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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013 新春送礼_round up (part 1)

I decided to post my blog event-Chinese New Year Delights 2013 round up in few parts (20 entry per part) . So i don't need to prepare a long round up post by end of the event and also you can try out their lovely recipes before CNY. Check it out their post below, Happy Baking & Cooking !!

Sheoh Yan Lee (Blog with Yan)-Butter Cookies


Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-牛油小脆饼


Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-London Almond Chocolate Cookies

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-台式凤梨酥


May Law (厨苑食谱)-杏仁脆片 (Almond Curls)


Michelle (心煮意)-牛油香脆曲奇 Butter Cookies


Amy Cheong (Desirable recipes)-Dip - Garlic, Ginger, Cilantro and Spring Onion

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-黄梨酥饼 (预拌粉版)

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-腐乳杂斋菜

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-烘传统鸡蛋糕

Chin KL (蓝色小厨)-烤腰豆

Cass Tan (揾到食)-黄梨饼

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-猪肉干

May Law (厨苑食谱)-Pineaple Tarts (黄梨饼)

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-奶油挤花小饼干 Butter Cookies

Chin KL (蓝色小厨)-咖啡饼

Jess ( Bakericious)-banana chocolate cake

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Cashew nut cookies


Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Matcha Cranberry Cookies (抹茶蔓越莓饼干)



珊珊 said...

part 1出现了。。。而我还没开始动工。。。哈哈哈!!

Wen said...

That's very thoughtful of you to post in parts! Thank you! Haha...I already bookmarked a few of them!

kimmyw said...

Hi Sonia, Wow! Such a wide range of CNY delicacies to choose and try. Thanks.

Yannie said...

I was stopping at this post for more than 30 minutes. Thanks to this post as I get to know so many good cookies bakers out there.

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, wonderful roundup. Everything look awesome.

Have a nice day.

sabrina 莎莎 said...

wow~~ 那一定还有许多许多作品,陆续有来哦。。因为还有一个月可以上帖子呢!!
=) 我还失眠想了一些呈现方式的idea是之前没做过的来参与呢。。。但愿合意。。。=)

Chef and Sommelier said...

Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni Ya! Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni!

CNY is here!!!

Sonia, I promise I will contribute at least one recipe... Stressed now... :)

ann low said...

Nice round up! I saw many butter cookies floating around :DD

Jane Chew said...

very efficient! You should hold more event :)

zila norazila said...

all look awsome:)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Bakericious said...

Nice round up Sonia, I know I can pop over to "steal" some ideas if dunno what to bake for CNY. Thanks!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

thanks for the compilation, u create a shortcut for us to sort out some great recipes

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

nice round up Sonia! unfortunately i can't cook anything right now :( am sitting at Changi airport drooling over the CNY dishes :) all the best for this CNY event!

Karen said...

Thanks sonia.. really a very good way for us to grap some idea from here..:)

Li Shuan said...

Thanks for sharing. So fast round one already ah.... Ok ok... Mine coming up round 2 ...hehe

Simple Person said...

it is a good way to share all the good recipe..

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Congratulations to the 1st batch of the round ups who got chosen. How come you included your own cookie keh(the last photo), you also want to win some prizes ah? Like Li Shuan said, hopefully I can make it to the next batch, hehehe!

Amie said...

Morning Sonia! Banyak dah buat persediaan untuk Tahun Baru Cina ye...
Amie kongsikan cara buat taugeh ekor pendek di sini ya:
1. Segenggam atau 2 genggam kacang hijau.
2. Rendam kacang hijau semalaman.
3. Ambil bekas berlubang-lubang (contohnya mangkuk penyaring atau pengukus).
4. Letak satu lagu bekas untuk menadah titisan air di bawah bekas berlubang tadi.
5. Lapik bekas yang berlubang tadi dengan tuala bersih.
6. Tuang kacang hijau yang sudah direndam ke atas tuala.
7. Tutup kembali kacang hijau dengan tuala bersih.
8. Siram sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali sehari.
9. Bila sudah pecah kacang hijau, keluar tunas dan tumbuh ekor dalam masa 2-3 hari bolehlah dimasak / digunakan.
10. Jangan biarkan ekornya panjang sebab rasanya tidak rangup dan kurang lemak.
11. Kalau nak celur, sekejap saja ye (30 saat masukkan dalam air panas mendidih) supaya taugeh ekor pendek tetap rangup dan berlemak!
Selamat mencuba!

Baby Sumo said...

So many interesting CNY cookie recipes. Haha but I'm always very lazy, buy from the shops. :P

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I've made taro cake last Friday but haven't thought of posting it :P But I'm planning to make it again this week , will definitely submit it to your event :D

Yummy round-up and I know more delectable offerings are on the offing !

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Very nice roundup! I really want to be in Asia right now to enjoy all the feast! It's also nice to know what people cook for the holidays. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia, some great recipes.. however, wish they are in English, as can't read Chinese! Do you think they can do a translation in English? Thanks. Really enjoy your blog and your recipes..

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia,
Thanks for splitting the round up into parts, so we can make something in advance instead of wait till the last minutes...they are so good!

Baking Diary said...

All look so tempting...will definitely make pineapple tarts soon!

Baking Diary said...

All look so tempting...will definitely make pineapple tarts soon!

lena said...

all very nice. will go and explore their posts later:) thanks!

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

Great job, Sonia. All those recipes look so nice and delicious but too bad some recipes are in Chinese. As what my kids named me "a banana" a Chinese who don't know how to read Chinese. Keep on the good work. Sooner or later you can publish a cook book with your delicious recipes and other blogger recipes. I definitely be the first to have your autograph.

Jes's Deli Corner said...

So many nice CNY recipes here..how I wish I got time to bake but this year not going to bake any CNY cookies as busy with my girl who started STD 1 this yr..anyway will bookmarked some recipes frm here...;)

Jes's Deli Corner said...

So many nice CNY recipes here..how I wish I got time to bake but this year not going to bake any CNY cookies as busy with my girl who started STD 1 this yr..anyway will bookmarked some recipes frm here...;)

mui mui said...

Wow! 1st round up ...awesome!
Am hoping over to the 2nd round up :)


Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Lovely & yummy round-up! Bookmarking some of the recipes for CNY! Thanks for hosting this awesome event! ;)

Anonymous said...

Any chance of translating the chinese version to english??

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