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Friday, December 16, 2011

Penang Assam Laksa

Yesterday i shared with you salted fish, and I am going to share you a bowl of spicy, sour, fruity and fragrant Penang assam laksa using fresh fish today. Penang Assam Laksa was voted as CNN’s top 10 yummiest food !!

Penang Assam Laksa



Actually this laksa is easy to make, the only tricky part is picking the flesh out from the fish..
My mom taught me to use small size of kembung fish as it has better fish aroma..

Picnik collage

Penang Assam Laksa

This is one of the most important ingredient that you should not missed, Hae Ko/ prawn paste..

Penang Assam Laksa

i like to eat the fish flesh in pieces, so i did not boiled the fish stock for too long..so you can see the stock i prepared is quite clear and not that thick,,you may adjust the cooking time as per your preference..

Penang Assam Laksa

Penang Assam Laksa
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Penang Assam Laksa1kg Kembung fish / Mackerel fish, remove scales and guts
3000ml water
A small bunch of daun Kesum / Laksa leaf
35g dried tamarind peels

Spice paste
1tbsp chilli paste
8 shallots
10g galangal (blue ginger)
1 lemongrass, take the white part only
5g shrimp paste (belacan)

3tsp salt or taste
3tbsp sugar or to taste
2tbsp fish sauce or to taste

For the bowls
1-2kg fresh Laksa noodles
1 small pineapple, cut small pieces
A bunch of mint leaves
1 cucumber, julienned
2 red chilli, deseeded and sliced
1 bunga kantan / torch ginger, thinly sliced
1 large red onion, very thinly sliced
Prawn paste (Hae Ko)


1. Blend chilli paste, shallots, galangal, lemongrass and belacan till fine paste.
2. Bring water to boil, put in fish, daun Kesum, and tamarind peels.
3. Cook for 10mins, remove fishes from the stock and set aside to cool. Set fire to low and continue to boil for another 10mins.
4. Pick the flesh out of all the fish and discard the bones. Break the fish meat into tiny pieces.
5. Strain the stock in another pot. Remove daun Kesum and tamarind peel.
6. Use the same pot, heat oil and sauté blended spice paste till aroma, add in the fish stock and cooked fishes pieces and few cooked tamarind peels, continue to boil for 45mins over low heat.
7. Add in seasonings, and adjust the taste accordingly.
8. In a serving bowl, add in the Laksa noodles (blanch in hot water first) and garnish all vegetables on top. Pour the Assam Laksa soup into the bowl and serve immediately with a spoonful of Hae Ko/prawn paste.

Penang Assam Laksa

Penang Assam Laksa

I am submitting this post to "Muhibbah Malaysia Monday blog event"which hosted by 3 hungry tummies


Mel said...

just looking at the photos already make me saliva drooling...... This is one of my favourite!

ahteekitchen said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


cik cek said...

Fuhhhh...paling tak tahan mkn campur ngan udang paste tu....emmmm...sedapnya bila hirup kuahnya....:)

ann low said...

I love assam laksa very much. So mouth watering by looking at this..very delicious!

daphne said...

You are so talented in translating
these well known dishes to easy to make at home!!!
So wish for a bowl of this tasty tangy soup.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Makes me wanting to go Penang eat the laksa, hehe...

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I must try this. I can never find any good Penang Asam Laksa in Singapore.

Diane said...

Your recipes always sound so interesting, but where I would ever find the ingredients here is another story :( Diane

Cocoeriley said...

I like to eat the fish flesh in pieces too. Yummy!!!

Ana Regalado said...

I just can imagine the taste *sigh* ;D You make us drool , Sonia ! hahaha Gorgeous photos , too !

cherry potato said...

我好喜欢吃这款 Laksa,可是在我这里找不到好吃的.我先吃了你煮的再自己慢慢动手了.

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Yours look good! I didn't get a chance to try Penang Laksa during my recent cruise trip there.

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

Yummy yummy! My favourite! Miss eating this soooo much....this looks so good......

Unknown said...

Sweet n sour Penang laksa is my favourite. It has been quite sometimes not having it. Yours look very yummy!

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Look so sedap! I used to be able to buy heiko here but I have not seen it these days.

Anonymous said...

Assam laksa is one of my favorite, feel so hungry, drooling now..

Min said...

Yummy! This is my favourite dish! I like the laksa at Penang Road the most...your laksa makes me hungry now ;)

lena said...

sonia, i think you're going to make everyone salivating reading your post here!

Shoutforfood said...

Penang- best laksa.. my favourite.. i always have 2 bowl.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh boy this looks like quite a bit of work! But looks so yum, sure worth it. 😄 Plus I've not eaten it since I've come bk to Sg, sure miss it a lot! But thanks for the recipe Sonia!

Julie said...

looks different n unique dish..
Ongoing Event -Christmas Delicacy (15 Nov-31 Dec 2011)
Erivum Puliyum

mycookinghut said...

Assam laksa is definitely my all time favourite!

3 hungry tummies said...

This is my favourite Penang fare! Thanks for both delicious entries Sonia!

Small Kucing said...

Can i say i hate you ah? Gosh...your asam laksa looks heavenly...sobs....I can imagine the great aroma and the taste....droooolll....

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, now that I'm so close to Malaysia and only wish that I could pay a visit!!!! Never tasted the joy of this dish but I'm sure it's phenomenal. It sounds like it has very complicated flavor in a bowl and looks tasty too! When kids are a bit older I want to take a detour and enjoy culinary adventure in Malaysia/Singapore.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I super love Penang lakes but it's hard to find a good one in Singapore.

under the sky said...

assam laksa will always makes me drool.....too bad, laksa stall in front of my house already moved to kedah

Unknown said...

looks yummy.......can i have one?

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Drooling...I have not eaten laksa for almost a year. Thinking about making it. But went to market yesterday and the seafood price are high. Because it is close to Christmas.

Mindy said...

yum yum, i love penang assam laksa alot, saliva drooling...

Jeannie said...

I am salivating just looking at your photos...this is my favorite laksa and always choose this over other types of laksa!

susanyee said...

u know ma....tis one is my top favourite!!!

tinyskillet said...

Not only is this the most beautiful dish of food I've seen...I can see all the loving care that takes place in making it. Your ingredients are beautiful as well. The best dishes come from using good, fresh, local ingredients! I wish I was there to taste it.

Belly Good Cooking said...

Looks so good. My favorite! Cannot find any fish in the soup everytime I have this laksa in shops. Not even fish flakes. :(

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

all your cooking making me drooling big time here!! wish I can have a big bowl of Assam Laksa here!! your claypot is calling my name too!! hahaha!

Alice said...

so far i hvnt found a nice one in sgp :)
thks for sharing, Sonia
i will try :)

Quay Po Cooks said...

Next time cook Assam laksa, buzz me lah, I come help you finish. hehe

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Penang Laksa is one of my favourite!!

Yee Er said...

Really salute u, make laksa from the scratch...and ur laksa makes me hungry.

Dmarie said...

oh, MY, I want to try that!!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

This is on my to-do list but have not done yet....

Dumpling Love said...

Oh I absolutely love assam laksa! Wish I could have that bowl of it!

Little Corner of Mine said...

I absolutely loved assam laksa. My must eat whenever I go back.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, what an authentic dish that you've made here. I'm salivating!

Elin said...

Sonia!!!! Congrats and I am drooling at this Penang Laksa and your /Fragrant Claypot Pork belly With the salted fish...I want both !!!
Happy Holidays to you and family :)

kitchen flavours said...

This is one of my favourite hawker food. Looks absolutely delicious! I would usually ask for more chili padi from the hawker! Yum!

Anh said...

yummm! I love this dish!

choi yen said...

Totally agreed with the top 10 yummiest food!

Blessed Homemaker said...

This looks really good and appetizing. I love this but no chance to cook it as my kids don't like.

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, L loves asam laska. wow... yours look so tempting and delicious. Lovely presentation too.

Indian Khana said...

Very colourful n yum ...

Mary said...

Wow, I just read the CNN article and this dish sounds mouthwatering. I need to try this. YUM

Christine's Pantry said...

Yum! This looks good.

Indonesia Eats said...

I absolutely love the ingredients esp, with petis :)

The dried tamarind peel is looked like asam keping or the Indonesian calls for asam gelugur. Is that correct?

tigerfish said...

I don't think I have tasted enough Assam Laksa. Back in Singapore, it is usually the coconut-based laksa that is common. But I always like spicy tangy noodle soup.

Zoe said...

A good bowl of this traditional Laksa can cost quite AUD$15 or more at Melbourne. I think you will make good business if you sell your yummy food at Melbourne.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2012!

温馨小屋 said...

看到Penang assam laksa 我就忍不住要流口水了~~

pigpigscorner said...

This is in my to-make list too! Looks so good! Merry Christmas Sonia!

Pam said...

Yum! I know I would love this, it really sounds delicious and is so colorful! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

chow and chatter said...

wow looks so good, love fish

Merry Christmas hugs rebecca

Angie's Recipes said...

Very appetizing and delicious!

Merry Christmas!

My Little Space said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
My Little Space said...

Yum yum yummmm....this is my favourite! I think I am the only one loves it in my family. haha...But sometime it's hard to find the perfect one.
Hope you're having a wonderful time and also wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas. Have load of fun & laughter.
Best wishes

Yee Er said...

Just wanna drop by and wish you Merry Christmas;p.

Babe_KL said...

Joy to you, love to you, everything good to you this season. Have a blessed Christmas!

Bo said...

I can see why this is one of the ten yummiest foods....Wishing you and you family a Merry Christmas!

Wen said...

Wishing you and your family a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!

Small Small Baker said...

~Merry Christmas and Happy 2012!~

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Merry Christmas and have a blessed 2012!!

Meitzeu said...

Your blog looks fabulous!

Meitzeu @ Facebook

Meitzeu @ Blogspot

Meitzeu @ Twitter

shaz said...

Oh my goodness, I am so hungry just looking at this. Have not had assam laksa for such a long time, cannot wait to try it out!

csk said...

Nice Blog. Enjoyed your recipe.
BTW, Have you tried the assam laksa at a new outlet called Penang Xpress at KL Festival City mall in Setapak or Aeon jusco Rawang. Great assam laksa and curry mee. Give it a try .

Messi said...

Any substitution for torch ginger? I never seen this in asian market

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