that I can try how good it is compare to the normal one.

U husband very good leh...carry such an heavy stuff for u from overseas.

Min said...

This is one of my favourite dishes, I love the peanuts the most, but I think I'm lazy to cook this :)

The Experimental Cook said...

I yearn for 'unhealthy food' as I get older too. The gelatinous skin looks so tempting! You are so lucky your hubby cart this back for you.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I've seen some KitchenAid cast iron pots at Meyer Factory sale here last month , it cost HK $ 250/each but I'm too cheap to buy it :P :D

I love pork hock and I've cooked this dish once , years ago :D Your dish looks scrumptious !

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, I like the thick gravy of this dish! I'm also learning how to eat the front hock/knuckle, oh-no!I'm also growing old...??

ann low said...

I also don't appreciate pork knuckle but always cook for my hubby. Will definitely try this for sure.

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, Me too like to savour this kind of dish but must control... BTW, was told that broccoli is good to neutralise the adverse effect of fatty meat.

CQUEK said...

What an awesome idea.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

猪手。。。猪手。。。 i miss u!

divya said...

Delicious looks very inviting.. And awesome pics..

Zoe said...


You are always good cooking these traditional dishes... Your braised pork looks delicious and my husband will love this.


Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks delicious, I liked the added peanuts!

vivi@N said...

delicoous and awesome dish..i like it.

Tq for sharing.

Anonymous said...

hi,,may i know what is dark caramel sauce(is it dark swee sauce)if no,,can i omit,,,thanks--

Mich Piece of Cake said...

The flavours are wonderful! I can literally smell it from here...

Small Kucing said...

one of my fav

Crystal Loh said...


Jane Chew said...

am so... hungry now Sonia :)

mui mui said...

This is my favorite although I am not that old. I love this very much. I like the mushroom in this too cause the mushroom soak up the gravy. Once bite into the mushroom the gravy will ooze out into your mouth
ohhhh! I feels like I am eating this...heehee

lena said...

i enjoy eating pork knuckles too and will have this during cny. I like those with more bones than meat..usually must reserve early from the butcher..hehe..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous , you can check an example of dark caramel sauce in "my pantry" page which located at the top. yes, you can omit this sauce..

Baking Diary said...

I bought a bottle of fu yue from Guilin, I think can use that to cook this too...looks delicious!

Sandra W said...

Made this yesterday for CNY Eve dinner. Wonderful taste! And hubby loved it! Thank you so much!

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