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Monday, January 21, 2013

Ice Cream Cookies (Meringue cookies) 冰淇淋饼干

I am sure a lot of egg white left after you made CNY cookies like example pineapple tarts..Save the egg white and aged for at least one day, and you can made this ice cream cookies (or meringue cookies). You can easily seeing peoples selling this ice cream cookies in the morning or night market, and the price is quite expensive. Why not try to make yourself ?

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Last time, i made Mocha flavour but this time i add strawberry powder that i won from a giveaway that organized by Penang bloggers.


Kids especially love this cookies!
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When i tried to followed my old recipe, don't know why it was not working this time ..After consulted to the bakery shop owner, she said my oven temperature is too low ( last time i baked at 70C using my old microwave convention oven) . She said in any baking, the temperature at least must have 100C..So she suggested me to bake at 120C..and this time it work ! Also i noticed that using aged egg white (cover container with cling film and store in the fridge) has more stable meringue than use fresh egg white...

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Ice Cream Cookies (Meringue cookies)
(recipe source: modified from old recipe, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 100++, depend the size of the tips used

88g egg white (aged)
IMG_6277 copy 55g icing sugar
1/4tsp cream of Tartar
1/2tbsp corn starch

For strawberry flavor- add 1tsp strawberry flavor powder
For Mocha flavor- add 1tsp cocoa powder and 1/2tsp coffee powder

1. Add in tartar into egg white, beat egg white over high speed for 1min till foamy.
2. Gradually add in icing sugar and beat till soft peaks.
3. Add in corn flour and continue beat till stiff peaks (total beating takes about 5mins)
4. Gently fold in flavor powder into meringue using a spatula, combine well.
5. Pipe the egg white mixture (meringue) on the baking tray that line with non-stick baking paper.
6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 120C (fan forced) for 60mins until dry and crispy (every oven is difference, please adjust accordingly).
7. Remove pan from oven, not more than 1min (don’t wait too long otherwise it will become sticky), quickly peel off the cookies and immediately put into an air-tight container and close tightly (use Milo tin or milk tin is the best storage container).

Tips use – Wilton 1M, French tip # 864

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I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Mel said...

I remember very well these type of sweet cookies. Beautiful...and I am sure these will attract children more than the adults.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

These are so pretty! Love the pink meringues.

Simple Person said...

wow that is cute and nice..

小雨伞 said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


SueSue said...

Hi Sonia, wanna check with you, you store the cookies while it is still hot? I dont know why meringue became sticky after 2 hours in the oven.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I'm here for the meringue cookies! Pink is my choice!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

SueSue, yes, you have to store immediately into an air-tight container even still slight hot, otherwise it will become sticky very quickly. After hot come out from oven, so long you can remove them, quickly through them into container and close tightly.
2 hrs is a bit too long, what temp you used?

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The pink colour is very lovely

Yannie said...

This recipe reminds me of the "Atap Chi" cookies that I bought at sundry shop.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

lovely cookies, i finish distribute my strawberry powder, no choice, u need to belanja me makan now, hahahaha!

PH said...

These cookies are very cute leh!

Amie said...

Betul tu Sonia... setuju! memang selalunya telur putih terbuang begitu saja. Thank you for sharing!

ann low said...

I love this ice cream cookie. So pretty and the strawberry flavour sounds so wonderful :)

Unknown said...

Looks really cute and colourful!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I love the pinkish of this cookies! it makes me think of the type of cookies which I used to eat when I was young, it has this colouful meringue on top :)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I didn't know it named ice cream cookies, hehe..

My Little Space said...

Hey Sonia, love the pinkish colour. So pretty! Just perfect for the coming CNY cause Valentine's Day is just a few days away from there. hehe....
Have a lovely evening.

Unknown said...

These pretty little pink cookies are so cute!

Artsylicious said...

Very pretty cookies!! finally I'm back to my own kitchen thinking of what to bake for CNY.... ^^

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

These are so pretty.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Li Shuan said...

Cute little meringue cookies. Brought back a lot of memories. I like the pink one

Stephanie said...

these cookies look so cute and the lovely pinky is good for cny

Unknown said...

wao.... what a sweet cookies you have made. so beautiful n lovely colour. my son must like this.

Esther Lau said...

Hi Sonia, very sweet pink colour of these cookies. Admire your skills and creativity.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

I think my kids will love these to bits! Just like sweet little candies that melt in the mouth. :)) it's such a great idea to makes these for CNY, good one Sonia!

irene myme said...

ice cream cookies...is it that mini size cookies with meringue on top. (same like Cass, I dont know the name la...heeheehee)
I love that too, especially the meringue part. I used to eat the meringue & throw away the biscuit.Hahaha!!
Thanks for the recipe, ya ^o^

Zoe said...

You baked your meringue cookies so well. They are all so pretty!

divya said...

Wowwwwwwww.. looks absolutely tempting and inviting.. awesome clicks too :)

ogyep yummy mellow said...

so cute... i love d very soft colour..

珊珊 said...


mui mui said...

Lovely ice cream cookies!
You bake them so well. The pink ones are so pretty!

Crystal Loh said...


Little Corner of Mine said...

Oh so cute! I love both the flavors and colors!

Ana Regalado said...

Oh Sonia ! Those meringue are so pretty ! Love both flavor :D I love that cute spoon as well !

Baking Diary said...

Pretty cookies for CNY I have some egg whites in the fridge right now...I wonder if I can still use it after a week in the fridge? Can't bake now!

mushloom said...

Hi can i know what is the name for the strawberry powder? Can i use strawberry emulco instead?

mushloom said...

Hi can i know what is the name for the strawberry powder? Can i use strawberry emulco instead?

mushloom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

mushloom, you can get the strawberry powder from bakery ingredients shop, and I think use strawberry emulco should be alright too.

mushloom said...

not sure y mine all turned out to be flattened discs. is it because i pipe too little? should it look the same before and after baking?

the taste is ok though. crispy :) think adding emulco makes the meringue wet. will try the cocoa flavour which makes use of powder to add flavour instead.

Anonymous said...

Hi. i had baked this meringue last saturday using matcha powder. I store it in container after out from oven but i dont know why on the next day it start feeling sticky.

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