If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013_round up (4)

I am so happy to see many bloggers submit their entry to my 1st blog event, Thanks for your support ! And some of them is their 1st time joining this kind of blog event, appreciate much !! In order to have you to try their lovely recipes before CNY ,  i was working very hard till late night to finish compile all the pictures and link..Ok, lets us go to round up (4), more yummy CNY delights !!

Bernice (Bernice's kitchen)-Cocoa Butter Cookies

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Melt in Mouth Peanut Cookies

Caca (I Like Paper Cutting & Craft)-Melt in mouth Nestum Cookies

2012_01_07 CNY Cookies 001a
NKOTB (My Love • My Food)-Nam Yue & Sesame Cookies

雷切儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)-Prawn Roll 虾米卷

Chin (Chin's Baking Diary)-Candied Coconut

Sally Wong (厨房角落)-简易燕麦饼

Baby Sumo (Eat Your Heart Out - Goodyfoodies)-Chicken with Chinese rice wine and old ginger

Lian (Whatever You Do)-Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-番婆饼@薯粉饼

Bernice (Bernice's kitchen)-鸡丝芝麻饼干

xTina (Bake Cook & Love)-Almond Cookie

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-海苔薄饼

Jess Ho (The kitchen 70's)-Danish Butter Cookies

Ching (Little Corner of Mine)-Baby Bok Choy with Minced Chikcen and Shiitake Mushrooms

Aunty Young-三星报喜(3 Luck Star)

Phong Hong Bakes-Sweets and Spicy Prawns

Aunty Young-花生饼(Peanut Cookies)

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-粟米片乐车饼

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Crispy Almond Butter Cookies 酥脆杏仁饼


My Little Space said...

Congratulations to you, Sonia. You've won the NuNaturals giveaway.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I have yet to take photos of my loh bak goh :D Will submit it later .....

This is just a suggestion , why don't you try using Inlinkz , you know the one that Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Joyce of Kitchen flavours usually use in their blog hop event ? Don't know how it works but it's so much easier on your part not having to post each and every entry yourself :D If your interested , ask Zoe or Joyce ....

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

wow..very fast, round-up 4 already!

ann low said...

Nice round up! Can't wait to submit mine :)

Sissi said...

What a fantastic idea to organise this blog event! Thank you for this visual feast: I wish I could taste at least one of these delights... So many exotic recipes to bookmark!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh I just remember I didn't ail my entry to you! Ok ok, gonna submit now! Thks for this event!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I was very tire but got up at 3 something and couldn't sleep anymore, so drop by to kepoh! That melt-to-your-mouth peanut cookies by Kimmy is tempting to try!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anne, Thanks for your suggestion , I know this link but after consider this link not able to let non blogger to participate this event, I drop the idea.

daphne said...

Oh Sonia! Another wonderful round up! I'm off to check some cookie recipe out. Maybe the peanut ones.

Baby Sumo said...

So many CNY cookies! I would love to try them all.

Sally said...


Lisa Ho said...

looking at these scrumptious bake makes me miss celebrating CNY and of course makan-makan all these goodies :(

The Experimental Cook said...

Great collection! Thank you for the hard work :)

Baking Diary said...

Another yummy roundup and I still can't submit any post because I haven't started any CNY baking:|!

Yannie said...

I find a few recipes here today that I really like. I must copy down the recipes and go back and try. Thanks for hosting this very interesting event again, Sonia.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Lovely round up... I'm working on a couple more submissions :)

sabrina 莎莎 said...

=) 原想可以努力上帖子,却忙着忙着也只上了几个。。。

mui mui said...

Lovely round up.
I am going to send in some posts.
Busy recently but I want to join your event heehee
Have a lovely week ahead!


Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy roundup! Hope I can submit more in this event. :)

Caca said...

Sonia, thanks for organising the CNY round up.

yvonne said...

So many entries, so many delicious delights! I don't know which one to choose for my next baking, I want to try all :D

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

So many delicious recipes, time to brush up on my cookie making skills haha

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

So many delicious recipes, i really need to brush up on my cookie making skills!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sonia for organising this wonderful CNY blog event.
It is so heartening to see all the wonderful people who responded to this event and certainly a feast for the eyes for most of us.


Small Kucing said...

temptation and more temptation!

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