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Monday, March 26, 2012

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡

I purposely bought a bottle of Marmite to cook this dish...Chicken Marmite is a very common dish when you take meal at Chinese restaurant. In order to use up this bottle, i am planning to cook this marmite with pork, prawn and crab which are very common serve in Chinese restaurant too.

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡

Four basic sauces for this recipe..Honey, prawn paste, Marmite (yeast extract) and maltose

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡

If you have never eaten chicken marmite before, I don't think you can imagine the taste after combined all these sauces ^_^

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡
(recipe source: adapted basic sauces from Min’s blog)

Chicken Marmite 妈蜜鸡800g chicken, chopped into bite sizes
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp salt
1 small egg
4tbsp cornstarch or cake flour or potato flour

1tbsp Marmite (Marmite Yeast Extract) 妈蜜酵母精华
1tbsp honey 蜜糖
4tbsp Maltose 麦芽糖
1tsp shrimp paste 虾膏
100ml hot water

2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
Garnish- sesame seeds, red chilli shredded, parsley

1. Marinate chicken with soy sauce, salt, pepper and egg for an hour or more.
2. Add Marmite, honey, maltose, shrimp paste with hot water in a small bowl, mix well and set aside.
3. Add in flour into chicken and coat well, deep fried chicken over medium heat till golden brown.
4. Use the same wok, add in chopped garlic and marmite water mixture, stir and cook till big bubbles, add in fried chicken, stir well to coat chicken entirely.
5. Garnish with roasted sesame seed, chilli and parsley. Serve hot.


Gloria Baker said...

Sonia what awesome and nice rrcipe!!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Oh I was really curious what marmite is. Nampak sedap boleh tambah 2 pinggan.

Sem said...

I love this Marmite chicken very much, my fav dish. I have attempted this dish before, same ingredients as above, but didnt know shrimp paste is used, must try again next time.
Thanks for sharing.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh yum! Can just eat this with big plate of steam rice! Ok will also purposely go get a bottle just to try this out. ^_^

Jes's Deli Corner said...

I saw this recipe frm Min's blog too and bought a maltose but havent get a chance to cook. Do you know what is the taste different between bovril & marmite?

yvonne said...

I love this! Used to have this during my stays in KL but it's not popular in my hometown here.

Will try it out soon as my hubb loves this dish too!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jes, sorry i do not know the difference because i never take bovril before ^_^

zila norazila said...

hai sonia..
first time visit here..nice blog..tempting lols..:)i follow u

Yannie said...

Sonia, love this recipe, Yours looked like those in 5 star hotel dish. I sure want to try this one day.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


yummylittlecooks said...

Awesome! Very nice and delicious!!!! Our favorites:)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

wow...i love marmite. I love to eat with porridge. Super yummy :)

Small Kucing said...

super yummy.

Three-Cookies said...

This sounds really delicious, I never heard of this dish. BTW did you hear about the marmite shortage in NZ, its hard to buy and the price has really gone up. You are lucky to have a bottle:)

Li Shuan said...

wah..wah..this is very very nice ohhh...!! One of my favorite dish from the msian restaurant here. Very nice pic too...!!

Little blue said...

Woohoo...this is nice for my dinner tonight!! Hungry...haha!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this dish make me hungry right now!! yummy dish!

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

I'm sure this tastes great! I'll consider buying marmite and maltose to try your recipe, it's normally one of the dishes I will order when eat-out!

My Little Space said...

Hmmm..mmm...what a mouthwatering dish and absolutely turning Blue Monday into red hot Monday. :o)
Have a great week ahead, dear.

Swee San @ the Sweet Spot said...

marmite pai kut!!

kitchen flavours said...

Wow, looks so delicous! Exactly like the ones in Chinese restaurants! Yum!

Little Inbox said...

Ah...so maltose and shrimp paste are the 2 secret ingredients?
I've been thinking to buy a bottle of Marmite too, but a bit worry not able to finish up the whole bottle.

Sean L said...

Ahh, so Cheong Kim Chuan Har Ko is a secret ingredient.

ping said...

I'm not a fan of marmite but just looking at this, I'm about to be convinced! Great looking dish!

Min said...

Sonia, you did this so well! I love the addition of prawn paste to this dish, it makes it a bit like rojak taste, hehe. I still have marmite left, it's time to cook this dish again!

Jane Chew said...

Aiyo! Looks so tempting. I don't have marmite lei. Can I add bovril instead of marmite? If can then tomorrow I can cook this. Really don know what to cook for dinner. Thanks for this idea.

Baking Diary said...

Sounds delicious! Would love to try this, always eat this dish outside must learn to cook at home:)

Julie said...

Very yummy delicious..just drooling over those clicks !!
Cook in any recipe with Cilantro/Cumin as one of the main ingredients & rush it in my EP Series-Herbs n Spices
Erivum Puliyum

ICook4Fun said...

My favorite Marmite. I will bring back a few bottle when I go back home. I like it with hot water or in porridge. I have yet to cook it with chicken. I have to try out your recipe soon.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

True true Sonia. When we went back to M'sia, every time when our friends belanjar no matter in KL or Perak, they also ordered this dish! This dish hasn't come to Sydney yet, let me try making them & introduce to the "tau ke" here, haha!

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Very tempting... Surely cant resist one...

Pete said...

Really long time didn't cook this liao.......

Yee Er said...

The chicken looks so inviting....I never know it can be used in such a way. I used to Bovril, instead of marmite, always hv it with my porridge or 干捞noodle.

mui mui said...

Sonia,this marmite chicken of yours is so tempting.
I love the taste of marmite adding shrimp paste..so nice.
I will try out your marmite chicken recipe.
Just to share with you that Marmite is yeast extracted, it is vegetable base whereas Brovil is beef base product..:)

WendyinKK said...

I tot there was only Marmite in that dish. and so, now I know, there's more than just Marmite in it.

Priya dharshini said...

yummy marmite chicken..Glad to be here..

ann low said...

Oh, I got all these ingredients in my pantry! Can cook liao :DD

Unknown said...

Simple ingredients..will try it one day!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Biggest drool.... seriously, this looks so delicious! I heard about Marmite after I started to blog but I have no idea how that taste is like. Well, everything you make is delicious so this must be heavenly just like we can see from the photos!

Zoe said...

We just had this dish in a Malaysian restaurant last week and it is very delicious to eat. Seeing your post, I think that I should use your recipe to cook this dish at home.

Ana Regalado said...

Looks really really delicious ! I love the different flavor though haven't tried the Marmite but with the shrimp paste it's a sure winner ! ;D

Noob Cook said...

I'm a big fan of marmite, this looks incredible!

Elin said...

I can imagine how good this would taste like...I am sure it is better than those from the restaurant :) I have eaten once and it was a bit burnt...yours looks mouth-watering. Have bookmarked this :)

Mel said...

I like to eat Marmite and I bet this must be a delicious dish. I will bookmark to cook this one day. Thanks for the picture showing the 4 main ingredients or else I wouldn't know what is that shrimp paste.

Yee's Corner said...

Very restaurant standard! I must try this recipe next weekend (I only cook over the weekend..:) Btw, Penang's Prawn sauce can be used & added instead?

Open Kitchen Concept said...

Oh I love marmite. I like yours with prawn paste. I'm so going to try this!

tigerfish said...

I had bovril/marmite when I was a kid. I have almost forgotten what it taste like except I remember it is savory.

lena said...

i had chicken marmite once at a rice stall here but i cant really remember how;s the taste like..maybe something like honey chicken.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,
Looks yummy. May I know where to buy maltose in KL?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi, you can get it from those Chinese Yok Choy Poh which selling herbs and others.

Lori said...

I am so interested to try this. I haven't had Marmite, but I have had Vegemite. As is probably expected, not growing up with it or being around it, I wasn't a fan. I haven't completely sworn it off though. I'd love to try the flavor in this sauce! I looks great!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog, and must say that I love your blog! Your marmite chicken looks very delicious. Can I substitute chicken with pork ribs? Do I use the same ingredients? Thanks


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jaynelle, yes, of course you can change it to pork ribs, but I will suggest you to add a pinch of soda to tenderdize the meat when marinating.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your quick response! Do I need to wash of the soda before marinating with the rest of the ingredients? Jaynelle

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jaynelle, I think better wash Soda away before add in the rest of ingredients..

小小秘密和你share 。。。 said...

Where can I get the Maltose, shrimp paste? Pasar? Supermarket?

Anonymous said...

u can buy shrimp paste at giant... marmite also at giant behind the cigarette counter.. the only ingredient missing for me is maltose.. where i can get it?

Daphne said...

Came across yr blog recently and am in love with the recipes and yr photos! You are so talented and generous sharing all of it on yr blog. Just wondering if prawn paste is the same as shrimp paste like belacan? Thanks in advance.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Daphne, thanks for your support. No , prawn paste is difference from belacan. This prawn paste is use to add into Rojak .

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Can I shrimp paste n maltose? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Just realised that I didn't complete my question :)
Can I omit shrimp paste and maltose?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

LL, if you were to omit all these ingredients, i afraid the taste will not be the same!

Emma said...

I tried to find maltose in Bandar utama, Sri hartamas, Mont kiara but it's fruitless.. I went to the Chinese herbal shop and the shop assistants don't even know what's that. * disappointed* can anyone suggest areas where I can find maltose? Thx

Wordsmith said...

Hi there, I'm such a fan of your blog and I just made this. Thank you so much for your amazing recipe ! The chicken was gone in minutes :)


Unknown said...

Where can I buy maltose in Singapore?

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Looks really really delicious !

Lilian said...

does cake flour produce a crunchy crispy crust? I have tried this recipe with pork ribs but tenderised it earlier with baking soda and the result is fabulous and I made it with twice the amount of sauce since it couldnt coat all the pork ribs. I want to try it with cake flour this time so i would like to ask have u tried it with cake flour and how is the result? thanks heaps if u can reply asap.

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