If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Friday, January 11, 2013

Creme Brulee

I have been quite busy for the past few days, experimenting with new CNY cookies, and this year I also starting to take small order of homemade CNY cookies..and realized that making cookies really take up a lot of times, so i actually not really hard working of promoting my cookies, because i afraid i can't cope with it ^_^..
Ya, today recipe is about Creme Brulee, a pudding that i wanted to try after i bought a blow torch a year ago..Finally i got an excuse to try out because i have many egg yolks left after making macarons..

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Recipe adapted from Lena aka Frozen Wings who inspired by Terri aka Hunger Hunger. Terri actually tested out some creme brulee recipes by some famous chefs and came out a ratio of cream per yolk is 1:80 .


After removing vanilla seeds, I always like to throw the bean into the RUM or Vodka..See homemade vanilla extract here.




quite scary to use blow torch initially, after a while, feel more comfortable to handle it..remember only use the heat from the end or tip of the light..


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I feel my Cream Brulee was a bit overcooked, have to reduce the temp and timing..

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Creme Brulee
(recipe source: adapted from Frozen Wings who inspired by A Daily Obsession)

5 egg yolks ( 115gms)
IMG_4919 copy 400ml dairy cream
2.5 tbsp caster sugar
1 vanilla bean
some extra coarse sugar for sprinkling
boiling water ( for water bath)

1.Pour the dairy cream into a saucepan, scrape the seeds out from the vanilla bean, put that into the cream and cook on medium-high heat till it almost reaches boiling point. Turn to low heat and let it simmer.
2. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together till smooth. When this is ready, turn on the heat again and cook the cream till it reaches boling point, quickly remove from heat and stir quickly into the egg mixture. Keep stirring quickly till all the cream has been poured in. Using a siever, pour the cream into the ramekins.
3.Place the ramekins into a tray and fill the tray with boiling water, halfway up the sides of the ramekin.
4.Cook the custard in waterbath in the preheated oven at 150C for about 40-45 minutes.
5.Remove and allow to cool down, and chill in the fridge for several hours.
6. When ready to serve, sprinkle caster sugar (1/2 t to 1 t) evenly over the top of the custard (level the sugar), wipe the edges and sides of the ramekin of any sugar and broil under a hot grill or use a blow torch to caramelise the sugar..

IMG_4928 copy


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

好一个masterchef, 真的是非你莫属了。。。

Mel said...

Makng cookies are different from making cakes....very time consuming unless you have some helpers to help up in order to take huge orders. I would love to try the creme brulee one day as I loves this type of dessert pudding.

ann low said...

Your creme brulee looks so perfect! Very pretty indeed :)

Jane Chew said...

Creame brulee is my favourite and a must order list when dining in a good Western restaurant. I like the cracking sound n enjoy the burnt caramel :)
Good job!

Mich Piece of Cake said...

That is a beautiful creme brulee... Love the crispy top created by the blow torch.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


PH said...

Aiyo I love creme brulee! Wah you got the blowtorch :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Overcook? No ah, looks really nice to me. :) indeed the blow torch can be a bit scary but it can be fun later haha! Btw, I'm also taking orders for NY cookies too. No worries, just plan ahead do it a couple days before and store in air tight should be fine. :))

lena said...

what a nice surface you have using the blowtorch!! really makes a difference, the other time i made this i had a little difficulty getting the grilled surface:) now that you got a blowtorch, i think you can make and experiment more creme brulees in the future! i'm wondering what cookies you intend to make this year:)) thanks for the mentioned.

Sherleen.T said...

love the way you present the creme brulee in the photos, Sonia. The pudding's top looks so yummy, you handled the blow torch so well...:)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I've been meaning to make vanilla extract for quiet sometime but haven't bought some vanilla pods yet :P Love your creme brulee ! They sure look pretty delicious !

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蚊子 said...

Can post laju to me now? haha!

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Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

My husband is a HUGE Creme Brulee fan and bought a torch and is waiting for me to make this (he said he'd make it.... hmm...). So the recipe temp is what you adjusted after you think it's overcooked? Or I should use it more like an estimated time?

divya said...

looks so delectable dear :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nami, the recipe is the original temp and timing, I have yet to try with new setting..if you would like to try out, you just adjust it accordingly .,

Li Shuan said...

One of my favourite desserts. Like the silky smooth texture compliment with crunchy fragrance caramel top. Beautiful pics as usual. Wah.. U make so many I want one

J.O said...

这个非常好吃(^ ^)

Angie's Recipes said...

Beautiful creme brulee, Sonia. The caramelized topping looks simply irresistible.

sabrina 莎莎 said...

Aiyaya~~ Sonia~~
Lovely~~ wish can try it~~ =P

CQUEK said...

Looks delicious! Love the technique and your photos of it.

shan said...



Unknown said...

I always wanted to make as I tasted outside and I love it! Still not purchasing any remekins. Now admiring yours.

Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Hi Sonia, I love the cream brulee. Where did you buy the blow torch??

jehanne@thecookingdoctor said...

wow,so authentic looking brulee Sonia. They look really good. Now I need to polish off the dust from my torch..hehe. bought it for so many years but hardly used it!

Little blue said...

Can i have one?! I am no time to made this, can i advance from you!! haha...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Puan Ros, please drop me an email, i can give you the address..

Baking Diary said...

Hmm...looks delicious and the torch looks fun! lol! looking forward to seeing your cookies!

Baking Diary said...

Hmm...looks delicious and the torch looks fun! lol! looking forward to seeing your cookies!

Baby Sumo said...

Hehe Sonia, I see you're using your present from Jessie :) Your creme brulee actually looks very good from the photo leh.

Joceline Lor said...


Sokehah cheah said...

That's a delicious dessert. Don't think I'll dare to use the blowtorch.
Yes, making cookies is very time consuming!

daphne said...

You made what I set as a goal this year to achieve! I'm coming back here for sure for the step by step tutorial. LOL I have the torch but don't have the gas!!

ogyep yummy mellow said...

very tempting u... something that i can't resist.. d cream bruleeeeeee... one for me, plsssssss..

珊珊 said...


Small Kucing said...

wow..am sure I cant do that...it's so delicious looking

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, you make yourself so busy, even start taking order of the CNY cookies. Creme brulee is also my fav. And the 1st time I used my blow torch was also in making the same dessert. Photos are very pretty, love it!

Simple Person said...

this is a very nice dessert..
and it is good after the CNY reunion dinner .. a nice one

Bakericious said...

Sonia, wow you sure gonna over flood by the orders of CNY cookies, too bad you stay too far from me if not I will wanna order too lol. I like the layer of top, looks really tempting.

Choi Yen said...

Creme brulee, one of my favourite dessert!

mui mui said...

I love Creme brûlée never attempt to make them.
Yours looks really pretty with the caramel use top.

Extra yolks, can use to make Sarawak cake lapis too:p

Anonymous said...

Hello.... May i know where to get the blow torch in singapore? Many thanks

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

one of my favourite dessert!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your blowtorch from?

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