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Monday, September 12, 2011

Lotus Pancake 莲蓉窝饼

Lotus Pancake

I use the leftover lotus paste from the mooncake making to make this Lotus pancake. This lotus pancake is usually serve at the end of a Chinese wedding dinner, a symbol of sweet ending.

Lotus Pancake

Roll the lotus paste into rectangular

Lotus Pancake

wrap into pastry

Lotus Pancake

deep fry in oil

Lotus Pancake

The outer layer is very crispy but i have to improve the rolling skill. I need to roll thinner next time as you can see the middle part of the pancake is quite thick

Lotus Pancake

Lotus pancake
Recipe source: adapted from Flavours food magazine

Water dough
Lotus Pancake
75g plain flour, sifted
10g custard powder, sifted
20g cold butter, diced
36ml water

Oil dough
50g plain flour
25g shortening
A pinch of salt

100g lotus paste
Oil for deep frying

To prepare water dough
1. Combine plain flour and custard powder, mixing well.
2. Rub the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs.
3. Add water and combine to form a soft dough
4. Cover with cling wrap and rest for 10mins in the refrigerator.

To prepare oil dough
1. Combine flour and shortening to form a soft dough.

To assemble
1. Place lotus paste in two plastic sheets.
2. With a rolling pin, flatten the paste into 8x20cm rectangle.
3. Chill in the refrigerator for easier handling.
4. Flatten water dough and wrap it around oil dough.
5. Cover and rest for 10mins.
6. Flatten dough and roll out on a lightly floured surface into a long rectangular shape. Roll it up like a Swiss roll.
7. Flatten the dough again into a rectangular and roll up again.
8. Cover and rest for 10mins in the refrigerator.
9. Roll the dough into rectangle 20x22cm.
10. Place the lotus paste on one side of the dough, leaving about 1cm around the edge.
11. Fold the pastry to cover the lotus paste and seal by pressing along the edges.
12. Deep fry in a frying pan until golden brown and crisp over low flame, turning over once.
13. Drain on paper towels and slice to serve.

Lotus Pancake


Mel said...

Good and yummy snack. Loves this very much

Jane Chew said...

这个超级劲叻!我很喜欢。Sonia, between, can u help me to buy the 5spice powder n the bak kut teh herbal? Will be going up KL this yr end n pick up fr u. Really like the bak kut teh u bought for me.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Little blue said...

Hohoho。。。i like this one, everytime go dinner i waiting this one...thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

i made this before but using "black tau sha paste", taste very yummy!

Anonymous said...

I am going tommorow to the big city and will look for lotus paste.I so want to try thsi,.It looks so yummy:)

Happy Flour said...

祝妳及家人中秋节快乐. :)

yummylittlecooks said...

Love this pancake.Now they hardly serve this kind of dessert.
Oh! BTW, I made your Cheese Shanghai Mooncake, taste was super delicious!Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)

ann low said...

Love the nice golden brown of this pancake, looks so yummy.
Happy Mooncake Festival!

J.O said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hungry liao after seeing it...

Happy Mid Autumn Festival to u n your family...

Min said...

Sonia, I love this! Very hard to find nowadays unless during Chinese dinner. Happy Moon Cake Festival to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and family happy mid-autumn festival ^_^

Barbara said...

That looks delicious, Sonia! Don't lotus blossoms mean faithfulness? I've never tasted lotus paste but I can see this with almond paste as well.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

looks great... u really talented.

happy mooncake festival.

ICook4Fun said...

I always look forward to this pancake at the end of a wedding banquet. I tried doing this once but with popiah skin. Happy Mooncakes Festival to you and your family!!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I've lots of leftover mooncake paste, thanks for sharing this recipe! Happy mid-autumn festival!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Hi Sonia, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Unknown said...

Is a great way using left over filling. Thanks for sharing. Happy mooncake festival to you.

lena said...

oh, i love these pancakes..they are so crispy nice, thanks for the recipe , i've skipped many issues of flavours magazine..

Edith said...

Brilliant idea for leftover lotus seed paste.


Alice said...

this looks so yummy - thks for sharing Sonia
Happy Mid Autumn Festival to u :)

yummylittlecooks said...

Happy Mid-Autumn to you & your family too :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

These golden pancakes look delicious Sonia! It's like another way of eating mooncakes almost, heehee. :D Happy Mid Autumn Festival friend!

Jeannie said...

I have made this pancake before but I baked it instead of fry for a healthier version. Yours looks delicious! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and family:D

Pete said...

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

Can make durian flavour also.....lol

Gloria Baker said...

OMG! This lotus paste look amazing and the pancake too! yummmm!

Mary said...

This looks beautiful, Sonia. Most of these ingredients are unusual for me, but they sound so interesting. I love the presentation. I bet it was delicious.

aipi said...

I like how I get to learn a new recipe
every time I visit your space , this one sound delicious n fantastic too :)

Cuisine Paradise said...

Gosh! This is beautiful!!! Look at those golden outer crust, how i wish i can have some :p this one of my fav sweet dim sum snack.

Amelia said...

Sonia, your pancake looks so good. Beautiful golden color.

Sherleen.T said...

golden brown pancake looks great, i like your photos a lot...^^

Zoe said...

Very lovely pancake. The golden-colored pastry looks rich and very yummy.

Shu Han said...

I've only tried the ones with tau sar inside, but I actually prefer lotus seed paste in baos and such, so i think I'll love this!

Tina said...

sounds new and delicious...

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You always create something delicious with leftovers and it doesn't look like leftover at all. This looks yummy! Love flaky texture... =)

kitchen flavours said...

Looks good! I have been thinking of this when I see all the mooncake recipes in bloggerland. I have an old recipe which I used to make years ago, could not find it! You make me crave for it all over again! This would be great with some Chinese Tea! Yummy!

Diane said...

Wish I could taste your food it looks so delicious. Hope you have a great festival. Diane

Torviewtoronto said...

I haven't had this type of pancake looks wonderful

Unknown said...

The picture looks so appealing. Sometimes a leftover ingredient makes a delicious dish like this. Love it absolutely.


ahteekitchen said...

Is ok Sonia, I like thicker layer, post it to me, haha!
Bookmarked it, thx for sharing~

Little Corner of Mine said...

This is one of my favorite Chinese dessert, simply divine!

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

Sonia I really miss all these mouth-watering Asian dishes here but by viewing ur recipe brings back my old time mesmerizes from S'pore :)

muimui said...

Yummy, So Golden and crispy! I am afraid of mooncake with thick filling, shall bookmarked it.

cookingvarieties said...

hi sonia, the lotus pancake looks sp delicious and cool

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